...We won't stop! ZWK PBEM IV: Grand Play

I don't visit for just one day and another ZWK sprouts up.
:lol: :lol: It's that good, congrats.

Having said that, I hope you give other scenarios a try at a later stage (Actually I don't but I have to appear as if that's what I wish.
History Buff was starting up a TSFE game and it was set, but then everybody stopped posting :confused:.
nothing to report really....Oh yes! Spitfire squadron destroys German sub of coast of Norfolk. And a forced peace with the Minor Axis....
How do the Minor Axis make peace when someone's playing them? Tell me it was just your senate.

I learned my lesson in ZWK PBEM #3:

In case Stalin is wishing to extend his influence in any way over Poland or Greece, be warned. Any agression toward or attempt at annexation of these regions while they are not yet under Axis control will be considered a direct attack on the Axis powers. If you wish to risk your nation's existence for these pathetic rabble, so be it. If you wish to actually make a deal for part of Eastern Poland that is another matter, so PM me.
Getting to Greece would be quite a trick!
The Russian people see no need to squabble over Poland, let the Axis do with it as they please.
Not much taking place this week, some production has been changed, no units worth the resources spent on them produced and no word yet on how the vodka potato crop looks this year. Further bulletins as events warrant.
Getting to Greece would be quite a trick!

Nah. I'm already driving through Yugoslavia, and then I'll have a border. Regardless, I was actually just clearing the road for my friends the Minor Axis, since in ZWK 3 the Soviets were a thorn in my (I was the Minor Axis) side over Greece, almost to the brink of war. Didn't want them to have such problems this time, since their loss is my loss.
Let's see in #4 how brilliant he can be with the innumerable setbacks the Allies have to deal with...

:mad: indeed, it was my damned senate...

:lol: It starts...
I saw that soundwave's last post was about him being the
French in the GNB PBEM, and Case said this:

Sorry Soundwave, but Pap's beaten you to it. I was about to ofer you France the other day on MSN, but you said that you were dropping out of your CFC games due to a lack of time...

I e-mailed and Pm'ed Soundwave to see if that meant he couldn't do this either. Also asked Duke if he was still interested in this now if the Minor Allies were to become available.
Thats right sorry guys, but i will be moving soon and i dont think i'll have a computer for a month, so i dont wanna join anymore in case i leave people waiting for that long!


No prob. I think you can be certain there'll always be a ZWK game on this forum :D. You'll come back in a month and see "... Yet again, we won't stop: ZWK 13!".

I'll get a hold of Duke and see if he's interested.
Well, just play out the Minor Allies turn for now and see what Duke's going to do.
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