Warriors don't look like warriors


Feb 9, 2010
Infact Warriors in Civ V look more like Workers.

They lost all their rude, tribal attitude, they are now very medium looking men, well dressed in tunicas.

I miss the brute warriors, with long hair and dressed in pelts and stuff....

Combined with the classical music the ancient era now just doesn't feel ancient, more like classic era, with those sissy guys in their tunicas...:(

I hope that somebody will be able to mod in another model for that....

What do you think about them?

Any other unit that you feel is misconcepted?
Play germany and attack encampments and get yourself brutes and don't build warriors, I've done that. >.> But yeah, each nation's warriors look cute. lol

Except for barbarian warriors which is named as brutes, and they kinda look like vikings xD
yeah, exactly! that's how warriors should look like!

also i don't like their arabic/classical cloth style, if you prefere to play any nation other then a mid-eastern one it really sucks to have those whiners called warriors.
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