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Warlords of North America: 2020


Zailing Captain
Retired Moderator
Jan 21, 2002
On the Zee
Election Year: Warlords of North America

Next Update: 02/20/2019 or When 70%+ Orders are Received

The Story


The year is 2020, and the world has entered into a new Dark Age. For reasons unknown, the governments of China and Russia launched their nuclear missiles at each other. Nearly every major population center in both countries was devastated by atomic fire, while the rest of the world screamed for calm. After the first volley of missiles, others hit old Russian priority targets from the Cold War in the Middle East and Europe, destroying many of the old capitals and historic centers of the West. Some conventional and minor nuclear fighting took place in the aftermath, as Israel was forced to deploy its own nuclear arsenal in the wake of a renewed invasion of its borders and a conflict between India and Pakistan also went nuclear.

Spared thanks to a top secret anti-missile system developed after the Cold War, the United States, Canada, and Mexico were completely protected from nuclear armageddon. What should have been the start of a golden age instead has descended into chaos. Economic turmoil and simmering tensions exploded into violence in most major cities, and many military forces had been wiped out or stranded abroad during the other global conflicts. Many surviving soldiers in other countries had had to fight and steal to get aboard ships that they simply would run aground on US coastlines, as the ports were in flames. The President of the United States vanished while being transported from the White House to Camp David, along with the Vice President and Cabinet. Congress has been slain by rioters or dispersed to their home states. With the military in shambles, Canada and Mexico in similar chaos, and no one left to help, it is up to you to restore order in the New World so that modern human civilization has a chance to continue.

Faction Set-up

Faction Name:
Leader Name:
Leader Background:
: Choose one from Politician, Military (Specify Branch of Service), Law Enforcement, Criminal, Businessman, Survivalist, Clergy, Agitator, Engineer, Teamster, or Journalist
Starting Location: Any major city on the starting map locations.
Background: Optional, story based

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It should be noted that your selection of starting types and location will determine what gear and equipment your faction possesses at the start of the game. The starting city is by far the most important determining factor of your stats. You will have manpower and resources based on the city, and more or less people to worry about depending on where you select. You can choose a small town, if you want to play “Very Hard” mode, but I would recommend a major city. All factions will start out with enough food, fuel, and medicine to keep their population fully supplied for three months. They also start with a facility related to the economy of their starting location.

Leader Background Descriptions

Politician: You were an elected member of government, whether state or federal, prior to the Collapse and thus retain the most Legitimacy of all of the possible backgrounds.

Military: As a surviving member of the military you have a small amount of starting Legitimacy, and a small stockpile of high end weaponry and well trained soldiers, depending on your military branch. Choose between Army, Navy, or Air Force.

Law Enforcement: As local law enforcement stepped up to restore order, you are one of those who succeeded, usurping elected government in favor of the hard hand of the law. You have a small amount of Legitimacy, but have a moderate amount of somewhat trained personnel, and a large stockpile of decent weaponry and equipment.

Criminal: When chaos reigns, those who seize opportunities come out ahead, and you were what was once considered a criminal, but now have clawed to the top. As a criminal you start with no Legitimacy, but you receive a moderate stockpile of Gold, and large stockpiles of Medicine and low-tier weaponry.

Businessman: You were a wealthy person before the Collapse, and your wealth has helped you to maintain loyalty among your closest compatriots. As a member of the pre-Collapse elite, you have a small amount of Legitimacy to begin with and the largest stockpile of gold of all of the backgrounds.

Survivalist: They called you crazy, but you knew the Collapse was coming, so who’s crazy now? As a Survivalist, you were prepared for the end and have managed to put together large stockpiles of Food and Ammunition and a small stockpile of Medicine.

Clergy: When people are at their darkest hour, they often turn towards a church for salvation. As a member of the clergy you have a moderate amount of starting Legitimacy, and small stockpiles of Food, Ammunition, and Medicine in addition to base starting stockpiles.

Agitator: The government was corrupt and you spoke the truth, leading revolutionaries to bring about the fall of the old world. Now you have the chance to reshape the world as you would have it. You start with a moderate amount of Legitimacy, and a large stockpile of low-tier weapons.

Engineer: As a relatively anonymous worker, you have since risen to the top after the Collapse with a no-nonsense approach and access to raw materials. You have a small amount of Legitimacy, but have the largest starting stockpiles of Materials and Electronics.

Teamster: When the Collapse occurred, people still needed their food and mail delivered. You were a trucker or other transporter of goods, and have been trying to keep the roads clear. You have a moderate amount of Legitimacy, and large stockpiles of Fuel and low-tier vehicles.

Journalist: As a trusted voice on the Internet, TV, newspaper, or radio, you have managed to rally people around you in the wake of the Collapse. You have a moderate amount of Legitimacy, with a small supply of Electronics.

Sample Standard Game Stats

Republic of Florida: EQandCivfanatic
Leader: Governor Thomas Graham (Agitator)
Capital: Jacksonville, FL
Legitimacy: 20
Manpower: 892
Gold: $1,000
Food: 2,000 (-892)
Fuel: 50 (-9)
Materials: 400
Rare Materials: 200
Electronics: 10
Ammunition: 1,500
Medicine: 50 (-9)
Personnel: 3,000 Draftees, 400 Militia, 500 Soldiers, 200 Specialists, 20 Special Forces
Weapons: 1,000 Light Weapons, 700 Assault Rifles, 50 LMGs, 40 AT Weapons, 30 AA Weapons, 20 Mortars, 10 Howitzers
Vehicles: 50 Technicals, 100 Humvees, 10 APCs
Ships: 60 Yachts, 8 Freighters
Aircraft: 10 Civilian Planes, 10 Civilian Helicopters
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Cleared Port: Jacksonville, FL (Damaged)
Weapons Plant: Orlando, FL
Industrial Farm: Gainesville, FL

The Rules
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Your Legitimacy is a representation of the political capital your faction possesses. Legitimacy is used predominantly to expand and tax your citizenry. Expansion can be expensive if you attempt to outright conquer the neighboring cities and regions of North America. Alternatively, you can use 10 Legitimacy to peacefully annex a city that neighbors your borders. For example, a faction that controls only Boston can use 10 Legitimacy to annex Worchester or Providence, but would be unable to annex New York City. This is a good way to expand, as you would receive all population and facilities in the region around the new city intact, rather than having to fight for them. For taxation, see the “Gold” section below.

Legitimacy is gained by having control of major cities and important landmarks. Your government will be increasingly recognized the more key sites you control, and will accumulate Legitimacy monthly, unless you are short on key resources. When war erupts between factions, a faction with higher legitimacy may find the population supporting them in city combat or other situations, and thus weaken the enemy’s attack or defense.


Your manpower is an abstraction of the amount of people that you have available for taxation and recruitment into the armed forced. Due to the small time frame of the game, manpower does not increase except by auction, random event, or acquisition of new territory. Your manpower is precious and can be lost through combat or bombardment even if they haven’t been drafted. Keep in mind that manpower that has been converted to Personnel do not pay taxes.


The dollar is no longer a valid currency, as people struggle to eat, much less pay each other for goods and services. Despite the chaos caused by the Collapse, people still need a medium of exchange and in civilized area, gold is the mainstay currency. The amount of gold is initially finite, and can be only produced in a single way or recovered from old mines and installations. The way you obtain gold is by levying taxes upon your manpower. You receive $1 in gold from each manpower whenever you choose to spend 1 Legitimacy to tax. Each time you do this a turn, the Legitimacy cost doubles. Therefore, if you have 800 Manpower, you can receive $800 if you spend 1 Legitimacy. If you do it a second time, you received $800 for 2 Legitimacy, and a third time you receive $800 for 4 Legitimacy. Obviously, the larger the population, the greater the reward for doing this.

Gold is required in a number of different tasks, from training elite soldiers to the production of electronics. Some parts of the world are still barely surviving, and enterprising merchants from overseas may occasionally offer advanced weapons or resources for sale. When these opportunities emerge, you will have the chance to outbid your rival factions by spending gold on the auctions. Auctions will appear in the update, showing the available supplies and weapons that can be purchased with each update. Whoever bids the highest amount for the supplies and weapons will receive them.

Supplies in Their Natural Habitats

Food is one of the most important elements available to a faction. There’s a lot of hungry people in North America and they all need to be fed. Each Manpower consumes 1 Food per turn, and if you are unable to provide Food, the situation will deteriorate rapidly. The good news is that your faction won’t all die out if you can’t feed them as people will turn to gardening, cannibalism, and eating house pets, but your Manpower will start declining rapidly.

