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Retired Moderator
Feb 24, 2017
For all the YouTube lovers the new repeat thread.

Theta: letter 8 but TIL from Wiki: also number 9 or 9000
confusing, but not as tongue breaking as when I had to learn at school to pronounce that letter with somewhere that "h".
A problem the old Greeks did not have (TIL from Wiki) because they pronounced it as the "t" of tea and not as the "t" close to the "t" of think.









(How do you put that link into the word theta ?)
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For all the YouTube lovers the new repeat thread.

Theta: letter 8 but TIL from Wiki: also number 9 or 9000
confusing, but not as tongue breaking as when I had to learn at school to pronounce that letter with somewhere that "h".
A problem the old Greeks did not have (TIL from Wiki) because they pronounced it as the "t" of tea and not as the "t" close to the "t" of think.









(How do you put that link into the word theta ?)

I am on mobile, if no one tells you how to link I will prepare a link later. Theta is 8 in the current greek letters, but 9 in ancient, since we still had digamma (f) then.
I am on mobile, if no one tells you how to link I will prepare a link later. Theta is 8 in the current greek letters, but 9 in ancient, since we still had digamma (f) then.

that 8 and 9... ahhh... ok

Yes please
no hurry with that link and happy to learn how
By the way, I have to suppose that Hroth meant to link to my thread, which is heta:


Link is: heta

As for how you do it:

1) select and copy the url (as the one I posted above)
2) select the title of your link (in this case, you write heta and then select it; it will be highlighted)

3) press on that graphic:

4) paste the url

Done ;)
Also, for the actual character that this thread requires: Θ (uppercase) and θ (lowercase).

Legitimising video:
Story: man in Finland finds out that fixing his Tesla means some €20,000. Logically he decides that with that much money he can just buy a new car and so hands over the now-useless lump for the members of the ‘Bomb Buddies’ club to practice their arts on. They add 30 kg. of dynamite and an ‘Elon Mask’ cardboard cutout of it, plus some detonators, and BOOM.

(video includes subtitles)
A better use for coins:

It can traced back to Aristotle's "wheel paradox". If you are moving on the inside of a circular path, you need less rotations to cover the distance that if you were moving on the outside. Mathologer shows why, in his descriptive mathologeric way (difference of rotations to one direction and to the other).
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Baba Jaga ! >:)

Interesting that the caterpillar is made to starve itself to death, so as to not react to the born wasps in their final stage.
I wonder how it senses its situation. It is suicidal, but it seems very content. Oh well, at least it's not eaten alive by the wasps (after they come out, that is).
The Five Worst Tanks of WWII, according to James Holland of The Tank Museum, Bovington, UK.

#5 - German Panzer IV (Ausf. H, it looks like) - "Just doesn't quite cut it [against its 1944 peers]."
#4 - Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go - "Absolutely in no way fit for purpose."
#3 - Italian M14/41 - "By 1941 [the tank's year of production] this is just already out of date."
#2 - German Tiger II - "Completely ill-suited to the German needs at the time."
#1 - British Matilda I - "A sorry state of affairs. Thank goodness it's got big headlights. That's a really big help." :lol:
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