What additional DLC civilizations would you like to see in the Exploration Age?

What additional DLC civilizations would you like to see in the Exploration Age?

  • Byzantine Empire

    Votes: 87 73.1%
  • Bulgarian Empire

    Votes: 20 16.8%
  • Republic of Venice

    Votes: 64 53.8%
  • Republic of Genoa

    Votes: 13 10.9%
  • Portuguese Empire

    Votes: 65 54.6%
  • Holy Roman Empire

    Votes: 69 58.0%
  • Swiss Confederacy

    Votes: 15 12.6%
  • Francia

    Votes: 21 17.6%
  • England

    Votes: 47 39.5%
  • Scotland

    Votes: 25 21.0%
  • Poland

    Votes: 50 42.0%
  • Bohemia

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • Hungary

    Votes: 23 19.3%
  • Nordmenn or Norway

    Votes: 37 31.1%
  • Danes or Denmark

    Votes: 41 34.5%
  • Kievan Rus'

    Votes: 64 53.8%
  • Kingdom of Georgia

    Votes: 21 17.6%
  • Sasanian Empire

    Votes: 25 21.0%
  • Seljuks or Ottomans

    Votes: 51 42.9%
  • Kamakura or Edo Japan

    Votes: 52 43.7%
  • Goryeo or Joseon Korea

    Votes: 48 40.3%
  • Tibetan Empire

    Votes: 28 23.5%
  • Mali

    Votes: 38 31.9%
  • Kongo

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • Zulu

    Votes: 26 21.8%
  • Aztecs

    Votes: 86 72.3%
  • Iroquois

    Votes: 51 42.9%
  • Dutch Empire

    Votes: 42 35.3%
  • Muisca

    Votes: 13 10.9%
  • Toungoo Empire

    Votes: 11 9.2%

  • Total voters

The Fanatical

Sep 15, 2016
What medieval DLC civilizations would you like to see in an expansion? Votes are unlimited. If the civilization you want isn't listed, then you can suggest it below, since I can't add more than thirty.
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I want almost all the civs in the poll, but limiting myself to ten that I consider most important at the moment among the options, I voted: Byzantines, Portugal, HRE, Poland, Norway, Kievan Rus', Sasanian, Edo Japan, Goryeo and Aztecs.

Suggestions for the poll: Kilwa, Burma, Dai Viet, Benin, Taino, Mutapa and Muisca.
I want almost all the civs in the poll, but limiting myself to ten that I consider most important at the moment among the options, I voted: Byzantines, Portugal, HRE, Poland, Norway, Kievan Rus', Sasanian, Edo Japan, Goryeo and Aztecs.

Suggestions for the poll: Kilwa, Burma, Dai Viet, Benin, Taino, Mutapa and Muisca.
I changed the vote option to unlimited on all three polls. :thumbsup:
Postclassic maya!
I think the Swiss work best in Contemporary, which doesn't exists. But nonetheless Modern > Exploration, both thematically and historically.

I like an Italian representation. Venice would fit thematically, but we already had it. Genoa or Amalfi could work similarly, but generally had less cities than Venice. Tuscany would be a good option (which includes the cultural hubs Florence and Siena, but also the more exploring and sea faring Pisa and Lucca). I would also welcome a Hansa civ.

I went with Byzantines, Bulgaria, Bohemia, Portuguese, HRE, Danes, Sassanians, Tibet, Mali & Aztecs.
I saw the Fanatical put the Netherlands/Dutch in the modern age but the in game period from 1750-1950 is not realy the highlight of our history with the Napoleonic French occupation, which ment we lost loads of our colonies to the English and after that their was the Belgian independence war that split us up, the 2nd world war and losing the Dutch Indies (Indonesia).
So it's not a big surprise hardly anyone votes for the Dutch on that list.
Only after 1960 we started to rebuild and we became slowly the economic, cultural and watermanagement power we are today.

During the exploration age on the other hand we had grown out of the Germanic Salian Franks and Frisians into all the different duchies in the Low countries.
We began our rise with the Flemish golden age from 1500 on, of trade and culture and during that the 80 year war against Spain from 1568-1648 started, the independence as the first modern republic in the north, the first polders, explored the world in every corner, we grew our worldwide trade empire (spices!), 3 Anglo-Dutch wars, the growth of our Culture with worldfamous painters, philosophers etc. during the growth of importance of first Antwerp and later Amsterdam, all on top of our golden age in all of the Netherlands (North and South) from 1600 to 1700. And there was even the Glorious Revolution in 1689 Britain with a Dutchman on the throne.

It's not that we are a must to be in game but it's weird we are even completely ommitted on this list.
But oh well I guess it doesn't really surpise me. And we always have the problem that in real live we are smack in the middle in a relative small countries (modern Netherlands and Belgium) between Britain, France and Germany that everyone wants in game (and they should be of course). A pitty as we are the example of a tall civilization in real live.
I'm just going to click most of these options.

The very important ones for me are Byzantium, Netherlands, Ottomans, Portugal, Kongo, Mali, Aztecs and Joseon.

Lower down the list are things like Bulgaria (which really needs to make it in on this iteration - THE most important polity in Eastern Europe between the 6th and 10th Centuries), Kievan Rus, The Franks, Flanders (unlisted), Kalmar Union Denmark, Poland, Burma, Muisca, Taino (unlisted), Zimbabwe (unlisted), Swahili/Zanzibar (unlisted), Berbers (unlisted) and Iroquois.