Fuel is required for the operation of any vehicles that you may have in your arsenal. It is also used to maintain power on the home front. People like it when the lights are on, as it provides some semblance of normalcy. Therefore, every 100 Manpower will consume 1 Fuel (rounded up) per turn. If you are unable to meet this demand, you will not generate Legitimacy. You can always choose to suspend civilian Fuel usage, should you require the stockpile for military purposes, but at the cost of no longer generating Legitimacy.

Materials are used in the production and construction of nearly every single weapon, vehicle, or facility. This represents predominantly raw materials that do not require sophisticated methods of refinement. They are consumed only in the construction of other items.

Rare Materials are sophisticated components required in the manufacture of advanced vehicles, weapons, and electronics. They require the refinement of basic Materials to be created, though in some very rare circumstances, they can be bought or mined from a few rare sources.

Electronics represents high end sophisticated computers that are required in the construction of advanced weapons and facilities. They require both Gold and Rare Materials for construction, and an elaborate facility for their creation.

Ammunition is required for the use of all weapons. Without it, your guns are just fairly useless clubs. Different types of weapons expend ammunition quicker, and you lose ammunition based on how many battles you fight in a turn and how many weapons are used. You can fight without Ammunition, but it will be a very difficult struggle.

Medicine is a strictly civilian resource and represents the amount of drugs you have to keep plague and disease at bay. This ranges from insulin to vaccines, all of which are needed to help keep one of the Four Horsemen away. You will consume 1 Medicine for every 100 Manpower you possess in your faction, and if Medicine runs out, you will start being at risk of disease breaking out and causing you to lose manpower or skilled personnel.


Your Personnel stat represents the actual members of your armed forces and their levels of training. Each level of recruit requires more gold and manpower to bring into play, representing the increased amount of support and training that they require to become effective at a higher skill level. Some equipment and vehicles require a larger amount of high skill personnel to be used. The better trained your forces, the more likely they’ll win fights against larger enemy groups. The types of available personnel are below.

Draftee: Draftees can be recruited without any expense of Gold, and you can receive 100 Draftees with the expense of 1 Manpower. Draftees are people with barely any training, and cannot use the majority of available weapons and equipment.

Militia: Militia costs 1 Manpower and $10 for 100 Militia. These are people with some limited training and can operate some mid-tier weaponry and vehicles, but most advanced weapons are well beyond their abilities.

Soldiers: Soldiers cost 1 Manpower and $100 for 100 Soldiers, requires a Training Camp. These are people with generalized combat training. They can use the majority of weapons and equipment, but aircraft and heavy vehicles require a bit more knowledge.

Specialists: Specialists cost 1 Manpower and $500 for 100 Specialists, requires a Training Camp. These are people with advanced training in combat tactics and equipment. They can operate all weapon types and vehicles available.

Special Forces: Special Forces cost 1 Manpower and $5,000 for 100 Special Forces, requires a Training Camp. These soldiers are the elite of the military and not only can operate all types of weapons and vehicles, but they are also hardened warriors capable of taking on many times their number in combat.

Military Equipment

The United States, being the home of the gun nut, has a large amount of guns just lying around the place. Furthermore, there are numerous military and National Guard armories and bases throughout the continent. It is assumed that regardless of the skill, all personnel have at least Civilian Weapons available to them. You do not require the production of high end weapons to equip your army. When you defeat another faction's army, their weapons become your own, with the exception of those that were destroyed during combat. The list of goodies you can use to fight are in a below post.

Exploration and Expansion

Unlike in my previous post-apocalyptic games, salvaging is not going to be your primary source of income. The majority of infrastructure is still intact, though many factories and bases have been overrun by rioters or destroyed in the chaos of the Collapse. By using recon equipment or patrols, you can discover what resources may exist in neighboring cities and locations. Alternatively, you can be surprised simply by rolling in and taking over, and seeing what’s there afterward. The more you expand, the more resources and facilities that will fall under your control, and the more ability you have to establish yourself as a legitimate successor to the United States or other nations. Weapons, vehicles, and resources can all be found by exploration.

Expansion can be conducted in one of two ways. The peaceful way is to simply spend 10 Legitimacy to establish yourself as the ruler of a neighboring province, using your position to demonstrate your legal position as a ruler. This can only be done if the neighboring city is not currently under the control of another faction. Alternatively, if you lack Legitimacy or another faction has beaten you to the punch, you can send in the troops and simply take over. A word of warning, while the lack of another faction does mean that there will be no organized forces to oppose a hostile takeover, you will face losses through combat as the local population resists you. The amount of resistance you face will depend on the size of the population in the area, and heavily urban areas will result in heavy losses, so be prepared.

You can take over as many unclaimed cities as you’d like in your turn, as long as they neighbor an already controlled province or you have the naval equipment needed to take an island.

Warfare After the Collapse

The majority of military equipment available is based on modern day weaponry and tactics. How you use said weapons is up to you, but you do have a variety of options. You can target enemy facilities and units with surgical strikes or charge in with overwhelming force to claim their stuff. The key things to remember is that urban warfare can be expensive especially to armored vehicles without appropriate support. Manpower and facilities can also be destroyed in combat, weakening the faction who’s territory is being fought over.

One special weapon is the Nuclear Missile. Due to the circumstances of the Collapse, the majority of the United States nuclear arsenal is completely intact. However, during the last days of organization, a group of dedicated soldiers encoded and locked down the missile silos to the best of their ability. To access any of the nuclear weapons present would require substantial work to first find a hidden silo, and then gain entry, followed by actually arming and reprogramming the missiles for use. These represent tactical nuclear missiles, rather than massive ICBMs, but are more than enough to destroy most major cities. Using a nuclear weapon will cause an automatic -5 Legitimacy to hit your stats.

Challenges and Updates

Ask anyone, as long as my interest is held in a forum game, I update regularly. My goal is multiple updates a week, especially in early stages before factions meet each other. As the world expands and more factions and settlements are added, we will settle into a weekly update tradition. I don’t know how most games do it on this newfangled version of CFC, but I expect orders on the thread in spoilers or via Private Message if you want to be enigmatic to everyone. I consider it a supreme dick move to look at someone’s orders if they post them on the thread and will find a way to punish you if I don’t kick you out of the game entirely.

Starting Map
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Stuff and Things of North America​

These are the various weapons and buildings which can be salvaged or built by the factions of the North America, including you. Some can only be scavenged, so keep this in mind when you're drooling over the possibilities. Typically the more expensive the weapon is, the more powerful it is in combat. Aspiring warlords should take note, however, that under the right circumstances it is possible for you to fail if the other person has cheaper weapons but better tactics. Each weapon or vehicle has the ammunition cost for each battle usage and the minimum amount of training required to use the weapon. Vehicles also have a combat fuel expense which is only applied if the vehicle is used in offensive operations or defensive combat. They also have a cost and requisite building facilities that are needed for production. Some weapons and vehicles also require a certain amount of crewmen to be used correctly.

Infantry Weapons

These are weapons that are typically employed by single soldiers and used in infantry combat. These are the basic equipment that every soldier can be equipped with.

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Civilian Weapons: Civilian Weapons represent the based handguns, shotguns, and other readily available firearms throughout North America. Due to the sheer amount of these available, these are considered to be the default weapon of any Personnel not equipped with something else. These are not constructed, but are just there. Lack of standardization results in higher ammo consumption.
Training Level: Draftee
Ammo Expense: 2

Light Weapon: A Light Weapon represents something used by gangsters and protection services that are of a higher quality than your typical handgun. These are things like submachine guns, publically sold assault rifles, and advanced civilian style firearms. They are more powerful than basic Civilian Weapons and can be easily produced at a weapons plant.
Training Level: Draftee
Ammo Expense: 3
Cost: 1 Material for 5 Light Weapons
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Improvised Explosive (IE) Weapon: An Improvised Explosive Weapon can be a wide variety of different devices and equipment used to make things blow up. They are effective against lightly armored vehicles and even against heavier armor if a lot is used. They have a very short range and are not effective in open combat, but excel in urban warfare.
Training Level: Militia
Ammo Expense: 5
Cost: 1 Material for 1 IE Weapon
Requisite: None

