Weird News III - Beyond the Bizarre

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And they keep saying there's no collusion with the Russians…
Wouldn't it be easier to make 10 louder just have all the other states secede from the U.S. of A., thus leaving Trump behind in Montana and also solving the Puerto Rico question?
Better to sell of Texas. They take 10% of the US debt with them to begin with, plus whatever the real America sells the dump for.
While you're at it, you should return Alaska to Russia and ask for a refund. It's obviously defective.
Do you think Mexico would want them back?
Last i heard, they were paying for the wall.

BBC said:
Fat rat saved from manhole by German animal rescue
In the German town of Bensheim, rescue workers got an unusual call - a chubby rat needed help after getting stuck halfway out of a sewer manhole.

"She had a lot of winter flab and was stuck fast at her hip - there was no going forward or back," animal rescuer Michael Sehr told local media.

A fairly large rescue operation ensued - leading some to question why all the effort was spent on saving a sewer rat.

"Even animals that are hated by many deserve respect," Mr Sehr responded.

Volunteer firefighters reacted to a call on Sunday afternoon, the local fire department said, and noted the "animal rescue, small animal" code.

Mr Sehr, from the local professional animal rescue in Rhein Neckar, was already there - but could not free the chunky rodent from the top of the manhole cover.
Next day the local government puts poison down to kill the rats.
This is amusing

Dutch 'blunder building' bans dancing
Dutch civil servants have been warned off dancing in their staff restaurant for fear that the floors of their renovated building might not take the strain.
The foreign ministry has circulated a memo saying safety concerns mean they should also avoid over-stacking photocopier paper, placing a second row of chairs around conference room tables, or installing heavy cupboards and safes in their offices
Rijnstraat 8 also houses the infrastructure and water ministry as well as the immigration and asylum services, and the 6,000 staff told a workplace survey that they have to cope with lack of privacy, a serious shortage of workstations, and "dark and depressing" decor, among other indignities.
Government minister Raymond Knops had to assure parliament last year that stairs will be evened out after two civil servants injured themselves falling over steps in what critics have taken to calling the "blunder building".​
Reminds me of the library at the school I went to, where the architect didn't consider that that row after row of stacks of books weigh a great deal more than typical office space. And so the building's structure started to fail about 15 years after it was built.
The main building of my old university has an unused swimming pool on the top floor. Apparently, after building the structure (but fortunately before actually filling the pool), someone finally thought to ask whether the weight of the water had been included in the structural calculations. It hadn't....
Czech Nuclear Power Plant Holds Bikini Contest To Choose New Interns
“No Nuclear physics needed here, just good bikini photo and you’re in”

Ever wanted to work in a Nuclear power plant but you were never the type who could learn Nuclear physics? Well no problem, in Czechia you only need to look good in bikini and you got the job! These days a Nuclear power plant in Temelin held a hilarious bikini contest, the winners were promised internships at the plant. When the whole thing exploded in media the management excused to the public.

Plant Management board really did their best to make it interesting, they made them pose in front of the cooling tower of the power plant.
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