Update 0, January 2020: The Beginning of the New World As We Know It
The News Desk
…and the London cleanup efforts are hoped to be completed by the end of 2022. For those just joining us, this is BBC Radio Cardiff with the news read by Erika Carter. We now turn to the most recent reports from the former United States and surrounding territories. There is some hope with newly provided information that stability could be returning to North America with the emergence of factions capable of diplomacy and maintaining order. The Prime Minister has not yet commented on whether or not any of these groups could be viewed as a legitimate successor state.
The independence of the fledgling Republic of Quebec has offered a new hope for Canada, declaring secession from the silent government in Ottawa, which has not been heard from in several months. There have been indicators, however, of a possibly brewing civil war for control of Quebec, as a group of Royal Canadian Mounted Police have secured control in the city of Sherbrooke. Calling themselves the L’Alliance Democratic de Sherbrooke, they seem to have backing of some former influential members of Canada’s famed police forces. It seems unclear whether or not these disparate factions will end up at odds or if they will cooperate to restore the Canadian nation.
Moving on to the former United States, reports have emerged from Boston that a group known as the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center has emerged as the preeminent political force controlling the city. Having gained their position through numerous charitable acts and aid to the people of Boston, they have been recognized as the de facto leadership for the city. Adam Sutler, rising star of Conservatives, has condemned this development, claiming that the ISBCC represents a rise of a new Islamist threat that could one day even threaten Britain. The Prime Minister responded by stating: “Perhaps when the radiation here has been cleaned up, we can worry about what may or may not be happening overseas.”
Private radio stations from locations around the Great Lakes and the Ohio River have begun announcing the formation of several factions that offer order and peace. The City of Nashville has reportedly been held together by a collection of truck drivers and teamsters, who have excelled at keeping the roads open for transit of vital goods. Two leftist movements in what was known as the American Midwest have offered radical new ideologies for the reformation of the United States. The city of Cincinnati was taken over by one of these groups, and has since been declared the People’s Republic of Cincinnati. The major metropolitan area of Chicago was occupied by a group represented as the Industrial Workers of the World, a union movement.
The former state of Texas appears to be the next region ripe for a major civil conflict, as multiple factions have emerged in key cities. In the city of El Paso a Mexican cartel known as the Children of the Sun have seized control of the ample military stockpiles of neighboring Fort Bliss. Like the American Midwest, Houston is now home to a leftist movement known as the Posadists, calling themselves the Fifth International. Lastly, the Dallas Regional Chamber of local businessmen and elite have established control in that city. Due to the diametric opposition of these three groups’ ideologies, it seems clear to political analysts that violent armed conflict throughout Texas is inevitable.
Conflict similarly seems to be on the horizon for southern California as Chinese military forces occupy Los Angeles. Somewhat welcomed by the local citizenry for crushing several upstart gangs and bringing back peace to the streets, there have been only a handful of protest demonstrations which have been violently and ruthlessly crushed by the Chinese army. The Chinese have proclaimed a new Jiāzhōu Dynasty, with an empress at the helm. Only a handful of kilometers to the south, a triumvirate of American leaders have established a faction known as Sanctuary in San Diego, having taken control of the San Diego Naval Base and the rest of the city. Citizens in the region hope that this group will help protect American freedoms from the encroaching Chinese threat.
Other American military forces appear to remain somewhat active, as the remnants of the United States Navy Pacific Fleet have reorganized at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Multiple abandoned ships have been repurposed by those crews who have remained to aid the efforts of what is now known as the Pearl Harbor Protectorate. Radio broadcasts have been detected trying to make contact with any surviving US Navy forces that could be wandering the seas.
Lastly, we look at the state of Oregon, which has also been divided between two factions. A band of Survivalists have taken control of the resort community of Bend, and declared the Free State of Jackson. Meanwhile, a former law enforcement official known as Johnathan West has seized control of Portland, and declared neighboring Sandy as the capital of the new “West Republic.” These two would-be nations offer different futures for the Pacific Northwest, and signs are unclear on whether or not they will enter into warfare or negotiate new borders.
We now go to the latest reports from the Survival Committee’s latest forecasts for future food production in Britain.
Classified Operational Reports
Children of the Sun
City of Nashville
Dallas Regional Chamber
Fifth International
Free State of Jackson
Industrial Workers of the World
Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
Jiāzhōu Dynasty
L’Alliance Democratic de Sherbrooke
Pearl Harbor Protectorate
People’s Republic of Cincinnati
Republic of Quebec
West Republic
Auction bids must be made secretly in orders, and the highest bid will be the one who gains control of the resources offered. Some auctions require certain facilities to be obtained. If there are multiple tied highest bids, the victory will go to whoever has the most stockpiled of the relevant gold or Legitimacy.
Auction 1
A former smuggler with his truck is offering the sale of a small number of military grade rifles and weapons.
Offered: 50 Assault Rifles, 10 LMGs, 1 HMG
Minimum Bid: $1
Auction 2
A group of United States Marines camping on vacation have returned to civilization and they’re looking for the most legitimate possible successor to offer their skilled services.
Offered: 30 Specialists
Minimum Bid: 1 Legitimacy
Words from the Game Master
I have developed Chemical Weapons for use in combat and as a strategic weapon. Chemical Weapons require an artillery or missile delivery system and are most deadly against relatively unprotected Manpower. You will receive a -2 Legitimacy hit for each deployment of chemical weapons against an enemy. While they won’t kill as many people as a nuke, they will be more likely to leave enemy facilities intact for capture.
How do I expand?
You may spend 10 Legitimacy or send in whatever troops you possess to claim a region. The region MUST neighbor a current region under your control. To take an island or any other coastal province not directly connected to your capital, you must have at least one ship with a fully staffed crew to assert your claim or begin a conquest.
How do I get Gold?
Through expansion or by taxing your citizens. It costs 1 Legitimacy to gain 1 Gold from every Manpower in your territory. Each time you do this in a single turn, the cost of Legitimacy doubles.
What happens if me and another player expand into an area at the same time?
A battle. Both forces fight, and the winner comes out ahead. If one faction attempted a peaceful takeover and the other attempted a military takeover, the military forces will fight against the local population, and if they win, they take over. If they lose, the territory will go to the peaceful player. If both players attempted a peaceful takeover, the province goes to whoever has the largest stockpile of Legitimacy at the time of the conflict. Legitimacy spent on a failed attempt to take over a province is automatically refunded.