Assault Rifle: Assault rifles military grade weapons with advanced optics and additional support for firepower. These are the foundation upon which a modern military is built. They require some minimal training for effective use, but are miles better and significantly more efficient in combat than civilian models of weaponry.
Training Level: Soldier
Ammo Expense: 1
Cost: 1 Material for 1 Assault Rifle
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Light Machine Gun (LMG): A Light Machine Gun is a basic anti-personnel weapon that is fairly mobile and useful on unarmed light air and sea craft.
Training Level: Militia
Ammo Expense: 5
Cost: 2 Material for 1 LMG
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Heavy Machine Gun (HMG): A Heavy Machine Gun offers devastating firepower that can tear through both infantry and light armor. It is one of the best weapons you could mount on a civilian aircraft or boat.
Training Level: Soldier
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: 2 Material, 1 Rare Material for 1 HMG
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Flamethrower: A Flamethrower offers a way for infantry to bust fortified locations and positions. Offering the best room clearing abilities out of any other weapons, they are the primary way to clear out a bunker if occupied by enemy forces. Flamethrowers use Fuel instead of Ammo in combat.
Training Level: Soldier
Fuel Expense: 2
Cost: 1 Material, 1 Rare Material for 1 Flamethrower
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Anti-Tank (AT) Weapon: Anti-Tank Weapons come in a large number of varieties, but these are vital if your enemy has tanks and you do not. These are infantry’s only answer to a main battle tank and are most effective on the defense or in urban environs.
Training Level: Specialist
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: 2 Material, 1 Rare Material for 1 AT Weapon
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Anti-Air (AA) Weapon: Infantry Anti-Air Weapons are most effective against helicopters, but can be useful against older and slower airplanes as well. If you lack an air force, this could be your only protection.
Training Level: Specialist
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: 2 Material, 1 Rare Material for 1 AA Weapon
Requisite: Weapons Plant

Rocket Artillery: These weapons are based on the mass firing of highly inaccurate rockets at massed enemy targets. With a decent range, they are a very basic and easy to assemble form of artillery.
Training Level: Militia
Ammo Expense: 30
Cost: 3 Material for 1 Rocket Artillery
Requisite: Munitions Plant

Mortar: Mortars are an old technology but easily built. They can be used to provide simple and accurate artillery support, when using spotters.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 3
Ammo Expense: 20
Cost: 4 Material for 1 Mortar
Requisite: Weapons Plant
Can be used to deliver any amount of Chemical Weapons against a target

Howitzer: These are modern artillery pieces in their purest form, with high-end guidance and weapons systems. There is no better weapon for providing rapid fire support. However, without attached vehicles, they can be very difficult to move, so are best in a defensive position.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 5
Ammo Expense: 40
Cost: 10 Materials, 3 Rare Materials, 1 Electronics for 1 Howitzer
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant
Can be used to deliver any amount of Chemical Weapons against a target

Automated Weapons

Automated Weapons are weapons that require no crew nor any soldiers to actively use them. All you need is the appropriate facilities and equipment to bring these into play. If you do not have a proper launching platform for Automated Weapons, they cannot be used and will waste away in your stockpiles. Some warships and planes can be used as launch platforms.

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Tactical Ballistic Missile: A cruise missile is a precision weapon that can be fired at a specific target with unfailing accuracy. They are best used against facilities and warships. The only way to stop a cruise missile is with defensive systems. Cruise Missiles do not require Ammunition. They have a range of 600 miles.
Cost: 5 Rare Materials, 1 Electronics for 1 Cruise Missile
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant
Can be used to deliver 10 Chemical Weapons to a target

Nuclear Missile: A nuclear missile is not built, but is obtained from hacking into a nuclear silo. Once you have a nuclear silo under your control, you can expend the cost below to free up and reprogram one of the missiles to be used. You need an appropriate launch site to deploy a nuke. 5 Legitimacy and countless lives are lost if you deploy a nuclear weapon.
Cost: 50 Electronics for 1 Nuclear Missile
Requisites: Nuclear Silo

Chemical Weapon: A chemical weapon is a deadly gas that wipes out unprotected enemy infantry and civilians. Advanced soldiers are more likely to survive a chemical attack, while draftees and manpower are highly unlikely to. Deploying chemical weapons in combat causes a loss of 2 Legitimacy. Chemical Weapons require either certain artillery or a Tactical Ballistic Missile to be deployed.
Cost: 1 Rare Material for 5 Chemical Weapons
Requisite: Chemical Weapons Plant

Civilian Drone: A civilian drone is a simple unarmed device that is highly effective in recon operations. They cannot be used for combat purposes but are useful as a means for stealthy infiltration and scouting of enemy lines. Sadly, the noise they make is enough to attract hostile attention from alert enemy forces.
Cost: 1 Electronics for 1 Civilian Drone
Requisites: Think Tank

Recon Drone: A Recon Drone is a military grade surveillance drone that uses a satellite link to stealthily provide constant up to date information on enemy positions. They also possess light armaments and can defend themselves if need be or undertake surgical strikes.
Cost: 2 Materials, 1 Rare Materials, 2 Electronics for 1 Recon Drone
Ammo Expense: 5
Requisites: Satellite Uplink Center, Drone Command Center

Attack Drone: An Attack Drone is a fast, heavily armed automated device that can launch nearly invisible and fast attacks on enemy forces. They emerge with complete surprise and can cause immediate devastation on their targets, whether infantry or armored.
Cost: 5 Materials, 5 Rare Materials, 5 Electronics for 1 Attack Drone
Ammo Expense: 10
Requisites: Military Satellite Uplink Center, Drone Command Center, Advanced Weapons Plant
Attack Drones can launch Tactical Ballistic Missiles


Vehicles consist of land based equipment such as cars and tanks. Many require a degree of training to use correctly, and otherwise will prove to be fairly useless without. Still, in open combat, a proper vehicle can turn the tide of battle. All vehicles will require at least some crew to operate, and have an amount of people they can transport. Crew do not count against transport capacity.
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Technical: A technical is a modified civilian vehicle such as a pickup truck or a semi-truck, converted with some very light armor and equipment that makes them useable in battle. They are good at towing, but do not come with weapons. You must equip one weapon to use on these vehicles, and the ammunition expense will be based on what weapon you attach.
Training Level: Draftee
Crew: 1
Transport Capacity: 5
Fuel Expense: 1
Cost: 5 Materials

Armored Car: An armored car is a variety of civilian vehicles including police vehicles and payroll transport. They have the same amount of armor as a Humvee, requiring less cost while providing significantly more protection than a Technical, being able to take indirect explosive fire. They lack a primary weapon and must be equipped with one.
Training Level: Draftee
Crew: 1
Transport Capacity: 3
Fuel Expense: 3
Cost: 5 Materials
Requisites: Vehicle Factory

Humvee: The Humvee is a standard military transport vehicle, and comes with an attached light machine gun. They have the same level of armor as an Armored Car, and provide better fuel efficiency.
Training Level: Militia
Crew: 2
Transport Capacity: 5
Fuel Expense: 2
Ammo Expense: 5
Cost: 5 Materials
Requisites: Vehicle Factory

Armored Personnel Carrier (APC): An APC is an enclosed vehicle that specializes in transporting a large amount of people safely into battle. They have an attached anti-personnel cannon, though it is ineffective against armored vehicles. It has good armor that protects its cargo from lighter anti-armor weaponry.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 3
Transport Capacity: 20
Fuel Expense: 4
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: 10 Materials, 1 Electronics
Requisites: Weapons Plant, Heavy Vehicle Factory

Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV): An Infantry Fighting Vehicle is a tracked vehicle that combines a large transport capacity with a heavy gun that can engage light tanks and other IFVs without difficulty. They can be chewed up by heavy armor, but otherwise are very useful in urban combat.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 3
Transport Capacity: 10
Fuel Expense: 5
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: 10 Materials, 2 Electronics
Requisites: Weapons Plant, Heavy Vehicle Factory

Light Tank: A Light Tank is a fast and powerful tank that specializes in destroying light enemy armor. It is good at targeting APCs and IFVs. Light Tanks rarely fare well in urban combat.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 3
Fuel Expense: 5
Ammo Expense: 20
Cost: 20 Materials, 2 Electronics
Requisites: Weapons Plant, Heavy Vehicle Factory

Main Battle Tank: The Main Battle Tank is the king of the battlefield, at least when there’s no aircraft present. In an open battle, and even in urban combat, the armor of the MBT is nigh undefeatable and it excels at destroying enemy land vehicles.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 4
Fuel Expense: 5
Ammo Expense: 30
Cost: 30 Materials, 1 Rare Material, 3 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Heavy Vehicle Factory

Self-Propelled (SP) Artillery: SP Artillery acts as a powerful and mobile artillery forced, with electronic guidance systems that use old satellites for personal targeting. With a combination of rockets and conventional artillery, these weapons can lay down firepower at an unmatched range against enemy ground forces.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 5
Fuel Expense: 5
Ammo Expense: 40
Cost: 20 Materials, 2 Rare Materials, 4 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Heavy Vehicle Factory
Can be used to deliver any amount of Chemical Weapons against a target

Advanced Anti-Air (AA): Advanced AA is a self-propelled anti-air platform that provides electronically guided anti-air capacity against both helicopters and airplanes. These are the only non-fixed units that stand a chance of bringing down enemy fighter aircraft and can be devastating to an enemy’s air force.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 5
Fuel Expense: 5
Ammo Expense: 30
Cost: 20 Materials, 2 Rare Materials, 5 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Heavy Vehicle Factory

There’s a lot of oceans in the world. You need boats to go on the ocean, and a lot of boats can carry a lot of weapons. Boats are the best way to transport large numbers of people and equipment, especially when there’s no railroads working. Much of the United States Navy was wiped out during the Collapse, but some remains intact, while the facilities used to build these ships are still extant. It is assumed that when you are building ships that you are either refitting an older vessel or completing long-term construction on a new craft. Like Land Vehicles, most ships have some level of Transport Capacity, but also typically require a very large crew with a decent amount of training. Ships typically have the highest fuel, ammunition, and crew costs of all vehicles. In exchange, they have a ton of firepower and can be devastating against coastal forces and towns.

