It took me a while to get my Civ 2 game to 1961, but here it is. The game will start at WEEK 1, 1961. The Civ I am playing as is the United States. The government is Monarchy, and the difficulty is the second one. (Can't remember what it's called.)
Week 1: The United States, by 1961, has felt the effects of a major economic depression, as well as the UK, Spain and India. The other countries have been hit, but not as severely as these three. To make matters worse, war is brewing between Japan and Spain over a border dispute. Should this happen, the US and it's allies (England and France, under NATO pact) will intervene, as they promised Spain they would. I send military observers to the Japan-Spain border (see map above) to see that peace is held. The economic downturn has resulted in the US losing 120 gold per turn.
Week 3: War has not openly been announced between Japan and Spain but it is certainly brewing. US is losing 56 GPT, and the UK government announced it is losing 98 GPT thanks to military expenditures. This reminds me I need to expand my air force if this Japan/Spain war is to happen.
Week 6: US losing only 9 GPT. I am confident I can now expand my airforce, as a Spain/Japanese war is certainly imminent. I can see France anxiously building it's military up and has commissioned transports. England is ready to go to war also.
Week 7: Spanish forces have massed along their border with Japan which I am confident eliminates the question of if a war will happen, but now the question is when.
Week 8: Minor skirmishes in the Spain/Japan conflict. I expected one of the nations to have invaded the other by now, but it looks like neither nation wants a full military campaign.