Washington D.C. and Mexico City legalize same-sex marriage and adoption,

The only logical solution is a self-existint being.

If God can be self-existint, why the Universe can't be so?

Oh, and straight men should be allowed to marry each other just fine, but no marriage rights should be given to these icky gays. :mad:
Because it does not make any sense.

No less sense then a self-existent God.
What is not logical about the Universe being self-existent? What is not logical about God having a non-existent creator?
It has to start somewere. You can't keep going around in circles.
If the Universe is self-existent, it would be God.
So it all just came about by chance?
I guess if I leave my computer by itself, it should turn itself on and do my homework eventually.

but that was your argument for how god came here, by saying he didn't have a creator he just popped into existence
the magic you ascribe to the homework ... just wait a few years, your phone will do it
but that was your argument for how god came here, by saying he didn't have a creator he just popped into existence
the magic you ascribe to the homework ... just wait a few years, your phone will do it
God never "popped into existence." He always existed.
Well, I declare that the universe always existed, also.

If the Universe is self-existent, it would be God.

Depends on your definition of God. A universe that always existed isn't necessary self-aware or has the power of reason - qualities that are usually ascribed to God.
but i feel your mistaken... he popped into existence quite recently, a million years or so ago and only became vocal in the last 6000 years or so :mischief:

Well, I declare that the universe always existed, also.

Depends on your definition of God. A universe that always existed isn't necessary self-aware or has the power of reason - qualities that are usually ascribed to God.
Ok then, you can believe what you want.:)
God never "popped into existence." He always existed.

It doesn't make any sense to say that God existed in a time period before time came into existence. You could say that He exists outside of time, though.
Actually it does not matter how the world was made. What matters is there has to have been some god that started it.

Why does there have to be some god that started it? What's wrong with not knowing exactly what started it? What happened to being critical and not claiming something has to be, when it hasn't been proven and there is no evidence for it whatsoever?

Come on, own up and admit, just like I have, that you don't know. It doesn't prohibit believing in God. And we'd have common ground in our collective ignorance. :)
We cannot know he exists anymore than we can know that Shiva exists, or Zeus, or Wiraqocha. You're just using circular logic.

... or Scientology :lol:

Can christians disprove that we have thetans in us? Of course you can't, but that's certainly no basis for saying that it's proof that they do exist. Which is precisely the same logic that Christianity or whatever other religion is trying to us to "prove" that their beliefs are true.

Why does there have to be some god that started it? What's wrong with not knowing exactly what started it? What happened to being critical and not claiming something has to be, when it hasn't been proven and there is no evidence for it whatsoever?

Come on, own up and admit, just like I have, that you don't know. It doesn't prohibit believing in God. And we'd have common ground in our collective ignorance. :)
What happend is becides the point.
The point is everything (execpt God) had to have a beginning sometime.

Maybe it is a God! What do you mean by self-existent anyway?
I mean He exists by himself, He does not owe his existence to anyone.
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