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Sailboat: The sailboat is the most common vessel on the seas, used for luxury excursions before the Collapse. Sailboats are the only vehicle that do not require Fuel for travel, being able to use sails to move slowly across the waves. These ships are the only option for those with low resources. Yachts have no attached weapons and weapons must be attached from the Infantry selection.
Training Level: Militia
Crew: 3
Transport Capacity: 10
Fuel Expense: 0
Cost: 10 Materials
Requisites: Cleared Port

Speedboat: The speedboat is a small engine powered vessel that can be used on rivers and small lakes. Easily built and fast, these are good along the coast only, but taking them out to sea often means disaster. They do not come with their own weapons and must have an infantry weapon equipped.
Training Level: Draftee
Crew: 2
Transport Capacity: 4
Fuel Expense: 2
Cost: 5 Materials
Requisites: Cleared Port

Freighter: A Freighter is an old merchant vessel from before the Collapse. They require a lot of fuel capacity but have the highest transport capacity of any vehicle, being able to carry literally thousands of people and their equipment across the seas. They have no weapons, but can be equipped with multiple infantry weapons to use defensively.
Training Level: Militia
Crew: 20
Transport Capacity: 2,000, 1 Helicopter
Fuel Expense: 40
Cost: 200 Materials
Requisites: Cleared Port

Destroyer: A destroyer is a modern ship with conventional cannon and rocket batteries. They excel at hunting submarines and engaging light enemy warships. They also can hold a pair of helicopters for recon and assault purposes. They have a strong anti-air capability too, against enemy airplanes.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 250
Transport Capacity: 2 Helicopters
Fuel Expense: 20
Ammo Expense: 50
Cost: 50 Materials, 10 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Cleared Port, Advanced Weapons Plant
Can be used to launch Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Stealth Destroyer: A Stealth Destroyer is a ship that does not appear on raider and acts as an elite surface raider or escort that can easily sneak up on enemy naval positions and coastal fortifications. Due to their specialized nature they rarely carry helicopters or cargo, but still pack a decisive punch in battle.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 150
Fuel Expense: 20
Ammo Expense: 50
Cost: 40 Materials, 20 Rare Materials, 15 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Shipyard
Can be used to launch Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Submarine: A Submarine is a powerful craft that sails under the seas and is useful for interdiction of convoys and sneak attacks on enemy ships. They can use torpedoes or fire missiles for a devastating alpha strike against enemy forces. As these ships use a nuclear reactor for power, they do not require fuel expenses. They are also one of the few units that can deploy nuclear missiles.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 50
Ammo Expense: 30
Cost: 40 Materials: 60 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Shipyard
Can be used to launch Tactical Ballistic or Nuclear Missiles

Corvette: Also known as Littoral Combat Ships, the corvette specializes in dealing with asymmetrical warfare. While they lack the firepower of a destroyer, they can be used to clear mines and effectively pursue submarines. They have a strong amount of electronic warfare devices and are useful in providing ships with defense against cruise missile strikes and enemy aircraft.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 50
Fuel Expense: 20
Ammo Expense: 20
Cost: 50 Materials, 10 Rare Materials, 20 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Shipyard

Cruiser: The cruiser is a powerful warship and provides strong anti-missile and anti-aircraft defenses in addition to excelling at ship to ship combat. They possess high technology weapons and defenses which assist in wiping the floor with any other ships that dare to engage.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 350
Fuel Expense: 30
Ammo Expense: 80
Cost: 100 Materials, 30 Rare Materials, 15 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Shipyard
Can be used to launch Tactical Ballistic Missiles

Battleship: The battleship is an obsolete warship that possesses a large amount of heavy artillery power. Only a handful of these still exist in the world, and some are in dire need of refitting, but should one be brought back online, there are few warships which could match the sea to land support these can provide. The devastating firepower can also wreck all but the largest of ships and most extensive fortifications in only a few volleys. Due to the simplicity of the systems, the ship can be crewed by less skilled workers.
Training Level: Militia
Crew: 1,500
Fuel Expense: 50
Ammo Expense: 200
Cost: 500 Materials, 10 Rare Materials, 2 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Shipyard
Can be used to deliver any amount of Chemical Weapons against a target

Carrier: The American supercarrier is a warship unmatched in history, and should they be restored to service, would provide a bastion that provides the finest anti-aircraft mobile air bases in the world. These ships can transport large numbers of both soldiers and aircraft, helping establish a supremacy in airpower globally, as well as locally. As these restored craft have nuclear engines, they do not require fuel to operate They of course require a huge complement of trained personnel to retain functionality.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 2,500
Transport Capacity: 2,000; 90 Airplanes or Helicopters
Ammo Expense: 50
Cost: 800 Materials, 200 Rare Materials, 40 Electronics

Manned aircraft has been part of warfare for over one hundred years. They provide vital intelligence and a counter to armor and warships that a less advanced may not possess. Some can be used for transport, but one thing to consider is that all aircraft need an airfield. They cannot be used otherwise. Good news is that there are many airfields across North America, but some may no longer be in useable condition.

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Civilian Plane: A Civilian Plane is a smaller aircraft like a crop-duster or recreational aircraft. They can be outfitted with a light infantry weapon to be used in primitive air combat or in light support roles. They have little to no defense against faster aircraft.
Training Level: Militia
Crew: 1
Transport Capacity: 5
Fuel Expense: 2
Cost: 5 Materials, 5 Rare Materials
Requisites: Aircraft Factory

Obsolete Fighter: An Obsolete Fighter is typically a World War 2 era fighter craft, as many designs and planes exist across North America in museums and private collections. They are typically equipped with machine guns and small bombs which act in infantry support roles and can deal with lighter aircraft and helicopters.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 1
Fuel Expense: 2
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: 5 Materials, 5 Rare Materials
Requisites: Aircraft Factory

Civilian Helicopter: Old police, hospital, and news helicopters are plentiful throughout North America and they can be refitted into useful transport and light support craft. They have little to no armor, but could be better than no helicopter at all.
Training Level: Militia
Crew: 1
Transport Capacity: 5
Fuel Expense: 3
Cost: 5 Materials, 5 Rare Materials
Requisites: Aircraft Factory

Cargo Plane: A cargo plane can be a military craft designed expressly for that purpose or an old civilian airliner. They are unarmed but can transport a large amount of people fairly quickly, as long as there’s an airfield at each location. They can also be used, if you’re daring, for paratrooper attacks.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 4
Transport Capacity: 100
Fuel Expense: 5
Cost: 20 Materials, 10 Rare Materials
Requisites: Aircraft Factory

Helicopter Gunship: A Gunship is best used in support, and is well known as a killer of armored vehicles and infantry. Armed with machine guns and light missiles, they can knock out almost any enemy land vehicle, though they rarely have success against warships.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 4
Transport Capacity: 5
Fuel Expense: 4
Ammo Expense: 20
Cost: 10 Materials, 10 Rare Materials, 2 Electronics
Requisites: Weapons Plant, Advanced Aircraft Factory

Fighter: A fighter is the best anti-aircraft weapon available to any faction. With high speeds and Anti-Air missiles, the fighter can and will take out anything else in the skies. They can be used for ground support roles too, but not as effectively as most other aircraft due to the high speeds they operate.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 2
Fuel Expense: 5
Ammo Expense: 30
Cost: 5 Materials, 10 Rare Materials, 5 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Advanced Aircraft Factory

Close Support (CS) Bomber: A Close Support Bomber provides the best tactical air support that money can buy. These aircraft devastate enemy armor and warships and can tear apart infantry positions too. They come with a high cost in ammunition, but the expense is often worth it.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 5
Fuel Expense: 10
Ammo Expense: 70
Cost: 10 Materials, 20 Rare Materials, 5 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Advanced Aircraft Factory
Can be used to deliver 40 Chemical Weapons against a target.

