No, overall I'd say annihilation of most of the world is not a good thing. For the purposes of the game however, I created a scenario in which North America is spared the worst of it. If America had been spared chaos in this scenario, it could have been a geopolitical golden age for the United States, as there would be literally no one left who could offer even the most minor challenge. As Ahigin points out, just because there was a "golden age" of piracy, that doesn't mean it was a golden age for the entire world. It could also be compared to saying something like "the cotton gin led to the golden age of slavery in the United States." A golden age for one organization, institution, or nation is usually bad news for another.
A golden age for the unholy trinity of monopoly capital, feudal landowners, and chauvinistic imperialists. A dark age for the proletariat. That is, until the People's Republic of Cincinnati.
No, overall I'd say annihilation of most of the world is not a good thing. For the purposes of the game however, I created a scenario in which North America is spared the worst of it. If America had been spared chaos in this scenario, it could have been a geopolitical golden age for the United States, as there would be literally no one left who could offer even the most minor challenge. As Ahigin points out, just because there was a "golden age" of piracy, that doesn't mean it was a golden age for the entire world. It could also be compared to saying something like "the cotton gin led to the golden age of slavery in the United States." A golden age for one organization, institution, or nation is usually bad news for another.
Stats before the turn:
Industrial Workers of the World: Ahigin
Leader: Central Caucus (Agitator)
Capital: Chicago, IL
Legitimacy: 5 (+2)
Manpower: 9,719
Gold: $9,550
Food: 24,356 (-5,719)
Fuel: 204 (-98)
Materials: 0 (+200)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 21,150
Medicine: 204 (-98)
Personnel: 290 Draftees, 20 Militia
Weapons: 910 Light Weapons, 40 IE Weapons
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
- Industrial Farm: Chicago, IL
- Industrial Farm: Bourbonnais, IL
- Material Source: Ottawa, IL
- Refinery: Gary, IN
After Action Report:
The last month was the first proof that what the IWW is building here is a properly functioning, modern state: we have gained a resource base, improved our ability to satisfy the population's basic needs, established taxation (and distribution of wealth), and formed national defense. We're still not in the state of autarky, but that's also a possibility.
Our expansion has also taught us many things. Our ideas are in high demand. Better future for the workers of the world will be won through bloodshed. This world is full of dirty work, but somebody's gotta do it. That somebody will be us. And, as long as we keep our momentum up, the sacrifice of our people will be justified.
Domestic actions:
- Establish the 1st "Gary Veterans" Militia Battalion: Retrain existing 290 Draftees for $29 into Militia. From now on, Militia will be our training standard. The folks that survived the Battle of Gary will be brought to that level of training.
- Form the IWWA 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Union Militia Regiments: Recruit 10,000 Militia with 100 Manpower and $1000 (it's amazing how much you can do with Chicago budget). Manpower and money are the only things we have a lot of. Let's invest them into a proper People's Army.
Scouting groups:
Send different companies of the 1st "Gary Veterans" Militia Battalion (100 Militia each) to scout neighboring provinces that are not included in the action list below. That includes the 1 province directly north of Chicago (Milwaukee metropolitan area?) and two provinces in the east (Indiana Dunes and St. Joseph, MI?). Scout, stay alive, come back with information.
Task Force 1 (action 1):
Send 3000 Militia with a half of all of our light weapons and improvised explosives (and civilian weapons for the rest of them) to take control of the Rockford-Freeport manufacturing hub.
This cluster of counties is of high importance for us because of the heavy presence of three industries there (in the order of size and pre-war employment):
Abott Inc. pharmaceutical facilities, plus clusters of Mercy Health, Swedish-American Health System, and OFC Health hospitals.
UTC Aerospace Systems and Woodard Inc. aerospace and power generator factories
Several automobile assembly lines, including Fiat Chrysler Belvidere assembly plant
Shortly speaking, that area has a lot of valuable stuff, and we want to make sure we secure it for the IWW, no matter the resistance.
Task Force 2 (action 2):
Send 3000 Militia with a half of all of our light weapons and improvised explosives (and civilian weapons for the rest of them) to take control of the Peoria manufacturing hub.
Our propaganda campaign did a lot to expand our influence in Northern Illinois, but, apparently, it wasn't enough to reach the Peorians. Now, we'll have to take the Peoria County and surrounding territories by force.
To recap, our main target is the Caterpillar manufacturing capacity:
the Mapleton Foundry, where diesel engine blocks and other large parts are cast;
the East Peoria factory, which has assembled Caterpillar tractors for over 70 years;
the Mossville engine plant, built after World War II;
the Morton parts facility.
Besides being possible to re-purpose the production lines, these facilities (and the surrounding warehouses) are valuable for their direct purpose: production of heavy construction and farming equipment, as well as some military engineering vehicles, such as the infamous CAT D9:
UPDATE: Something tells me that John Deere agricultural equipment factories may also be included into this "province."
Another reason for expanding into this cluster of counties is that it's a home to all of Illinois wind power generation facilities (8.3% of all power generation in the state). They're important, because they don't depend on fuel to generate energy and are relatively cheap to maintain.
