Jew Detective
This is probably a terrible idea.
Terrible or Manly?
This is probably a terrible idea.
Ask your doctor, not CFCI have been on paxil for years now, and until recently i have not heard of any of the horrible side effects.
A week ago or two i realized how some of my problems may stem from this drug, i would like to know what other drug i should ask my psychiatrist i could take to treat depression.
Heres what wiki says on the side effects of paxil..
The bolded parts are what affect me i think. Im pretty sure about the last one also.
What can i do to ween myself off this horrible drug?
Did you have a near-immediate effect (within a couple days)? Didn't that concern your doctor?
In other words, your opinion is absolutely worthless. Anecdotes do not equal facts.
Talk to your doctor and tell him you don't want this drug anymore. Fear of a drug is a very valid reason to switch medication - if you believe that your smptoms come from the drug and not from depression (which is quite possible) your doctor should be willing to switch your medication - your smptoms might not vanish though, since a lot of your symptoms can be medication independent in patients with major depression.What can i do to ween myself off this horrible drug?
The best way to stop taking it would be to simply stop taking it.
Here's what I don't get:
The medicine is for depression, right? Yet, a lot of the side effects in that list are symptoms indicative of depression.
Hi, I'm a Paxil veteran and survivor (the "survivor bit I mean literally).
I was taken off of it pretty quickly.
Sexual disfunction isn't your biggest problem. Pxil, while it works for some people, has been shown to cause suicidal tendancies, and dramatically increase the rate of suicide in users. Manufacturer Glasko-Smith Kline is currently bewing sued a lot in lawsuits for covering up this evidence.
SSRIs do cause an increased likelihood in suicidal attempts, but I'm under the impression that's a short-term risk. In that, if you don't try to kill yourself in the first couple of months, you should be okay (and if you know why you're thinking about killing yourself, you're further innoculated against the risk)
Go cold turkey. If you manage to make it without cutting yourself or suiciding you will be much stronger mentally. The pain will be great but that makes it all the sweeter.
Ask your doctor, not CFC
being ill and feeling like crap is a symptom of cancer. Chemo and Radiation make you feel like crap. Therefore chemo and radiation dont actually work.
there is no scientific reason to claim anything like that. While chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy is not curing or helping everyone there is a host of proven positive effects of those treatments (take testicular cancer which is cured in most cases nowadays and was lethal in all cases 50 years ago, or take a lot of leukemias where survival is increased a lot due to treatment), there still are too many instances where chemotherapy/radiotherapy does not help but to claim it is ineffective is nonsense.Funny you should say that, but there's a growing body of doctors who do think that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are so near to ineffective that they cause more harm than good.
I meant that knowing why you're suffering from suicidal thoughts helps prevent people from committing suicide. It's usually a hump that has to be gotten over, and it helps if you warn the patient that the hump is coming.so you are by no means "innoculated" against suicide by the drug, it only becomes increasingly less likely with time...
Now, if you ask a psychiatrist what you should do, chances are he/she will never tell you to stop taking pills. At most, he might switch you to another brand of anti depressant. Their job is to push pills, its up to you to decide if youre going to keep taking them.
edit: if you decide to wean yourself off of it, only do it with professional supervision.
why not just stop being a pansy, decide you don't want to be a depressive and get on with life
Tell me,what are 'facts'?Anecdotes do not equal facts.
Your ignorance is incredible. Depressed people are not "pansies".why not just stop being a pansy, decide you don't want to be a depressive and get on with life
It's possible to defeat depression without drugs. I'm living proof. Part of it is mental, part is physical. You can PM me if you're curious.I need an alternate drug to function. I am extremely depressed when im off my medication.
Screw that. I guarentee I've had more experience with srhinks than Fifty and I can say uneqivicably that the best advice I've gotten in life is from friends as opposed to doctors.True. In that case, Xanikk, don't listen to ANYBODY in this thread (other than me), unless they can scan a copy of their psychiatry degree, or link to some published scientific work they've done in the field.
Unlike missing an eye or limb though, brain chemistry is fluid and capable of change. This is encouraging news for anyone who suffers emotional problems.People with obvious physical disabilities dont have magic pills to take that will make them walk again, or see, or hear. They have to learn to adapt and function as best they can. Its possible to do the same with depression. Depression is also a physical disability, and there arent any magic pills for it either.