High Altitude (HA) Bomber: A HA Bomber is a strategic bomber more than a tactical one. It is the perfect tool for hitting factories and population centers belonging to your enemy. They can also be used to launch missiles at precision targets or go after large enemy warships.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 10
Fuel Expense: 15
Ammo Expense: 100
Cost: 20 Materials, 30 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Advanced Aircraft Factory
Aircraft can be used to launch Tactical Ballistic Missiles
Can be used to deliver any amount of Chemical Weapons against a target

Stealth Bomber: A Stealth Bomber represents the pinnacle of pre-Collapse United States military technology. Almost invisible to radar, it delivers a devastating payload with incredible precision and can be used to launch nuclear weapons.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 5
Fuel Expense: 15
Ammo Expense: 100
Cost: 10 Materials, 40 Rare Materials, 15 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Weapons Plant, Advanced Aircraft Factory
Aircraft can be used to launch Tactical Ballistic and Nuclear Missiles
Can be used to deliver any amount of Chemical Weapons against a target

Space Plane: Space Planes are unarmed transport aircraft which can fly well above the range of most defense systems and even into orbit. Why would you want this? Who knows? They cannot be armed with any type of weapon.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 5
Fuel Expense: 50
Cost: 10 Materials, 50 Rare Materials, 20 Electronics
Requisites: Advanced Aircraft Factory, Rocket Launch Facility


The following are key structures which are used to expand the capabilities of your faction, in order to secure your safety and prosperity. Some facilities can be obtained without combat by seizing city centers and locations, others can be built with appropriate resource expenditure. Facilities can also be targeted directly by air or cruise missile strikes. Most of these facilities exist in the world, and areas where they actually exist in real life are more likely to have these facilities found intact. Just because it’s on Google maps though, doesn’t mean that it’ll be where you expect it to be, as things in the Collapse may have caused the site’s destruction.

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Fortifications: You may one day feel the need to protect your borders. Fortifications represents the construction of defensive positions and bunkers in an area around one of your cities or provinces. There can only be a single construction of Fortifications in an area.
Cost: 800 Materials

Cleared Port: In the chaos of the Collapse, many major ports were closed by debris and crashed ships. It will take some effort to clear out the ports and make them useable for shipping again. Some ships require a port for construction, and you cannot bid on Auctions without a Cleared Port as otherwise the merchants have no way to deliver to you. These can only be construction in port cities or other locations with a protected harbor.
Cost: $500 Gold, 100 Materials

Industrial Farm/Fish Factory: Industrial Farms and Fish Factories provided most of the United States with food and sustenance in the times before the Collapse. While many have started their own gardens or subsistence farms, these are not nearly enough for the hungry populations of the main cities. Unfortunately, many areas are not well suited to farming or fishing anymore, due to massive development of suburbs and depletion of fishing grounds. Each one of these produces 2,000 units of Food per turn. These cannot be built, only found through exploration, but can be repaired or restored if damaged.
Repair Cost: $1,000 Gold, 100 Materials

Material Source: A Material Source represents iron mines, quarries, or other sources of raw materials needed for construction and development. These cannot be constructed, but instead must be found through exploration. Each of these sites produces 200 Materials per turn. They can be repaired or restored if damaged.
Repair Cost: $1,000 Gold, 100 Materials

Rare Material Source: This represent any source of particularly rare components or materials that can be dug out of the ground. These cannot be constructed, but instead must be found through exploration. Each of these sites produces 25 Rare Materials per turn. They can be repaired or restored if damaged or destroyed.
Repair Cost: $2,000 Gold, 400 Materials

Coal Mine/Oil Rig: This is a source of natural Fuel that cannot be built, but is only found through exploration. They are required for maintaining Fuel sources and development. Each Mine or Rig provides 200 Fuel per turn. They can be repaired or restored if damaged.
Repair Cost: $1,000 Gold, 100 Materials, 1 Electronics

Biofuel Plant: A Biofuel Plant is a location that you can use to convert Food supplies into Fuel. These plants act as a way to manage your Fuel stockpiles if you lack access to a natural source. With a Biofuel Plant you can convert 5 Food into 1 Fuel.
Cost: $2,000 Gold, 300 Materials, 5 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Solar Farm: A Solar Farm is a location you can construction to provide a limited amount of Fuel. The Fuel produced will depend on the weather at your location and the production is random, but changes based on the season. A single Solar Farm will provide between 5-100 Fuel per turn.
Cost: $3,000 Gold, 100 Materials, 100 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Refinery: A Refinery is a location where you can transform regular Materials into the more sophisticated Rare Materials. This represents creating plastics or other advanced material from more basic items. With this location you can convert 10 Materials into 1 Rare Material.
Cost; $1,500 Gold, 200 Materials, 1 Electronics

Electronics Factory: An Electronics Factory allows you to turn Gold, Materials, and Rare Materials into Electronics. Electronics are used in the most advanced equipment and weapons. When constructed you can produce 1 Electronic using 50 Materials, 5 Rare Materials, or $100 Gold.
Cost: $4,000 Gold, 400 Materials, 50 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Munitions Plant: A Munitions Plant allows you to produce Ammunition using Materials. With a Munitions Plant you can convert 1 Material into 10 Ammunition.
Cost: $1,000 Gold, 300 Materials, 40 Rare Materials

Pharmaceutical Factory: A Pharmaceutical Factory allows you to convert Food into Medicine. When this place is constructed you can turn 10 Food into 1 Medicine.
Cost: $2,500 Gold, 300 Materials, 50 Rare Materials, 3 Electronics

Training Camp: A Training Camp allows you to train your soldiers to higher levels of skill and combat efficiency. This is a fairly basic construction that helps you establish different layers of combat readiness.
Cost: $1,000 Gold, 500 Materials

Think Tank: A Think Tank is an advanced research and analytical facility that helps you develop more advanced capabilities and structures. Using this facility helps you bring together the brightest minds under your rule to help solve the problems of survival and expansion.
Cost: $5,000 Gold, 50 Rare Materials, 30 Electronics

Weapons Plant: A Weapons Plant allows the production of simpler weapons for combat purposes. The costs of weapons are listed above.
Cost: $1,000 Gold, 300 Materials, 10 Rare Materials

Advanced Weapons Plant: An Advanced Weapons Plant has the tooling and equipment required for the construction of high-end munitions. This plant can also perform the same production and functions as a standards Weapons Plant.
Cost: $2,500, 500 Materials, 70 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics.
Requisites: Think Tank

Vehicle Factory: A Vehicle Factory produces civilian and light military vehicles for deployment. The costs of vehicles are listed above.
Cost: $2,000 Gold, 300 Materials, 20 Rare Materials, 3 Electronics

Heavy Vehicle Factory: A Heavy Vehicle Factory is required for the production of tracked and armored vehicles. The equipment here is heavier duty than the equipment at civilian plants. A Heavy Vehicle Factory can also produce everything a typical Vehicle Factory can.
Cost: $3,000 Gold, 500 Materials, 100 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Satellite Uplink Center: The network of satellites around the planet is one of the technological marvels of the 20th and 21st centuries. Providing instant communication and weather forecasts, they help maintain a standard of living unmatched by any past date. With a Satellite Uplink Center you can receive early warnings of impending weather disasters and provide a better standard of living for your people, providing you with an extra +1 Legitimacy per turn for each Center.
Cost: $7,500 Gold, 500 Materials, 250 Rare Materials, 60 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Military Satellite Uplink Center: The United States military possessed satellites with unprecedented targeting and surveillance ability. Restoring such a center would provide you with up to date information on all enemy movements and facilities, and aid greatly in the efficiency of any drones and aircraft at your disposal.
Cost: $10,000 Gold, 500 Materials, 300 Rare Materials, 80 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Nuclear Silo: A Nuclear Silo must be located intact in a variety of locations around the United States. These are only in limited locations and can only be built in a city area where a Locked Down Silo is present. This allows the refitting and deployment of Nuclear Missiles. Nuclear Silos can act as a launch site for Nuclear Missiles.
Decryption Cost: $20,000 Gold, 100 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Drone Command Center: A Drone Command Center is a required base for using attack drones and equipment across the United States. These are required for maintaining and deploying military-grade drones.
Cost: $10,000 Gold, 300 Materials, 300 Rare Materials, 50 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank, Satellite Uplink Center

Shipyard: A Shipyard is used for the construction of larger and purpose built military warships. The warships’ cost are present in the area above. A Shipyard can perform all of the functions of a Cleared Port.
Cost: $7,000 Gold, 800 Materials, 50 Rare Materials
Requisite: Cleared Port

