What do you like about Civilization VII?

Most things - this could potentially be really great:
  • Graphics - The map and in game graphics look amazing - the style and execution are amazing, and the map is gorgeous. The art team seem to have really made a massive leap forward (if we ignore the leader models for a second... and the fog of war design is not my thing). The differences between architecture with the different civilizations also seem quite pronounced, which I love.

  • Towns/cities split - This was on my wish-list for the next civ. Together with specialists seeming to be actually really good in this one, I'm really looking forward to this change. Not having to found a full on city just for a resource or two, and being able to properly urbanise while getting basic resources from satellite towns is cool.

  • Leader Upgrades - Civ 5 social policies are back, sort of! That was one of my favourite things in Civ 5, and I'm really glad to see something that approximates that system return. Together with the civ/leader split and opening up the possibilites of who they include as leaders, I can see this doign a lot for replayability.

  • Ages - This could potentially be incredibly cool. The map, tech tree, resources and all civs changing really feels like, if done well, it could be incredibly cool. It's potentially a way to reduce both early snowballs and the typical 4x endgame slog, could be narratively really cool, and anchors the civ switching mechanic in a way that actually makes sense. didn't enjoy the switching in Humankind, but here, tied to meaningful in-game transitions, and with some limitations (historical links/in-game actions) I can imagine it being executed well. If the end of age crises can take different forms (really, really hope so) that also seems like it could be incredibly fun.

  • Commanders - The new commanders mechanics are a nice way to streamline some of the more tedious aspects of combat in civ. Commander upgrades will still scratch the unit upgrade itch I suspect.

  • The Civs - I like how distinct the civs seem, with multiple unique units/buildings and individual civics - this was unexpected when they anounced civ switching, I was affraid they were going to be more generic with less flavour. With civs now tied to ages, one advantage is that I expect the bonuses to be meaningful for the entire time we play as that civ.

  • Mastery system - Maybe more minor, but I really like this. It gives a way to differentiate "I'm researching this so I can get to the next thing" vs. "I'm really leaning into this tech for my playstyle". Feels flavourful, and while I'll miss the eureka mechanic, this is a cool way to make the research tree more interesting.

  • Navigable rivers - again minor, but just cool.

  • Independent people - Guiding them into evolving into a city state with a pickable bonus is brilliant, love that.

  • Diplomacy - First impression is really good, this seems like it will be quite meaningful and feel more like diplomacy than some of the previous entries.
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