See the map:
Task Force 3 (action 3):
Send 1000 Militia with civilian weapons (bad choice of weaponry, but we'll have to compensate it with numbers and training) to take control of the Logan, Sangamon, and surrounding Counties.
That's where Illinois gets much less populated, but that area is a home for the most of its nuclear power stations and some decent coal deposits.
Illinois coal deposits (map):
Illinois power plants (map):
Task Force 4 (action 4):
Send 1000 Militia with civilian weapons (bad choice of weaponry, but we'll have to compensate it with numbers and training) to take control of Urbana, Parkland, and surrounding Counties.
It's hard to define what is covered by that province on the map, but I assume it's where the Corn Belt starts to thicken (see map below). Also, this is where the belt of solar power and wind power stations is located.
Illinois agricultural production (map):
Task Force 5 (action 5):
Send 1000 Militia with civilian weapons (bad choice of weaponry, but we'll have to compensate it with numbers and training) to take control of Jasper, White, and surrounding Indiana Counties.
Again, I'm only guessing what's in that province. But Jasper and White counties have big coal plants, and also some agriculture.
UPDATE: Also, I was just reminded that North Indiana has TONS of firework warehouses (that's where Chicago shops for fireworks, after all). Krazy Kaplans come to mind. I suspect we'll come across a lot of improvised explosives in this part of the map, both as a loot and used against us.
Indiana power facilities production (map):
Task Force 6 (action 6):
Send 1000 Militia with civilian weapons (bad choice of weaponry, but we'll have to compensate it with numbers and training) to take control of Cass, Miami, and surrounding Indiana Counties.
In this one case, I have no idea what is there besides agriculture. Not automotive manufacturing, as that'd be further to the north. Whatever it is, we'll conquer it.
The benefit of taking the military base in the Tacoma area will greatly add to our efforts of expansion and protection. Use 10 Legitimacy to take the Tacoma/Olympia area (area 1 on the map)
There are fertile farm lands and access to the ocean if we can take Tillamook. It was quite the costly advance taking the I-5 Corridor in Southern Washington, but this is something we desperately will need to feed our populace and gain access to over seas allies. We will send 8 Armored Cars (armed with LMGs) with light weapons on the riders, accompanied by 100 Militia armed with assault rifles to slowly and carefully push across the open landscape to the west of the Portland Metro area. We will utilize scouts more productively during this push as opposed to our Washington advance, as there is very little dense city populace here and we will have the advantage of seeing much farther ahead with binoculars/scopes/etc and formulate plans more easily than a city crawl. (area 2 on the map)
Have the citizens use less fuel, we wont completely take from the citizens, but while we try and make our push to the coast we'll need most of the fuel for our territorial advancements. Limit the citizens fuel usage to half what they were previously allowed.
Stats before the turn:
People’s Republic of Cincinnati: Crezth
Leader: General Secretary Dr. Emily Charles Cassandra Morgan (Engineer)
Capital: Cincinnati, OH
Legitimacy: 7 (+1)
Manpower: 2,160
Gold: $2,160
Food: 5,850 (-150)
Fuel: 48 (-22)
Materials: 300 (+200)
Rare Materials: 200
Electronics: 100
Ammunition: 5,800
Medicine: 78 (-22)
Personnel: 1,160 Draftees, 970 Militia
Weapons: 100 IE Weapons
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Industrial Farm: Mount Orab: OH
Material Source: Florence, KY
Munitions Plant: Cincinnati, OH
Refinery: Cincinnati, OH
Weapons Plant: Cincinnati, OH
Domestic actions:
- Issue Collectivization Orders: Spend 2 Legitimacy to gather taxes. Expected gain $4,260.
- Publish Industrial Quotas for equipment orders for the People's Militia: Use the Munitions Plant to create 1000 Ammunition for 100 Materials.
Use the Weapons Plant to produce 100 Assault Rifles for 100 Materials.
Use the Weapons Plant to produce 50 Heavy Machine Guns for 100 Materials and 50 RareMats.
- Perform Volunteer Drive for the Second People's Militia "Minutemen": Recruit 1,000 Militia with 10 Manpower and $100.
From henceforth, the People's Congress has decreed that new conquests be given an explicit legal right to send representatives to Cincinnati, but that they are compelled to obey all laws passed by the Central Committee - in particular, to pay tax. In exchange, they are recognized under our sovereignty and are entitled to all the material remunerations of that, including and especially protection from banditry, lawlessness, hostile armies, and the predations of the D.C. gangsters and their Wall Street associates.
It's a raw deal. But that's how we're going to be doing things. Our way or the highway. Imperium eripuit.
Conquest of Darke-Shelby (1):
In and around Dayton and particularly in southwestern Ohio lay Wright-Patterson Air Force base and all the resources that entails. We want to scout as much as possible for these tools and in particular scour the base. As we send troops into western Ohio, build fortifications and scout the area and send representatives to the local gangs, demanding them to bend the knee.
Send 400 Draftees and 700 Militia to accomplish this purpose. Take 30 ARs and 15 HMGs and 10 IEs.