Aircraft Factory: An Aircraft Factory is used for the production of less advanced aircraft, civilian and military. The cost of airplanes are presented in above sections.
Cost: $4,000 Gold, 300 Materials, 100 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics

Advanced Aircraft Factory: The Advanced Aircraft Factory allows for the production of more powerful military aircraft that can provide a decisive advantage on the battlefield. They can also build any aircraft that requires a normal Aircraft Factory.
Cost: $6,000 Gold, 500 Materials, 250 Rare Materials, 20 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank

Airfield: An airfield is required for the housing and deployment of aircraft. Each airfield can house 100 airplanes or helicopters.
Cost: $2,000 Gold, 400 Materials

Cruise Missile Site: A Cruise Missile Site is a stationary location from which cruise missiles can be launched. They are military facilities that provide a cheap place from which to use these devastating weapons, but make easy targets.
Cost: $1,000 Gold, 200 Materials

Rocket Launch Facility: A Rocket Launch Facility allows the construction and deployment of Space Planes. These are locations from which you could theoretically launch new satellites or missions to bring down old ones. Maybe you could even help out the ISS if you really wanted to.
Cost: $20,000 Gold, 200 Materials, 500 Rare Materials, 40 Electronics
Requisite: Think Tank, Satellite Uplink Center

Anti-Air Batteries: An Anti-Air Battery is an old style AA system that would allow you to bring down slower and lower flying aircraft. They are no good against missile attacks, but provide very good protection against helicopters and civilian craft. These weapons are stationary in whatever city they are deployed to.
Training Level: Soldier
Crew: 20
Ammo Expense: 10
Cost: $500 Gold, 200 Materials, 50 Rare Materials, 5 Electronics
Requisites: Weapons Plant

Missile Defense System: A Missile Defense System is an advanced targeting system that can bring down aircraft or missiles of all types. These are the weapons that spared the United States from the devastation experienced across the world.
Training Level: Specialist
Crew: 40
Ammo Expense: 100
Cost: $2,000 Gold, 200 Materials, 200 Rare Materials, 20 Electronics

Chemical Weapons Plant: A dirty way of waging war, Chemical Weapons are a way to eliminate an enemy population while keeping the infrastructure intact. This facility allows you to produce said Chemical Weapons.
Cost: $7,500 Gold, 200 Materials, 300 Rare Materials, 10 Electronics
Requisites: Think Tank, Weapons Plant
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Stats for the Warlords of North America

Alter Kochers: Grandkhan
Leader: Izzy Mandelbaum (Businessman)
Capital: Booklyn NY
Legitimacy: 10 (+2)
Manpower: 8,620
Gold: $10,000
Food: 25,000 (-8,620)
Fuel: 300 (-87)
Materials: 0
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 24,000
Medicine: 300 (-87)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: 40 Assault Rifles, 4 Howitzers
Vehicles: 20 Humvees
Ships: 1 Carrier
Aircraft: 10 Obsolete Fighters, 5 Fighters
Spoiler :

Cleared Port: Brooklyn, NY

Children of the Sun: Everblack
Leader: Isabella Moreno (Criminal)
Capital: El Paso, TX
Legitimacy: 1 (+1)
Manpower: 898
Gold: $4,390
Food: 2,102 (-898)
Fuel: 13 (-9)
Materials: 0 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 2,440
Medicine: 521 (-9)
Personnel: 560 Draftees, 80 Militia, 85 Soldiers, 85 Specialists
Weapons: 100 Light Weapons, 8 IE Weapons, 3 Rocket Artillery
Vehicles: 138 Humvees, 20 IFVs, 30 SP Artillery, 50 Advanced AA, 30 Light Tanks, 30 MBTs
Ships: None
Aircraft: 40 Fighters, 40 CS Bombers
Spoiler :

Airfield: Alamogordo, AZ
Material Source: Pecos, TX
Training Camp: El Paso, TX

City of Nashville: Seon
Leader: Keisha (Teamster)
Capital: Nashville, TN
Legitimacy: 1 (+1)
Manpower: 1,940
Gold: $0
Food: 4,100 (-1,940)
Fuel: 1,031 (-20)
Materials: 0 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 8,000
Medicine: 21 (-20)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: None
Vehicles: 50 Technicals, 25 Armored Cars
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Material Source: Cookeville, TN
Pharmaceutical Factory: Nashville, TN
Refinery: Cookeville, TN

Dallas Regional Chamber: Marcher Jovian
Leader: Executive Director Nathan S. Rowland (Businessman)
Capital: Dallas, TX
Legitimacy: 9 (+1)
Manpower: 6,520
Gold: $16,880
Food: 19,480 (-2,520)
Fuel: 234 (-66)
Materials: 0 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 16,000
Medicine: 234 (-66)
Personnel: 200 Draftees, 2,430 Militia
Weapons: None
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Advanced Weapons Plant: Dallas, TX
Industrial Farm: Denton, TX
Industrial Farm: Paris, TX
Material Source: Athens, TX
Refinery: Waxahachie, TX

Fifth International: NinjaCow64
Leader: Chairman Gene Frasnelli (Engineer)
Capital: Houston, TX
Legitimacy: 10 (+1)
Manpower: 6,310
Gold: $6,310
Food: 19,000 (-6,310)
Fuel: 106 (-64)
Materials: 1,000
Rare Materials: 250
Electronics: 100
Ammunition: 12,000
Medicine: 136 (-64)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: None
Vehicles: 30 Technicals
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Aircraft Factory: Houston, TX
Think Tank: Houston, TX
Training Camp: Houston, TX

Free State of Jefferson: bestshot9
Leader: Gregory Buckner (Survivalist)
Capital: Bend, OR
Legitimacy: 1 (+1)
Manpower: 175
Gold: $800
Food: 9,935 (-175)
Fuel: 9 (-2)
Materials: 0 (+400)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 10,000
Medicine: 9 (-2)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: None
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Material Source: Bend, OR
Material Source: Chemult, OR

Industrial Workers of the World: Ahigin
Leader: Central Caucus (Agitator)
Capital: Chicago, IL
Legitimacy: 5 (+2)
Manpower: 9,719
Gold: $9,550
Food: 24,356 (-5,719)
Fuel: 204 (-98)
Materials: 0 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 21,150
Medicine: 204 (-98)
Personnel: 290 Draftees, 20 Militia
Weapons: 910 Light Weapons, 40 IE Weapons
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Industrial Farm: Chicago, IL
Industrial Farm: Bourbonnais, IL
Material Source: Ottawa, IL
Refinery: Gary, IN

Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center: jackelgull
Leader: Iman Ibrahim (Clergy)
Capital: Boston, MA
Legitimacy: 5 (+1)
Manpower: 5,675
Gold: $4,620
Food: 15,465 (-5,675)
Fuel: 105 (-57)
Materials: 100
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 20
Ammunition: 20,000
Medicine: 605 (-57)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: None
Vehicles: 40 Humvees
Ships: None
Aircraft: 9 Civilian Helicopters
Spoiler :

Airfield: Worchester, MA
Cleared Port: Boston, MA
Refinery (2): Leominster, MA

Jiāzhōu Dynasty: Nuka-sama
Leader: Empress Wu (Military)
Capital: Los Angeles, CA
Legitimacy: 1 (+2)
Manpower: 12,310
Gold: $9,950
Food: 27,690 (-12,310)
Fuel: 196 (-124)
Materials: 0
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 13,300
Medicine: 276 (-124)
Personnel: 1,930 Militia, 390 Soldiers, 100 Specialists
Weapons: 450 Assault Rifles, 10 LMGs, 21 HMGs, 5 AA Weapons, 5 AT Weapons
Vehicles: 18 Humvees, 10 APCs
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Cleared Port: Irvine, CA
Electronics Factory: Irvine, CA DAMAGED, Repair Cost $1,000, 100 Materials, 20 Rare Materials, 5 Electronics
Refinery: Los Angeles, CA

L’Alliance Democratic de Sherbrooke: Thomas.berubeg
Leader: Jerome Duboisson (Law Enforcement)
Capital: Sherbrooke, QC
Legitimacy: 11 (+1)
Manpower: 210
Gold: $0
Food: 490 (-210)
Fuel: 7 (-3)
Materials: 200 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 534
Medicine: 7 (-3)
Personnel: 190 Militia, 30 Specialists
Weapons: 270 Light Weapons, 150 Assault Rifles, 18 LMGs
Vehicles: 10 Armored Cars
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Material Source: Sherbrooke, QC

