What are the worst odds of Combat that you have seen win a fight?

I've once seen a suicide cannon, pre-BTS of course, win at 0.1% odds, but I rarely "suicide" regular units... I prefer to use artillary to make a breach.
99.9 is practically impossible to loose, these fights usually show up as 100% if you check the combat log after, i have lost at 99. something but never 99.9, i think thats the % threshold to get through what i term a bad round were no matter what the odd's you seem to loose.

Done a lot of 99.9 combat using warlord units an never lost one at these odd's
Catapult at "<0.1%" - although this doesn't really surprise me, I'm used to awarding highest honors to roughly one out of thousand cats :)
Ive lost few 99,9 % battles, but i dont blame the RNG. As a poker player, i know how the huge favourite never seems to win ;)
What's really bad is if you lose at those odds and random seed isn't on, so next time you reload, you'll get the same thing.
I think it happened in the Defence mod... eventually enough Savages wiped out my city defender (Jungle Warrior... with hills and woodsman bonuses and a strength upgrade too). I quit the game because I found that hard to believe and if I were to reload, the same thing would happen...

That's why I love random seeds. Save games where you win at impossible odds, reload when you lose at 99.9% odds
What's really bad is if you lose at those odds and random seed isn't on, so next time you reload, you'll get the same thing.
I think it happened in the Defence mod... eventually enough Savages wiped out my city defender (Jungle Warrior... with hills and woodsman bonuses and a strength upgrade too). I quit the game because I found that hard to believe and if I were to reload, the same thing would happen...

That's why I love random seeds. Save games where you win at impossible odds, reload when you lose at 99.9% odds

Too easy...
Although I used to reload quite a bit, I don't think it is worthy anymore. Ah well, you play settler anyway, for choice hehe.

But for me, now, it is more like; take it as you get it! :)
What's really bad is if you lose at those odds and random seed isn't on, so next time you reload, you'll get the same thing.
I think it happened in the Defence mod... eventually enough Savages wiped out my city defender (Jungle Warrior... with hills and woodsman bonuses and a strength upgrade too). I quit the game because I found that hard to believe and if I were to reload, the same thing would happen...

That's why I love random seeds. Save games where you win at impossible odds, reload when you lose at 99.9% odds

I find that 99.9 is enough to overcome the what i term bad round syndrome were not matter the odd's you seem to loose, never lost on 99.9 although i guess it's a 1 in a million chance, but such fights tend to show up as 100% in the combat log so not so sure, the combat engine was designed so that combat could at times be unpredictable but at the same time to eliminate the tank killed by spearman syndrome of civ 1, i use warlords units more in BTS, since i found the extra promotions now available on gunpoweder units makes them quite useful, if you start off with a swordsman an work up.

I always use combat of 99.9 when engaging my warlord and have fought a lot of battles at these odd's, a lot more than i have at 99. other number, and while i have lost on rare occasion units at 99. somthing other than 9, i have never lost at 99.9 despite the far greater number of battles fought, it may happen but the odd's are so low there's a good chance i may never see it in my entire civ 4 game life
Never had a loss if the odds were more than 99.6%..... still not very heartening to lose at that probability, but at least I didn't bet money on it! ;)
I always use Warlords for high odds. Why else did they add Leadership for them? Because you're not going to be fighting at a low chance to win, so to make the Warlord level up quicker, they have Leadership...

If you reload your game too many times, it crashes
My Phalanx VS a barb Spearman I think it was, if not that then a Warrior:

I had a 97.4% chance to win
I lost a fully healed Calvary to a 2/4 axemen in an big open field. It was an old veteran unit from its days as a horse archer, fought many wars and was fully promoted with about 4 promotions. I was on a hill.
In the Genetic Age Mod for Warlords, I sent a SAM Infantry at a Barbarian Attack Drone which I spawned. The drone had a strength of 50, the SAM Infantry, a strength of 18, plus a 75% bonus against Helicopter Units (which the Attack Drone was classified as)

The odds for the SAM Infantry were always <30%, but for some reason, I kept sending SAM Infantry at them and they'd always win. I know there was a Barbarian Bonus, but the odds were quite low for all those wins. I think I used like 10 SAM Infantry, 7 winning. Does a unit get a winning bonus on top of the 40% against barbs?
i won at 1.6% recently and was flabbergasted. i was tossing the guy in to just weaken the target for the next guy, who was the one i really wanted the promotions on, so it was a mixed blessing.

this happened two days ago. i just wish it had been a spearman, not a maceman:
Spoiler :
he had an old left-over mace sitting in a fort on a corn outside his city cross, and i had a tank on a transport on the way to another fight. i got cocky and was saving my promotions for when i needed them, didn't think i'd need them then :lol:. my odds weren't astonishing high still but it was still one of those battles i hadn't expected to lose.

that's the only time i've not liked the new "forts can hook up resources" change *giggle*
I bet you didn't know that Chuck Norris was a Celtic Maceman.
During one of my first BTS games, I had an Axeman with level-3 Woodsman fortified on a hill with jungle on it...

...and it died defending against an unpromoted barbarian Swordsman. :cry:

I don't remember the exact odds, but it was surely around 1%.
I bet you didn't know that Chuck Norris was a Celtic Maceman.


During one of my first BTS games, I had an Axeman with level-3 Woodsman fortified on a hill with jungle on it...

...and it died defending against an unpromoted barbarian Swordsman. :cry:

I don't remember the exact odds, but it was surely around 1%.

That's too bad
This thread cursed me! I had never lost a 99.9 before reading it and now I have! I think it was a shock maceman against a barbarian warrior.

Oh well, it was bound to happen eventually.
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