Conquest of Clark-Greene-Fayette Counties (2):
Great expanses of farmland lay between us and Franklin, the county of evil Columbus. We will secure these lands for our republic.
Send 400 Draftees and 700 Militia to accomplish this purpose. Take 30 ARs and 15 HMGs and 10 IEs.
Conquest of Switzerland (3):
Switzerland County and the surrounding environs represent an important frontier for our great republic. They will join our enterprise or be forced to.
Send 400 Draftees and 570 Militia to accomplish this purpose. Take 30 ARs and 15 HMGs and 10 IEs.
Use 15 manpower and 1500 Dollars to recruit 1500 Militia
Send 1500 Militia, along with 10 of our armored cars, to Bowling Greens Kentucky armed with civillian weapons, seeking to take control of the region for our purposes.
Use 2 technicals and 10 draftees each to scout the following provinces:
-One directly east of Cookeville TN
-One directly southeast of Cookeville TN
-One directly north of Cookeville TN
Faction Name: City of Baltimore
Leader Name: Comissioner Charles Morris
Leader Background:: Law Enforcement
Starting Location: Baltimore, MD
Background: In the chaos following the collapse of authority, the police department stepped in, deposing the dysfunctional city government, and bringing some modicum of peace and order to metropolitan Baltimore.
Free State of Jefferson: bestshot9
Leader: Gregory Buckner (Survivalist)
Capital: Bend, OR
Legitimacy: 1 (+1)
Manpower: 175
Gold: $800
Food: 9,935 (-175)
Fuel: 9 (-2)
Materials: 0 (+400)
Rare Materials: 0
Electronics: 0
Ammunition: 10,000
Medicine: 9 (-2)
Personnel: 200 Draftees
Weapons: None
Vehicles: None
Ships: None
Aircraft: None
Material Source: Bend, OR
Material Source: Chemult, OR
Spend 50 gold and 5 manpower on 500 militia
Not sure how materials work, because we have a material source in Bend and Chemult but no materials on our stat page. If I need to spend manpower to produce materials there then I will spend the requisite manpower to start producing materials, up to 10 manpower for the time being.
Scout to the direct south and to the south-west. Try to determine the organization (unit type) and equipment level (weapon type) of any defenses in the areas, and the resources available.
If one of the two counties looks like we will be able to take over with our militia, then we'll go ahead and attack. If they both look like we'll be able to conquer the area, go after the easier one. Loot additional fuel as well.
1.Mass recruitment plan
100 Manpower and $1000 for 10000 Militia
20 Manpower and $2000 for 2000 Soldiers
350 Manpower for 35000 Draftees
2. Expansion were run on limited time with food so an expansion is in order to get new territory under our control (in the attach file).
Squad 1 ( 15000 Draftees, 3000 Militia, 25 Specialists with Light Weapons, 1 SP Artillery
Location: Main Local Urban Center: Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
Objective: Reclaim Refinery
Squad 2 ( 3000 Draftees, 1000 Militia, 25 Specialists with Light Weapons, 1 SP Artillery
Location: Main Local Urban Center: La Cruces, AZ
Objective: Reclaim Cruise Missile Site
3.Scout (Troops are not to engage in combat unless able to win but if the fight looks to be unfavorable they must retreat and report what they saw (Area in red are the scouting areas).
Squad 3 200 Soldiers and 10 Specialists
Squad 4 200 Soldiers and 10 Specialists
Squad 5 200 Soldiers and 10 Specialists
Squad 6 200 Soldiers
Squad 7 200 Soldiers
4. Fuel use will be forbidden after they are use on the 2 Artillery pieces
Had just a minor delay with getting sick over the past few nights, and have to work tonight to catch up on some of what I missed, so the update has been formally started now, but I will still accept order modifications for at least another 12-16 hours.
Faction Name: New Empire State
Leader Name: Mayor James Brown
Leader Background: Politician
Starting Location: Buffalo, New York
Buffalo is a gem of the northest. Situated at a crossroads of transportation infrastructure, it boasts control of I90, Niagara Falls and the Erie Canal, and the Buffalo International Airport.
James Brown is a Buffalo native and grew up in Depew, a small town on the south side. He was born to Gary and Theresa Brown, a doctor and nurse. He attended UB and is a solid Buffalo Bills fan. He was elected Town Council at the age of 24 and has had a steady political career since then. His ambitions were to run for Governor against Cuomo in 2020, but that all went to horsehockey when the world fell apart. Now he is content to rebuild New York, one county at a time.
Faction Name: The New Louisiana Territory
Leader Name: Marcus Clark
Leader Background:: Law Enforcement Starting Location: St. Louis, Missouri Background: As a young boy, Marcus was always facinated by the journey of Lewis and Clark. When he graduated from high school he applied for a job right at the start of their journey. He worked his way from a beat cop in the city to eventually become a well respected detective. When the chaos hit, he helped unite the people of St. Louis and became the defacto ruler of the city. He now hopes to recreate Lewis and Clark's journey by restoring order from the Mississippi River to the Pacific ocean.
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