Metro Vancouver: J.K. Stockholme
Leader: Chief Manager Kashmir Dosanjh (Engineer)
Capital: Vancouver, BC
Legitimacy: 10 (+1)
Manpower: 2,460
Gold: $0
Food: 7,500 (-2,460)
Fuel: 75 (-25)
Materials: 1,000
Rare Materials: 250
Electronics: 100
Ammunition: 7,500
Medicine: 75 (-25)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: None
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Cleared Port: Vancouver, BC

Pearl Harbor Protectorate: LonelyLurker
Leader: Admiral Cunningham (Military)
Capital: Honolulu, HI
Legitimacy: 10 (+1)
Manpower: 1,170
Gold: $900
Food: 3,830 (+830)
Fuel: 470 (-12)
Materials: 0
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 1,600
Medicine: 18 (-12)
Personnel: 300 Militia, 260 Soldiers, 100 Specialists
Weapons: 50 Assault Rifles, 60 Tactical Ballistic Missiles
Vehicles: 20 Humvees
Ships: 3 Submarines, 2 Corvettes, 3 Destroyers, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier
Aircraft: 2 Gunships, 10 Fighters, 5 CS Bombers
Spoiler :

Cleared Port: Honolulu, HI
Cruise Missile Site: Kapa’a, HI
Industrial Farm: Kahului, HI

People’s Republic of Cincinnati: Crezth
Leader: General Secretary Dr. Emily Charles Cassandra Morgan (Engineer)
Capital: Cincinnati, OH
Legitimacy: 7 (+1)
Manpower: 2,160
Gold: $2,160
Food: 5,850 (-150)
Fuel: 48 (-22)
Materials: 300 (+200)
Rare Materials: 200
Electronics: 100
Ammunition: 5,800
Medicine: 78 (-22)
Personnel: 1,160 Draftees, 970 Militia
Weapons: 100 IE Weapons
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Industrial Farm: Mount Orab: OH
Material Source: Florence, KY
Munitions Plant: Cincinnati, OH
Refinery: Cincinnati, OH
Weapons Plant: Cincinnati, OH

Republic of Quebec: tobiisagoodboy
Leader: President Lucien Galtier (Politician)
Capital: Quebec City, QC
Legitimacy: 25 (+1)
Manpower: 925
Gold: $1,710
Food: 2,775 (-925)
Fuel: 33 (-10)
Materials: 0 (+400)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 3,000
Medicine: 33 (-10)
Personnel: 200 Draftees, 1,000 Militia
Weapons: None
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Material Source: La Tuque, QC
Material Source: Victoriaville, QC
Refinery: Quebec, QC
Refinery: Sainte-Marie, QC

Sanctuary: inthesomeday
Leader: The Triumvirate (Clergy)
Capital: San Diego, CA
Legitimacy: 17 (+2)
Manpower: 6,540
Gold: $0
Food: 16,960 (-6,540)
Fuel: 234 (-66)
Materials: 0
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 19,600
Medicine: 566 (-66)
Personnel: 10 Draftees
Weapons: 900 Assault Rifles, 30 AA Weapons
Vehicles: 40 Humvees
Ships: 2 Corvettes, 4 Destroyers, 1 Cruiser, 1 Carrier
Aircraft: 4 Gunships, 10 Fighters, 5 CS Bombers
Spoiler :

Refinery: Tijuana, Baja California
Shipyard: San Diego, CA

West Republic: Nailix
Leader: Johnathan West (Law Enforcement)
Capital: Sandy, OR
Legitimacy: 11 (+1)
Manpower: 2,550
Gold: $0
Food: 4,950 (-2,550)
Fuel: 28 (-26)
Materials: 0 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 6,220
Medicine: 49 (-26)
Personnel: 130 Militia
Weapons: 270 Light Weapons, 150 Assault Rifles, 20 LMGs
Vehicles: 9 Armored Cars
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Spoiler :

Electronics Factory: Portland, OR
Material Source: Vancouver, WA
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Faction Name:
The People's Republic of Cincinnati
Leader Name: General Secretary Dr. Emily Charles Cassandra Morgan
Leader Background:: Engineer
Starting Location: Cincinnati
Background: The People's Republic of Cincinnati is the result of the Worker's Congress of Cincinnati. The Congress cemented the political union of its constituents and created the Cincinnatian Constitution, which is headlettered with a quote from Livy spoken often of the eponymous Cincinnatus of Roman history: "It is worth while for those who disdain all human things for money, and who suppose that there is no room either for great honor or virtue, except where wealth is found, to listen to his story." No doubt this kind of Classical indulgence was ably afforded by the city's pretentiously large classics community. But the true heart of the movement lay in the engineers and industrial workers of the valley. The politicians had no answers, and there was no more capital influx. The city was either going to shut down, paralyzed, or come together. Dozens of late-night meetings over local brew, often shared pro bono with the breweryworkers themselves, and an alliance had formed among the workers. They didn't need the banks, the politicians, or "capital influx" and whatever other nonsense the managers were yapping about. They could take matters into their own hands! Stoked into action, mesmerized by the incendiary language of GE engineer Dr. Emily Morgan and her cadre of likeminded colleagues, they were engineers one evening and politicians the next, representatives of the All-Cincinnati Labor Union, presenting demands. When they were refused, they rallied and marched on the factories. In the ensuing months, the other elements of the city slowly folded to diplomatic missions from the valley, exhorting them to join their enterprise and seize the property of the banks to redistribute to the people. The city, much-liberal in its sentiments, and sensing the blowing wind as these upstart workers had now successfully managed to rekindle the fires of industry in the valley, capitulated and sent representatives to the Congress. In due course the People's Republic was announced. All that resisted were the outskirts, suspicious always of the urban center and nestled in valleys and forests of their own. They and the People's Republic eye each other suspiciously: they both know only one can survive, and the city grows stronger every day.
Reserving San Francisco

Faction Name: Republic of Quebec
Leader Name: President Lucien Galtier
Leader Background:: Politician
Starting Location: Quebec City
Background: When Canada fell apart, Quebec couldn't avoid the chaos either. However with the central goverment and military collapsing, the hour of the Quebeci nationalists came. Using the unity of their folowers and their influence, they gained control and support by Quebec cities remaining goverment. While still many died and much was lost, the Republic was established and survived those first horrible months. Backed by the Police of Quebec City and the new "Quebec National Army" (A small force of volunteers, lead by surviving soldiers from the Canadian Army and former reservists, equipped with what weapons of the Canadian Armed Forces they could get) the Republic has secured Quebec City and now reaches out to reclaim all of Quebec under its flag.
Faction Name: City of Nashville (United States of America)
Leader Name: Keisha
Leader Background: Teamster
Location: Nashville

With the ongoing collapse of the United States of America, Keisha decided to simply go off her assigned route as a long-haul trucker carrying a lot of something from somewhere to someplace else and just drive down the highway to Nashville to watch a choir performance. Unfortunately, it turned out that the performance had been canceled due to the whole ongoing collapse of modern society problem, but people sure did appreciate her giving out her misdelivered cargo of medicine and baby supplies to the streets (more accurately she literally just dumped it where she figured right people would find them)

Her actions did not go unnoticed, and soon, she found herself being invited to a small circle of either ambitious or good-natured (or both) truckers and managers seeking to keep the city supplied in the collapsing economy. Keisha agreed to become the organization's spokesperson and nominal leader as they mobilized to make contact with local producers and ensure that critical supplies were stockpiled in Nashville's massive transportation warehouses and truck depots.

By the time that she realized that she managed to subvert practically every other elites and legitimate authority in the city through her and her organization's control over vital supplies, it was quite too late to back out now.
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Faction Name:
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), also known as the Wobblies
Leader Name: Central Caucus (Council of union representatives which includes 98 deputies, a Chairman (floating position), and a Caucus Speaker (currently held by ex-political writer Noam Chomsky)). Other notable members include an ex-musician Tom Morello (currently the Chairman of the Communication of the IWW), an ex-anthropologist David Graeber (currently the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs), and ex-MMA fighter Jeff Monson (currently the Chairman of the People's Defense)
Leader Background:: Agitator
Starting Location: Chicago (more specifically, Lincoln Square/Ravenswood area; more specifically, 2036 West Montrose, Chicago)
Background: Being a poor worker or a travelling work migrant (or, as they're popularly known, a "hobo") may be a stamp of life of misery in a late-stage capitalism. That is, unless all laborers of the world unionize and form the One Big Union. The legendary Wobblies have been at it since 1905, agitating for grassroots organization of labor in America and the British Commonwealth. In the peak of the post-industrial capitalism, the prominence of IWW in the field of labor protection seemed to wane, but the Fall changed everything. When the city of Chicago, alongside with the rest of the departed United States of America became consumed by the post-war chaos, economic crash, and dissolution of the public order, these were the armed crews of the Wobblies that helped to keep North Side Chicago relatively safe and the city's giant infrastructure running. Of course, some moneybags had to make certain concessions to the people, and not everyone in CPD (except the union members, of course) approved of the Wobblies' cause, but at this point the IWW seems to be dead-set on its end goal of finally forming the One Big Union across North America.

