Welcome to Fury Road!


Apr 28, 2008
Fury Road is a mod for Civ IV which is inspired by the Mad Max movies and the Fallout series of CRPGs. Everybody wants post-apocalyptic desert warfare with crossbows!

New as of January 1, 2010: Version 11 is released!

Overview and screenshots: this link.
Download: this link (64 MB).
Documentation: see "Fury Road Concepts" link in the civilopedia.
List of changes in this release: this link.
Frequently asked questions: next post.
Feedback? Post at this link.

The mod uses a custom DLL which is tested with BTS 3.19.

If you haven't downloaded and installed mods before, you may find help at this link.

Want to help? Playtesters are always welcome. Play it and post your reactions! Artists, please check out the updated art request list. Writers, a little more leaderhead background text is needed; see this thread for details.
i dont wann be nitpicking or show false pride or something. but if you differentiate by retexture and original stuff,... consider that all of the stuff i do is handmodelled and textured by me, except i do it in cooperation with someone like refar or asio and it is stated like that ;) there is no vanilla retexture in my repertoire... for over a year now.

ps: everyone reading this, try the mod... its awesome ;)
Alright, some feedback from the first playtest:

First of all, great idea! I've always wanted a post-apocalyptic mod. I also love the leaderhead graphics!

Now for a few things I'm not so keen on. First, the city graphics. The ruined city graphics are a nice touch, but they "de-rendered" a few times in the playtest, so that they were just untextured baby-blue. Might want to fix that. Also, the ruined look shouldn't be permanaent. Maybe have each civ upgrade to a new, "flavored" cityset with some really zany graphics that fit their personality.

The tech tree is pretty short. I had already discovered everything long before the game ended. Consider adding to it.

We need a real scorpion graphic, obviously.

The "Vision" concept is a good idea, but I'm not fond of your choice of using it to completely-replace government civics. Instead, what should be done is put in new government civics that require certain state visions to implement, like FFH.

Pedia text is sorely needed.

Guardian has an assault-rifle fire animation with a shotgun graphic. That's pretty silly, and should be replaced with one of the other gun animations.
Guardian has an assault-rifle fire animation with a shotgun graphic. That's pretty silly, and should be replaced with one of the other gun animations.

i think i made that graphic. i will check it out again, but rember it is actually a double barrel shotgun and it has two blasts ;)
The attack anim did look just fine to me.
But if you are looking into the unit again, check if you can fix those glitched vertices on the dead animation.
Is the DL link brocken ? Or was i too fast and tried to get while you was still uploading ?
It say something about "Invalid IO" and redirecyts me to the Database main page.
Yep, i can download, if i browse from the database there.
The link here in the first post still giving me a Invalid IO. It is probably still pointing at the old - now removed - file ?

Did clear my browser cache just in case, but it did not help.
Augh. There was a bad bug in the refueling code which I just fixed. I have re-uploaded the zipfile. If you are among the first 30 to have downloaded v 0.7, please re-download from the same link. I uploaded the new kit a few minutes ago.

While attempting to fix the slow runtime of the AI turn due to checking whether a unit can move, I added a copy of each unit type such as TANK_IMBL for "immobile". When a unit runs out of gas, I swap it for the immobile type. This didn't actually fix the runtime but it is a slightly better approach. Anyway, when refueling, it was always swapping the unit type. That is fine if it's out of gas, it replaces TANK_IMBL with TANK, which is what I want. But, if it was low on gas instead of out of gas, it swaps TANK for TANK_IMBL and gives me an immobile unit which is full of gas. Not what I wanted. It was only a one line code change.

While I was there I also changed the criterion for vision victory from 51% to 67% after a *second* surprise vision loss.
I tryed to download this mod, but I got a pop-up asking for a password. What should I do?
You need to be registered and logged in in the forum - you apparently are now, otherwise you wouldn't be allowed to post.

Try again to download.

Edit.: Welcome in the forums and here btw :D
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