Misico dux Vandalorum
Grzegorz Braun, one of Polish 2015 presidential candidates, explains Star Wars in an interview on 03.05.2015.
Journalists: We met Grzegorz Braun. We want to ask him one short question - was Yoda of Star Wars a Yew?
G. Braun: Mhmmm... If I understand correctly, this is a question about the real sense of Star Wars. What is really going on there. Who is whom, behind that facade of propaganda, which is the narration / storytelling by George Lucas. Well, we need to notice that Star Wars is a work of republican propaganda, republican-democratic, anti-monarchist propaganda. A propaganda product. (...) In that part of the series, we learn what was the original cause of the huge galactic war. The war took place because the intergalactic senate raised taxes. That upset the Merchant's Guild, which secretly initiated production of clones, drones, robots - which were to be used to take power in the galaxy. Well, already this is an important discovery. The cause of the war were statist practices, fiscalism in policies of a democratic organ of supreme authority. How typical. There is no such roguery, no such wickedness, which would be unacceptable to commit for a democratic authority in need of money. So the senate raises taxes, a rebellion, a war starts. In that war of course I support the Merchant's Guild, which protested against unjust, radical fiscalism of the Intergalactic Senate. Further on, let's notice that the heroine who is called a "princess" at the beginning, in the 2nd part (according to the chronology of events) is already a senator. Who is next to her in that Intergalactic Senate? Well, among others, that greatest moron from the 1st part, the one with long ears, you know - Jar Jar Binks? Here subconsciousness is talking, the truth is revealed - even though, as I said, the series is a work of democratic-republican propaganda - this is the reality of democracy, that morons become senators and deputies. Such morons, who guarantee their principals that they won't understand anything, and they will do everything what is expected of them. But who are the principals, who pull the strings? Who has the real power in the galaxy? It turns out that behind a facade of democracy and behind that whole senate, there is a kind of a lodge, led by a little guy - and all real decisionmaking is done there. There the politics take place - the senate is only debating, but the Jedi Knights (that is, the intergalactic secret political police) make decisions. With little Yoda on top. Even in that narrow circle, despotism and autocracy prevail, because Yoda - despite consulting others for advice - in reality takes all decisions personally. That the Jedi Knights are in fact a secret political police (to the description of which a romantic legend is added) - that it is the intergalactic KGB - is confirmed by many fragments of the series. Do you remember that scene, entire sequence, in which young Obi-Wan with young Skywalker enter some place and there Obi-Wan, in passing, carries out brainwashing of one of visitors - he advises him to go home and rethink his entire life. Brainwashing, backstage decision-making and pulling the strings behind a democratic facade - that's the world depicted in Star Wars series. That's the Republic depicted there. And so, if the Jedi Knights are the secret political police, then who is Skywalker Senior, who is Lord Vader? Of course, he is an insurgent, he is the sole upstanding individual - such a "Colonel Kuklinski" - in Star Wars universum. The only man who stands against that whole system. The only man who supports normal people, and declares war against the secret political police. But, if so, then he must be the one on whom the whole dirt is being dished by his adversaries. [Communist] generals Jaruzelski and Kiszczak hated Colonel Kuklinski most for the fact that he left the system, he broke that blanket of silence. (...) So they tried, they keep trying, the ones who are still alive, to slander Col. Kuklinski. The same takes place in Star Wars where the authors, the narrator - let's call that the storytelling subject - speaks with the voice of Republican propaganda. I think that this piece of propaganda in fact tells us a lot about real connections prevailing in a world of democracy. (...) What role model does the story of young Luke Skywalker show? It is the story of Pavlik Morozov, you probably remember this legend of Soviet propaganda. A young boy who became a hero of the Soviet Union because he denounced his own father, a kolkhoz worker, that he did not give all of his crops to the Communist authorities. Luke Skywalker is such Pavlik Morozov, who - after getting his brain washed by the state's secret police - stands against his own father. Such are the role models, such are the heroes. Let's also pay attention to the kind of people with whom the authorities surround themselves. The backstage authorities, of course, the secret police (the Jedi knights). Who is helping them? This is Lumpenproletariat, these are criminal offenders, smugglers (Han Solo) - supporters typical of every Bolshevik revolution, and of every revolutionary-democratic authority. Such authorities must appeal to people who live on the margins of society, in order to deal with us - honest, hardworking, normal people. This is my lecture on the subconsciousness of Star Wars - this is the hidden sense / message, the subtext, of this whole story.
Journalists: To sum up - could Yoda be Yewish?
G. Braun: Well, this is what you claim, not me... I must think about this, watch the whole series again, and then I will answer this question.