It really is an era that could use many more inclusions. Instead of a fourth Era, they should simply extend the Exploration Era to be twice as long.
I'm just going to click most of these options.

The very important ones for me are Byzantium, Netherlands, Ottomans, Portugal, Kongo, Mali, Aztecs and Joseon.

Lower down the list are things like Bulgaria (which really needs to make it in on this iteration - THE most important polity in Eastern Europe between the 6th and 10th Centuries), Kievan Rus, The Franks, Flanders (unlisted), Kalmar Union Denmark, Poland, Burma, Muisca, Taino (unlisted), Zimbabwe (unlisted), Swahili/Zanzibar (unlisted), Berbers (unlisted) and Iroquois.

It really is an era that could use many more inclusions. Instead of a fourth Era, they should simply extend the Exploration Era to be twice as long.
If we look at particular years, 6-10th centuries are exactly between ages, so first civs in your list are in a bit awkward position. They also don't seem to have good interactions with Civ7 exploration age themes.
Dutch cause I'm part Dutch and, be honest, they're hilarious
Venice because they're the most representative thalassocratic republic here (although I wouldn't mind another Italian chic like Florence)
Switzerland because, once again, they'd be hilarious and there's SO many unique things you could do with them (perpetual neutrality, massive democratic decentralisation, banking, mountains, clockmaking, chocolate...) although all of that works for better the modern age
Portuguese because it's odd to not have the Exploration launching empire in the Exploration age
The HRE once again because it's was so stupid you really can make something hilarious out of it
Bohemia cause I love their history, and Hungary but only if we get those thermal baths back
And Mali because they can become such a staple, and a staple subsaharien civ IS quite rare so let's rack up the golf
Tibetan Empire should be antiquity though because every civ that's in exploration age now came to dominance after the year 1000 AD and the Tibetan Empire collapsed by the 9th century.
It would actually be cool to have an Empire name in a civ in antiquity. And it can lead to Mongols, Ming China or even Burma if it's in the game in the exploration ages.
I for sure voted Byzantines, Portuguese, Hungary, Denmark, Sasanians, Aztecs, and Edo Japan. There are other civs I'd like to see, like the Dutch, but I'm on the fence on whether they should be in Exploration or Modern. Poland (as in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth), and Joseon Korea I'd also like to see, but I'd put them in the Modern Age.

I would have voted for Ireland, and the Republic of Florence/Tuscany, if it was there. :)
Must be in base game: Byzantine. For me skipping them is as ridiculous as skipping Britain in the Modern age.
Not that important, but good to see: Nordmenn, Aztecs, Edo Japan, Korea.

I also voted for Iroquois and Zulu, but they should be in the Modern age IMO. Iroquois mostly for gameplay reasons - this way we have natives in all three ages, and they fit "modern natives" checkbox best.
-Portugal (transitions into Brazil)
-Florence/Tuscany (transitions into Italy)
-Castile (transitions into Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Philippines or America)
-Aragon (transition into Spain, Colombia, Mexico, Italy or French Empire)
-Kingdom of France (transitions into French Empire or Canada)
-England (transitions into Britain, America, Canada or Australia)
-HRE (transitions into Prussia, Italy, Austria or French Empire)
-Denmark (transitions into Sweden)
-Ottomans (transitions into Turkey, Russia, Modern Egypt or Modern Greece)
-Dutch (transitions into French Empire, Prussia or America)
-Muscovy (transitions into Russia)
-Byzantium (transitions into Russia, Modern Greece, Turkey or Italy)
-Haudenossaune (transitions into Cherokee, Cree, Sioux or America)
-Abenaki (transitions into Cherokee, Cree, Sioux or America)
-Aztec (transitions into Mexico)
-Muisca (transitions into Guaraní, Mapuche or Colombia)
-Arawak/Taíno (transitions into Guaraní, Mapuche, Colombia or Brazil)
-Tupi (transitions into Guaraní, Mapuche or Brazil)
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The Exploration civs I’d prioritize to add first to the game:
  1. Amerindian - Sioux
  2. British Isles - Anglo-Saxons
  3. European - Holy Roman Empire
  4. Italian - City-States (Genoa, Milan, Vatican, Venice, etc. bundled)
  5. Levantine - Outremer
  6. Mediterranean - Byzantines
  7. Mesoamerican - Aztecs
  8. Northern - Norse
Exploration Age Leaders in the same Expansion Pack:
  1. Alfred the Great, Edward III, or Henry VII (*not* VIII)
  2. Crazy Horse, Geronimo, or Sitting Bull
  3. Godfrey of Bouillon
  4. Julian the Apostate
  5. Leif Erikson or Snorri Sturluson
  6. Liliʻuokalani
  7. Martin Luther
  8. Montezuma II
  9. Pocahontas or Sacajawea
  10. Urban II
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Tibetan Empire should be antiquity though because every civ that's in exploration age now came to dominance after the year 1000 AD and the Tibetan Empire collapsed by the 9th century.
It would actually be cool to have an Empire name in a civ in antiquity. And it can lead to Mongols, Ming China or even Burma if it's in the game in the exploration ages.
Yes, that's what we discussed in the Tibetian thread.
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