It really was a pain to track down the article you cited, but
here it is. Now for the article itself:
They only look at 5-year survival ...And of course there are still a lot of cases where chemotherapy has no net positive effect or is even increasing suffering due to its side effects and the fact that part of the remaining life is wasted in a hospital ward. Still I stand to my point that chemotherapy and radiotherapy in general have enough scientific standing to dismiss the claim made by you earlier:
Thus the areas where chemotherapy alone (non-solid malignancies) has the best results are dismissed in this study.
Also the study explicitly does not look at combined results of modern treatment (radiochemotherapy or newer treatments using immunological or genetic approaches).
And another also
: they did not look at effects of chemotherapy in palliative and non-curative situations, thus ignoring the majority of cases were chemotherapy is used stand-alone.