Journalists: Thank you very much.
Source (in Polish):
Link to video.
Journalists: We met Grzegorz Braun. We want to ask him one short question - was Yoda of Star Wars a Yew?
G. Braun: Mhmmm... If I understand correctly, this is a question about the real sense of Star Wars. What is really going on there. Who is whom, behind that facade of propaganda, which is the narration / storytelling by George Lucas. Well, we need to notice that Star Wars is a work of republican propaganda, republican-democratic, anti-monarchist propaganda. A propaganda product. (...) In that part of the series, we learn what was the original cause of the huge galactic war. The war took place because the intergalactic senate raised taxes. That upset the Merchant's Guild, which secretly initiated production of clones, drones, robots - which were to be used to take power in the galaxy. Well, already this is an important discovery. The cause of the war were statist practices, fiscalism in policies of a democratic organ of supreme authority. How typical. There is no such roguery, no such wickedness, which would be unacceptable to commit for a democratic authority in need of money. So the senate raises taxes, a rebellion, a war starts. In that war of course I support the Merchant's Guild, which protested against unjust, radical fiscalism of the Intergalactic Senate. Further on, let's notice that the heroine who is called a "princess" at the beginning, in the 2nd part (according to the chronology of events) is already a senator. Who is next to her in that Intergalactic Senate? Well, among others, that greatest moron from the 1st part, the one with long ears, you know - Jar Jar Binks? Here subconsciousness is talking, the truth is revealed - even though, as I said, the series is a work of democratic-republican propaganda - this is the reality of democracy, that morons become senators and deputies. Such morons, who guarantee their principals that they won't understand anything, and they will do everything what is expected of them. But who are the principals, who pull the strings? Who has the real power in the galaxy? It turns out that behind a facade of democracy and behind that whole senate, there is a kind of a lodge, led by a little guy - and all real decisionmaking is done there. There the politics take place - the senate is only debating, but the Jedi Knights (that is, the intergalactic secret political police) make decisions. With little Yoda on top. Even in that narrow circle, despotism and autocracy prevail, because Yoda - despite consulting others for advice - in reality takes all decisions personally. That the Jedi Knights are in fact a secret political police (to the description of which a romantic legend is added) - that it is the intergalactic KGB - is confirmed by many fragments of the series. Do you remember that scene, entire sequence, in which young Obi-Wan with young Skywalker enter some place and there Obi-Wan, in passing, carries out brainwashing of one of visitors - he advises him to go home and rethink his entire life. Brainwashing, backstage decision-making and pulling the strings behind a democratic facade - that's the world depicted in Star Wars series. That's the Republic depicted there. And so, if the Jedi Knights are the secret political police, then who is Skywalker Senior, who is Lord Vader? Of course, he is an insurgent, he is the sole upstanding individual - such a "Colonel Kuklinski" - in Star Wars universum. The only man who stands against that whole system. The only man who supports normal people, and declares war against the secret political police. But, if so, then he must be the one on whom the whole dirt is being dished by his adversaries. [Communist] generals Jaruzelski and Kiszczak hated Colonel Kuklinski most for the fact that he left the system, he broke that blanket of silence. (...) So they tried, they keep trying, the ones who are still alive, to slander Col. Kuklinski. The same takes place in Star Wars where the authors, the narrator - let's call that the storytelling subject - speaks with the voice of Republican propaganda. I think that this piece of propaganda in fact tells us a lot about real connections prevailing in a world of democracy. (...) What role model does the story of young Luke Skywalker show? It is the story of Pavlik Morozov, you probably remember this legend of Soviet propaganda. A young boy who became a hero of the Soviet Union because he denounced his own father, a kolkhoz worker, that he did not give all of his crops to the Communist authorities. Luke Skywalker is such Pavlik Morozov, who - after getting his brain washed by the state's secret police - stands against his own father. Such are the role models, such are the heroes. Let's also pay attention to the kind of people with whom the authorities surround themselves. The backstage authorities, of course, the secret police (the Jedi knights). Who is helping them? This is Lumpenproletariat, these are criminal offenders, smugglers (Han Solo) - supporters typical of every Bolshevik revolution, and of every revolutionary-democratic authority. Such authorities must appeal to people who live on the margins of society, in order to deal with us - honest, hardworking, normal people. This is my lecture on the subconsciousness of Star Wars - this is the hidden sense / message, the subtext, of this whole story.
Journalists: To sum up - could Yoda be Yewish?
G. Braun: Well, this is what you claim, not me... I must think about this, watch the whole series again, and then I will answer this question.
Journalists: Thank you very much.
Source (in Polish):
Link to video.