What did the last month change in you?

I've aged, and thought about changing my underwear.
I started my vacation two weeks a go...

It transformed me from a stressed, depressed and ill-tempered person to a relaxed, happy and loveing person.
Gosh, well, I guess that life can get pretty complicated when you're in love

but also,

that I'm critically lazy,

that I am hard to entertain,

that sometimes, it's just better to take advice from old folks (experienced folks),

that I am truly naive in the emotional aspect of life (even sounds kind of emotional :D).
Same old thing here

Got a year older. Got a bit more cynical. Got a bit more lazy.

Got a bit better at bridge and, maybe, at Civ.

Need to get a new lawn mower.

Not that thrilling of a month. But at least it wasn't too hot out.
I learned that i'm usually right, and no one cares

video games are very addictive

my family is annoying

and to never trust amish
My eyesight has improved considerably.

I now have better eyesight that I used to have wearing glasses :D

The reason?

I had LASIK surgery from one of the pioneers of the procedure in this country and so far the results are terrific, I hope that remains the case.

Of course I am abour £2250 worse off, but that's what I get for choosing to get slow-mo and instant replay as an optional extra.
Yeah? I've been thinking about that for years but am scared of anything that involves doctors. What did it feel like? How did you keep your eyes open during the procedure (without flinching)?

Nothing changed for me this past month, but this next one I'll graduate, have a birthday, and move :eek:
Three weeks ago I went into the hospital for a minor operation that ended up being major. I'm still recuperating. I've discovered "be thankful for good health."
Originally posted by Aphex_Twin
My perspective has changed a bit. I have grown, but not enough to call myself a grown-up. I realised that I am quite ignorant about many things. This Summer I will chill out by the sea-side, having a drink and generally enjoy myself... :cool:

Doesn't matter how old you get, I think just about anyone is up for that!

Myself, I've become more bitter, re my job and I am one giant step closer to firing up my CV.
Me, I was patient with my closest friend and impatient with my job at the beginning of June.

Now, the positions have reversed.

Kitten, do you have any trouble with night vision after the surgery? The main reason I haven't had it done was stories years back about how night vision is blurred somehow.

Originally posted by Richard III
that changes everything
Not really; except for the odd stuff I'm sometimes doing, otherwise I still consider myself pretty much a normal poster, and post as such. ;) :p

I'd thought about going for that eye surgery thing too, but I looked much better with glasses, so in the end, I always decided no... :crazyeye:
i finally got pubes :yeah:
Well my b/day was last month so i guess i feel to old on paper to date anyone younger than 23, alough im currently chaseing a 20 yo, erm.......

I found out who my true freinds were (Sinead, Aoife and Marian i love the 3 of ya) which i think is the best lesson i learnt this year

Oh yah got to get my fitness level up soon or ill be winter and i will not be botherd.
Originally posted by gabba
Well my b/day was last month so i guess i feel to old on paper to date anyone younger than 23, alough im currently chaseing a 20 yo, erm.......
You're never too old to date a twenty year old, just ignore your friends whispers behind your back.

Not much has changed for me though I have decided to look for a new job again. A year and a half to two years in one place is loong enough for me.
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