A divided government is a worthless government. I don't want a government so hamstrung it can't get anything done. It's bad enough as it is, but I have no desire to return to the Clinton era. I support absolute Democratic control of all branches of the government, the House, Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS.
Best way to achieve permanent Democratic majorities would be to make D.C. and Puerto Rico states, and give voting representatives to the US Virgin Island, and the random islands we own in the Pacific. Then once immigration reform is passed fast track immigrants to citizenship. There are 11 million illegals by conservative estimates. That's millions of votes right there, largely in Southern states shifting the balance of power in favor of the Democrats. By 2030 we'll likley be a majority/minority country. Permanet Democratic majorities become a reality.
Best way to achieve permanent Democratic majorities would be to make D.C. and Puerto Rico states, and give voting representatives to the US Virgin Island, and the random islands we own in the Pacific. Then once immigration reform is passed fast track immigrants to citizenship. There are 11 million illegals by conservative estimates. That's millions of votes right there, largely in Southern states shifting the balance of power in favor of the Democrats. By 2030 we'll likley be a majority/minority country. Permanet Democratic majorities become a reality.