[Warlords] Modern Warfare Mod

There seems to be a problem with building Cannoniers. Every time I order a city to build them the game crashed, upgrading units to cannoniers work, but not building them.
Okay, I have two possibles, but I only have one particular view of them. Still at Civ scale, it probably won't matter as most of the flavour will be in headgear and clothes...

I'm simply amazed with this mod of yours:worship: . I've always loved tanks and military aircraft, collected books and magazines on the subject, so I felt like a child in a candy shop when I first played it.
There's just one snag I see here: the size of the "human" units definitely needs to be changed. They're too small. I guess you should consider it for the next patch;) . Another thing: the leopard a5 seems too dark. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to lighten it a bit.
Other than that, congratulations and thanks a lot!:goodjob:

I'm simply amazed with this mod of yours:worship: . I've always loved tanks and military aircraft, collected books and magazines on the subject, so I felt like a child in a candy shop when I first played it.
There's just one snag I see here: the size of the "human" units definitely needs to be changed. They're too small. I guess you should consider it for the next patch;) . Another thing: the leopard a5 seems too dark. Perhaps it'd be a good idea to lighten it a bit.
Other than that, congratulations and thanks a lot!:goodjob:

Glad you like it! I've also always loved tanks and any military equipment in general, which is probably why I make so many for Civ4.

I'm still working on the unit scale. It seems to be the biggest issue with the mod at the moment. I always play zoomed in a lot, so the scale never bothers me. I think for the next release I'll make the human figures a tad larger and the tanks a bit smaller.

Here's the next gem for it too:

Soviet T-55
Ah beautiful one :)
Ok, here are a few weapons ideas for you to arm the Russian guys... Sorry they are only one side view but that is all I could find on the site I was using...
Ok, here are a few weapons ideas for you to arm the Russian guys... Sorry they are only one side view but that is all I could find on the site I was using...

Thanks for those - Unfortunately I don't have any plans to make any Russian infantry units at the moment. Though I'm sure these will come in handy for those countries that use Russian weapons.
Okay, all I am suggesting is that a Russian looking dude be given these with a ferez or whatever they call those fur hats the Russians have. Could also be used for China...
the Russian fur cap with ear flaps worn by the soldiers is called a Ushanka. The taller fur cap without flaps, usually worn by high rankers, is called a Papachka.

Also wanted to add that this mod is pretty sweet.
I'd like to see some more turn of the century units, especially a dreadnought and a zeppelin.
I love that fact that this comes in an easy to install mod format. I'm not exactly the most computer savvy person when it comes to codes and such. So while I love Civ III and Civ IV, I was always quite impressed by the number and quality of the player made units. I was however, rather overwhelmed with how to put them in, and after several unsuccessful attemps, decided to stop messing up the game. So having a whole collection of these units in a download-install mod-play configuration rocks.
All I'm thinking of is that that could look particularly good in a China/Russia type infantry thing just changing the hat at least for the moment...
I'd like to see some more turn of the century units, especially a dreadnought and a zeppelin.

Early units are in the works. Right now I'm still in the research phase. I'm lucky that one of my uncles is nearly a professional US historian (Civil war and 1800s in particular) so look for a lot of 1800s era units to start to work their way in. I'm still thinking over adding more early-unit ships. I can definitely see adding a dreadnought to use before destroyers, that will later be 'obsoleted' by battleships and cruisers. If anyone wants to step in on the research side (particularly color pictures of applicable units) that would greatly speed the process up.

The newest addition is 3 versions of the common German Leopard 1.

Up next I think I'll tacle the France's AMX 30 AMB and Leclerc MBT (Multiple versions of course).
Love the Australian Leopard AS1 and all the others. When I get a better computer, I may download your mod and strip some of your units out of there for my own private use in Civ IV. I may even work on a Max Riga Extended modification which keeps all of the original and just adds units. I think he is going to end the mod at 5.3 so I might have to talk to him about keeping it going if I can... If you can PM me the list of units, Snafusmith I could probably put together some good civilopedia comments for you. I can then PM them back and you can decide whether you like them and edit them to suit yourself.
Love the Australian Leopard AS1 and all the others.

Glad you like them. I'm particularly pleased with them too. From now on I plan to do multiple skins for each tank, trying to represent either the multiple countries that use them or the different variations.

When I get a better computer, I may download your mod and strip some of your units out of there for my own private use in Civ IV. I may even work on a Max Riga Extended modification which keeps all of the original and just adds units. I think he is going to end the mod at 5.3 so I might have to talk to him about keeping it going if I can...

If you say so. I can't stop you from using things as you want, but remember any posting of units that are released specifically for this mod (i.e., all of my new units not posted in the Units forum) must be run by me first. I always say yes, so long as I have some knowledge of how they will be used. The main thing is that you ask.

If you can PM me the list of units, Snafusmith I could probably put together some good civilopedia comments for you. I can then PM them back and you can decide whether you like them and edit them to suit yourself.

Sounds good to me. However, there is no 'list of units' unfortunately. I'm sorta making one now, but it's far from finished. It seems the more research I do into each class, the more I have to make. I've made close to 80 units so far, and have nearly 200 researched and many in different stages of development. Pretty much if it exists and is some kind of vehicle, I've had a request for it or have plans to make it already. A good place to look for now would be the first post of this thread. Chances are if it's listed there, then I'm getting close to making it.
I got to say that this mod is awesome, I been advancing through the ages, and gotten to the industrial age, where I finnally got the ability to upgrade my units to rifleman and got the steam tank and cannons as well. I was playing in a continent map, and I got 3 Civs on my continent (Germany(me), Japan, and England), and 4 civs in the other continent (Spain, Russia, Mongolia, and Egypt), I have explored the second continent thinks to the Cravele(sp?) ship, and Spain want me to help them out by going to war with Mongolia, I agree and rank up a army of 6-8 Rifleman, 3 Grenadiers, 3 Cannons and 1 Steam Tank. I put them into 4 Galleons and send all Galleons to the capital city of Mongolia, and when they got there, They totally wiped out the city with only one Rifleman loss. I quickly start rampaging my way through the city north and west, watching how Russia start expanding and England started making there first city overseas. I gotten several Trade goods from other nations and still conquering the cities of Mongolia, and when I researched Assembly Line, Railroad, and other Industrial-Modern Age Technology, My game Crashes right before I conquer the next city of Mongolia. Which Plain sucks and the reason why It crashes and because of the massive lag I was having (all my graphics was set to low and turned off Animation and Effects).

Like I said, this mod is awesome, however I need you to start adding things other then units. I want you to add a Custom Music Soundtrack, and a Custom Background to make your mod look like it's different then the same. After you get that done, continue adding units and please develop a Future age where we obtain Future Weapons like Plasma Rifles and Advance Lazers, along with Advance Mech Warfare.
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