Welcome to ainwood, our newest mod and staff fridge beer bringer...

Wow, congrats to ainwood! :)

Did cracker quit?

EDIT: Looks like he did. Check out the GOTM forum for details.
Wow what a rare thing, a new mod! Congrats aniwood. Best of luck

Hmm, that makes how many new mods since I came here? Lets see 1, 2, and now 3. :eek: Were there always two GOTM mods or is it my imagination running wild again that says there used to be only one?

EDIT: Stupid keyboard is going to get itself smashed into a thousand pescies if it doesn't start to work right agin.

EDIT2: BTW how many more mods are we going to have before the years end? I'm barely used to the last two, how am I going to get used to this one?!:crazyeye: :cry: ;) :lol:
I see creepster has also retired. Is the about us page going to be updated BTW? Hmmmmm, just a thought but does this also go onto the front page?
Originally posted by XIII
Welcome to the team!

We got ya in the end...
Thanks! :D
Originally posted by MarineCorps
Were there always two GOTM mods or is it my imagination running wild again that says there used to be only one?
There actually used to be three - Creepster retired as well.

Originally posted by MarineCorps
Now ainwood, will you be our man on the inside and tell us what goes on in there?
Think you can handle the truth? :mischief:
Good luck ainwood, its to bad cracker quit hopefully he will remain active as a regular poster.
Congratulations. You'll have to stock the fridge full of good Aussie beer like VB or Coopers.
Happy modship, ainwood.

Originally posted by Sir Eric

stock the fridge full of good Aussie beer like VB

So an Aussie bevarage producer tries to brew vb 3.0...

No wonder it takes that long...
Wow cool! :D Good luck, Ainwood, I'm rootin' for ya ! ;)
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