Election Year: Warlords of North America
Next Update: 02/20/2019 or When 70%+ Orders are Received
Next Update: 02/20/2019 or When 70%+ Orders are Received
The Story
The year is 2020, and the world has entered into a new Dark Age. For reasons unknown, the governments of China and Russia launched their nuclear missiles at each other. Nearly every major population center in both countries was devastated by atomic fire, while the rest of the world screamed for calm. After the first volley of missiles, others hit old Russian priority targets from the Cold War in the Middle East and Europe, destroying many of the old capitals and historic centers of the West. Some conventional and minor nuclear fighting took place in the aftermath, as Israel was forced to deploy its own nuclear arsenal in the wake of a renewed invasion of its borders and a conflict between India and Pakistan also went nuclear.
Spared thanks to a top secret anti-missile system developed after the Cold War, the United States, Canada, and Mexico were completely protected from nuclear armageddon. What should have been the start of a golden age instead has descended into chaos. Economic turmoil and simmering tensions exploded into violence in most major cities, and many military forces had been wiped out or stranded abroad during the other global conflicts. Many surviving soldiers in other countries had had to fight and steal to get aboard ships that they simply would run aground on US coastlines, as the ports were in flames. The President of the United States vanished while being transported from the White House to Camp David, along with the Vice President and Cabinet. Congress has been slain by rioters or dispersed to their home states. With the military in shambles, Canada and Mexico in similar chaos, and no one left to help, it is up to you to restore order in the New World so that modern human civilization has a chance to continue.
Faction Set-up
Faction Name:
Leader Name:
Leader Background:: Choose one from Politician, Military (Specify Branch of Service), Law Enforcement, Criminal, Businessman, Survivalist, Clergy, Agitator, Engineer, Teamster, or Journalist
Starting Location: Any major city on the starting map locations.
Background: Optional, story based
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It should be noted that your selection of starting types and location will determine what gear and equipment your faction possesses at the start of the game. The starting city is by far the most important determining factor of your stats. You will have manpower and resources based on the city, and more or less people to worry about depending on where you select. You can choose a small town, if you want to play “Very Hard” mode, but I would recommend a major city. All factions will start out with enough food, fuel, and medicine to keep their population fully supplied for three months. They also start with a facility related to the economy of their starting location.
Leader Background Descriptions
Politician: You were an elected member of government, whether state or federal, prior to the Collapse and thus retain the most Legitimacy of all of the possible backgrounds.
Military: As a surviving member of the military you have a small amount of starting Legitimacy, and a small stockpile of high end weaponry and well trained soldiers, depending on your military branch. Choose between Army, Navy, or Air Force.
Law Enforcement: As local law enforcement stepped up to restore order, you are one of those who succeeded, usurping elected government in favor of the hard hand of the law. You have a small amount of Legitimacy, but have a moderate amount of somewhat trained personnel, and a large stockpile of decent weaponry and equipment.
Criminal: When chaos reigns, those who seize opportunities come out ahead, and you were what was once considered a criminal, but now have clawed to the top. As a criminal you start with no Legitimacy, but you receive a moderate stockpile of Gold, and large stockpiles of Medicine and low-tier weaponry.
Businessman: You were a wealthy person before the Collapse, and your wealth has helped you to maintain loyalty among your closest compatriots. As a member of the pre-Collapse elite, you have a small amount of Legitimacy to begin with and the largest stockpile of gold of all of the backgrounds.
Survivalist: They called you crazy, but you knew the Collapse was coming, so who’s crazy now? As a Survivalist, you were prepared for the end and have managed to put together large stockpiles of Food and Ammunition and a small stockpile of Medicine.
Clergy: When people are at their darkest hour, they often turn towards a church for salvation. As a member of the clergy you have a moderate amount of starting Legitimacy, and small stockpiles of Food, Ammunition, and Medicine in addition to base starting stockpiles.
Agitator: The government was corrupt and you spoke the truth, leading revolutionaries to bring about the fall of the old world. Now you have the chance to reshape the world as you would have it. You start with a moderate amount of Legitimacy, and a large stockpile of low-tier weapons.
Engineer: As a relatively anonymous worker, you have since risen to the top after the Collapse with a no-nonsense approach and access to raw materials. You have a small amount of Legitimacy, but have the largest starting stockpiles of Materials and Electronics.
Teamster: When the Collapse occurred, people still needed their food and mail delivered. You were a trucker or other transporter of goods, and have been trying to keep the roads clear. You have a moderate amount of Legitimacy, and large stockpiles of Fuel and low-tier vehicles.
Journalist: As a trusted voice on the Internet, TV, newspaper, or radio, you have managed to rally people around you in the wake of the Collapse. You have a moderate amount of Legitimacy, with a small supply of Electronics.