P.S. Not counting the left paternalist East Germany I played in the Blackened Skies, this is my first "leftie" faction. I couldn't pass by that chance. Their headquarters are 8 minutes of walking away from where I live.
Faction Name: L’Alliance Democratic de Trois Riviere
Leader Name: Jerome Duboisson
Leader Background:: Law Enforcement
Starting Location: Trois Riviere, QC
Background: The collapse in the US echoed throughout the continent, and the Canadian central authority in Ottawa fell relatively quickly after the american one, unable to contend with the waves of refugees. As communication with the Central offices failed, the RCMP offices in Trois Riviere quickly rallied the community leaders to figure out how to survive the coming end days. Forging a council, with RCMP commander Jerome Duboisson as it’s chairman, the Democratic Alliance has reached out to nearby municipalities, hoping to forge something new.
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Faction Name: The Legitimate United States of America
Leader Name: President Dr. Ben Carson
Leader Background:: Politician
Starting Location: Washington D.C.
Background: It's difficult to understand what happened in Washington D.C. during the collapse. The line of succession was unclear and uncertain: the whereabouts of most cabinet members were unknown. The Speaker of the House was briefly proclaimed president, appointed an administration, discovered there was no Senate to confirm that administration, and was assassinated by a conspiracy theorist who believed she ran a child slavery ring out of a Mexican restaurant. A group of right-wing congressmen barricaded themselves in the Capitol, passed radical legislation dissolving the Federal Reserve, and killed themselves in a suicide pact. The acting Attorney General seized power briefly but failed to secure support of key agencies, as he had never been properly confirmed by the Senate. A senator from Texas was torn apart by an angry mob. In the end it was a cabal of bureaucrats, intelligence officials, and other members of the Deep State that established control of the capital. General Services Administration employees, the true power behind the federal government for decades, took quiet control of key centers of the administration overnight using their knowledge of maintenance corridors and tunnels. Dr. Ben Carson, 12th in line for the presidency and considered eminently manipulable, was maneuvered into position as President. He is more than a virtual non-entity however: God has chosen him for a special mission.

His Healing Hands are the hands that will heal America.

Spoiler :
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Faction Name: The Democratic United States of America
Leader Name: DNC Chairman Joe Biden
Leader Background: Politician
Starting Location: Dover, Delaware
Background: It was clear in the minds of democrats everywhere after the Orange That Must Not Be Named, that there was only one true President: the 'Bama. But with the descent of the country into chaos, he never made it to DC. The redties of President Doctor started chasing loyal Democrats, and they fell back to the man they knew they could always count on: Joe Biden. Now, they are ready to take the country back, as they await the return of the Promised President.
Faction Name: Fifth International (Posadism)
Leader Name: Chairman Gene Frasnelli
Leader Background: Engineer
Starting Location: Houston, Texas. Based out of the Johnson Space Center.
Background: It turns out that the Posadists had infiltrated NASA in order to be better prepared for the nuclear war that will end capitalism and so they can better contact the extraterrestrial comrades. After all that, it turns out that Posadas was right and nuclear war did end capitalism. Shortly after the war ended, the Posadists in NASA led by Gene Frasnelli led a coup and took over the space station. They were then somehow able to take control over the city, perhaps because their mad ramblings about nuclear war ending capitalism seemed plausible after a nuclear war happened.

Now Chairman Gene Frasnelli leads the Fifth International to assist the working classes (of human, alien and dolphin varieties) end the last vestiges of capitalism and allow humanity to achieve socialism and join our comrades among the stars!
Faction Name: Jiāzhōu Dynasty
Leader Name: Empress Wu
Leader Background: Military
Starting Location: Los Angeles
Background: A secret cabal of wealthy Chinese had invested huge sums of money in San Francisco in hopes of escaping the potential destruction of their country. Protected by their wealth and a defecting Army unit, they arrived in Los Angeles, initially looking to find political refuge but when seeing the weakness of the Americans, conquered the city for their own use. Led by actress Fan Bingbing due to her familiarity of the United States, she took the title 'Empress Wu' due to her prior role as the Empress. Now, the Jiāzhōu Dynasty is prepared to make a new empire, on the backs of their conquered American subjects.
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I'll be doing an update 0 on Friday. Any submissions made before the update 0 is posted will be considered first turn entrants.
Faction Name: Pearl Harbor Protectorate
Leader Name: Admiral Cunningham
Leader Background:: Military (US Navy)
Starting Location: Honolulu
Background: When the collapse happened most of the Pacific Fleet was either destroyed or on deployment elsewhere, but the Pearl Harbor Naval base was the only institution on the island of Honolulu to maintain order in the face of the disaster and it's commander has become defacto Governor of the island. With the only trained military force in 3000 miles nobody is likely to dispute his claim. His declared priorities are to secure the safety and self-sufficiency of Hawaii and re-unite whatever remains of the Pacific Fleet.
Faction Name: ISBCC (Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center)
Leader Name: Imam Ibrahim
Leader Background: Clergy (Imam)
Starting Location: Boston
Once upon a time, crazy people destroyed the world. But this is not the story that matters.
Once upon a time there was an imam who heard the ominous rumblings of evil to come in the news, and worked on turning the masjid into a shelter, for it is the house of Allah and it should provide succor to those Allah loves. One day, a community of Christians came to seek shelter there. The imam's followers complained bitterly, "we do not have enough food and medicine for ourselves. Leave them out there. We did not create this mess, it is not our responsibility to help them."
"By Allah, when did your faith grow so weak! These people are our brothers and sisters in humanity, of course we will help them. Allah will provide for us all"
Faction Name: Free State of Jefferson
Leader Name: Gregory Buckner
Leader Background:: Survivalist
Starting Location: Bend, OR
Background: Greg Buckner owned a large ranch south of Bend, OR. The same spread owned by his father, and his father's father. Greg was raised to think for himself, to be independent. This mindset helped him look past the headlines and visualize where the world was heading, and he knew it was heading to chaos. Over the past twenty years he has planned and prepped, hoarding food, weapons, and ammo on his self sustainable ranch, turning his house into a near impenetrable fortress made of old shipping containers, concrete fortifications, and pre-planned booby traps. His friends thought him crazy, but when the bombs started dropping and missiles started flying, he was ready. Now, he finds himself the leader of a band of like-minded individualists and survivalists. Calling themselves the Free State of Jefferson, in honor of the state that never was, they now defend their land and way of life from the screaming hordes of Willamette Valley socialists. Those hordes which will arrive, any day now. Just wait and see.
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Faction Name: (Hijos del Sol) Children of the Sun
Leader Name: Isabella Moreno
Leader Background:: Criminal
Starting Location: El Paso,Texas
Background: When the USA fall collapse chaos reign in the city of El Paso. Gangs of all sorts bleeded the street red with blood trying to take over the remains of this once great city. The Children of the Sun a mexican biker gang from the other side of the USA/Mexico border found this chaos as an opportunity to expand into and bring order to a chaotic city. Isabella father use both intimidation and act of violence to reign in the others gangs and transformed the The Children of the Sun a major Criminal faction in the city. Now after years of fighting, scheming, and bribing now the reigns of the great biker chapter belong to Isabella as her father only heir. Will she take this gang to greater heights only time will tell.
Faction Name: The West Republic
Leader Name: Johnathan West
Leader Background::Law Enforcement
Starting Location: Sandy, OR.
Background: Johnathan West was a deputy in the Clackamas County Sheriffs Office in Clackamas County. He was a seasoned deputy of ten years before the event that ended the world as he knew it. It was a few weeks after the chaos and the other members of the Sheriff's office stopped showing up to work when he decided something had to be done. Starting within his home city of Sandy, OR, Johnathan moved to stage at the local fire station. A well centralized and defensible building that could store plenty of food, medicine and other supplies as needed. Shortly after, he was able to recruit many of the citizens of Sandy and a few others from the nearby cities such as; Boring, Damascus, Clackamas and Estacada. Word of his efforts spread rapidly and he soon found his influence all the way into Portland. Pleased with his early success and efforts in reestablishing order in this new world, Johnathan has now turned his attention to protecting those that have decided to follow him with expansion toward the coast. With the Mt. Hood National Forest as their backyard for hunting and the Clackamas and Columbia rivers acting as means of travel and fishing, the idea of getting to the coast for means of finding trade and more means of food and resources is very enticing.
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