Sample Standard Game Stats
Republic of Florida: EQandCivfanatic
Leader: Governor Thomas Graham (Agitator)
Capital: Jacksonville, FL
Legitimacy: 20
Manpower: 892
Gold: $1,000
Food: 2,000 (-892)
Fuel: 50 (-9)
Materials: 400
Rare Materials: 200
Electronics: 10
Ammunition: 1,500
Medicine: 50 (-9)
Personnel: 3,000 Draftees, 400 Militia, 500 Soldiers, 200 Specialists, 20 Special Forces
Weapons: 1,000 Light Weapons, 700 Assault Rifles, 50 LMGs, 40 AT Weapons, 30 AA Weapons, 20 Mortars, 10 Howitzers
Vehicles: 50 Technicals, 100 Humvees, 10 APCs
Ships: 60 Yachts, 8 Freighters
Aircraft: 10 Civilian Planes, 10 Civilian Helicopters
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Cleared Port: Jacksonville, FL (Damaged)
Weapons Plant: Orlando, FL
Industrial Farm: Gainesville, FL
The Rules
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Your Legitimacy is a representation of the political capital your faction possesses. Legitimacy is used predominantly to expand and tax your citizenry. Expansion can be expensive if you attempt to outright conquer the neighboring cities and regions of North America. Alternatively, you can use 10 Legitimacy to peacefully annex a city that neighbors your borders. For example, a faction that controls only Boston can use 10 Legitimacy to annex Worchester or Providence, but would be unable to annex New York City. This is a good way to expand, as you would receive all population and facilities in the region around the new city intact, rather than having to fight for them. For taxation, see the “Gold” section below.
Legitimacy is gained by having control of major cities and important landmarks. Your government will be increasingly recognized the more key sites you control, and will accumulate Legitimacy monthly, unless you are short on key resources. When war erupts between factions, a faction with higher legitimacy may find the population supporting them in city combat or other situations, and thus weaken the enemy’s attack or defense.
Your manpower is an abstraction of the amount of people that you have available for taxation and recruitment into the armed forced. Due to the small time frame of the game, manpower does not increase except by auction, random event, or acquisition of new territory. Your manpower is precious and can be lost through combat or bombardment even if they haven’t been drafted. Keep in mind that manpower that has been converted to Personnel do not pay taxes.
The dollar is no longer a valid currency, as people struggle to eat, much less pay each other for goods and services. Despite the chaos caused by the Collapse, people still need a medium of exchange and in civilized area, gold is the mainstay currency. The amount of gold is initially finite, and can be only produced in a single way or recovered from old mines and installations. The way you obtain gold is by levying taxes upon your manpower. You receive $1 in gold from each manpower whenever you choose to spend 1 Legitimacy to tax. Each time you do this a turn, the Legitimacy cost doubles. Therefore, if you have 800 Manpower, you can receive $800 if you spend 1 Legitimacy. If you do it a second time, you received $800 for 2 Legitimacy, and a third time you receive $800 for 4 Legitimacy. Obviously, the larger the population, the greater the reward for doing this.
Gold is required in a number of different tasks, from training elite soldiers to the production of electronics. Some parts of the world are still barely surviving, and enterprising merchants from overseas may occasionally offer advanced weapons or resources for sale. When these opportunities emerge, you will have the chance to outbid your rival factions by spending gold on the auctions. Auctions will appear in the update, showing the available supplies and weapons that can be purchased with each update. Whoever bids the highest amount for the supplies and weapons will receive them.
Supplies in Their Natural Habitats
Food is one of the most important elements available to a faction. There’s a lot of hungry people in North America and they all need to be fed. Each Manpower consumes 1 Food per turn, and if you are unable to provide Food, the situation will deteriorate rapidly. The good news is that your faction won’t all die out if you can’t feed them as people will turn to gardening, cannibalism, and eating house pets, but your Manpower will start declining rapidly.
Fuel is required for the operation of any vehicles that you may have in your arsenal. It is also used to maintain power on the home front. People like it when the lights are on, as it provides some semblance of normalcy. Therefore, every 100 Manpower will consume 1 Fuel (rounded up) per turn. If you are unable to meet this demand, you will not generate Legitimacy. You can always choose to suspend civilian Fuel usage, should you require the stockpile for military purposes, but at the cost of no longer generating Legitimacy.
Materials are used in the production and construction of nearly every single weapon, vehicle, or facility. This represents predominantly raw materials that do not require sophisticated methods of refinement. They are consumed only in the construction of other items.
Rare Materials are sophisticated components required in the manufacture of advanced vehicles, weapons, and electronics. They require the refinement of basic Materials to be created, though in some very rare circumstances, they can be bought or mined from a few rare sources.
Electronics represents high end sophisticated computers that are required in the construction of advanced weapons and facilities. They require both Gold and Rare Materials for construction, and an elaborate facility for their creation.
Ammunition is required for the use of all weapons. Without it, your guns are just fairly useless clubs. Different types of weapons expend ammunition quicker, and you lose ammunition based on how many battles you fight in a turn and how many weapons are used. You can fight without Ammunition, but it will be a very difficult struggle.
Medicine is a strictly civilian resource and represents the amount of drugs you have to keep plague and disease at bay. This ranges from insulin to vaccines, all of which are needed to help keep one of the Four Horsemen away. You will consume 1 Medicine for every 100 Manpower you possess in your faction, and if Medicine runs out, you will start being at risk of disease breaking out and causing you to lose manpower or skilled personnel.
Your Personnel stat represents the actual members of your armed forces and their levels of training. Each level of recruit requires more gold and manpower to bring into play, representing the increased amount of support and training that they require to become effective at a higher skill level. Some equipment and vehicles require a larger amount of high skill personnel to be used. The better trained your forces, the more likely they’ll win fights against larger enemy groups. The types of available personnel are below.
Draftee: Draftees can be recruited without any expense of Gold, and you can receive 100 Draftees with the expense of 1 Manpower. Draftees are people with barely any training, and cannot use the majority of available weapons and equipment.
Militia: Militia costs 1 Manpower and $10 for 100 Militia. These are people with some limited training and can operate some mid-tier weaponry and vehicles, but most advanced weapons are well beyond their abilities.
Soldiers: Soldiers cost 1 Manpower and $100 for 100 Soldiers, requires a Training Camp. These are people with generalized combat training. They can use the majority of weapons and equipment, but aircraft and heavy vehicles require a bit more knowledge.
Specialists: Specialists cost 1 Manpower and $500 for 100 Specialists, requires a Training Camp. These are people with advanced training in combat tactics and equipment. They can operate all weapon types and vehicles available.
Special Forces: Special Forces cost 1 Manpower and $5,000 for 100 Special Forces, requires a Training Camp. These soldiers are the elite of the military and not only can operate all types of weapons and vehicles, but they are also hardened warriors capable of taking on many times their number in combat.
Military Equipment
The United States, being the home of the gun nut, has a large amount of guns just lying around the place. Furthermore, there are numerous military and National Guard armories and bases throughout the continent. It is assumed that regardless of the skill, all personnel have at least Civilian Weapons available to them. You do not require the production of high end weapons to equip your army. When you defeat another faction's army, their weapons become your own, with the exception of those that were destroyed during combat. The list of goodies you can use to fight are in a below post.
Exploration and Expansion
Unlike in my previous post-apocalyptic games, salvaging is not going to be your primary source of income. The majority of infrastructure is still intact, though many factories and bases have been overrun by rioters or destroyed in the chaos of the Collapse. By using recon equipment or patrols, you can discover what resources may exist in neighboring cities and locations. Alternatively, you can be surprised simply by rolling in and taking over, and seeing what’s there afterward. The more you expand, the more resources and facilities that will fall under your control, and the more ability you have to establish yourself as a legitimate successor to the United States or other nations. Weapons, vehicles, and resources can all be found by exploration.
Expansion can be conducted in one of two ways. The peaceful way is to simply spend 10 Legitimacy to establish yourself as the ruler of a neighboring province, using your position to demonstrate your legal position as a ruler. This can only be done if the neighboring city is not currently under the control of another faction. Alternatively, if you lack Legitimacy or another faction has beaten you to the punch, you can send in the troops and simply take over. A word of warning, while the lack of another faction does mean that there will be no organized forces to oppose a hostile takeover, you will face losses through combat as the local population resists you. The amount of resistance you face will depend on the size of the population in the area, and heavily urban areas will result in heavy losses, so be prepared.
You can take over as many unclaimed cities as you’d like in your turn, as long as they neighbor an already controlled province or you have the naval equipment needed to take an island.
Warfare After the Collapse
The majority of military equipment available is based on modern day weaponry and tactics. How you use said weapons is up to you, but you do have a variety of options. You can target enemy facilities and units with surgical strikes or charge in with overwhelming force to claim their stuff. The key things to remember is that urban warfare can be expensive especially to armored vehicles without appropriate support. Manpower and facilities can also be destroyed in combat, weakening the faction who’s territory is being fought over.
One special weapon is the Nuclear Missile. Due to the circumstances of the Collapse, the majority of the United States nuclear arsenal is completely intact. However, during the last days of organization, a group of dedicated soldiers encoded and locked down the missile silos to the best of their ability. To access any of the nuclear weapons present would require substantial work to first find a hidden silo, and then gain entry, followed by actually arming and reprogramming the missiles for use. These represent tactical nuclear missiles, rather than massive ICBMs, but are more than enough to destroy most major cities. Using a nuclear weapon will cause an automatic -5 Legitimacy to hit your stats.
Challenges and Updates
Ask anyone, as long as my interest is held in a forum game, I update regularly. My goal is multiple updates a week, especially in early stages before factions meet each other. As the world expands and more factions and settlements are added, we will settle into a weekly update tradition. I don’t know how most games do it on this newfangled version of CFC, but I expect orders on the thread in spoilers or via Private Message if you want to be enigmatic to everyone. I consider it a supreme dick move to look at someone’s orders if they post them on the thread and will find a way to punish you if I don’t kick you out of the game entirely.
Starting Map
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