Interesting read. For once a discussion that didn't degenerate into all kinds of accusations and misunderstandings. Nice to see! I might share a slightly different opinion than most of you, please don't take this the wrong way.
I'm not so sure a european union is such a good thing. But I'm not so sure government in itself is such a good thing. This leaves me much in the minority. But I have my reasons for what I think.
1) Individual liberty. The farther away from me those people in the administration and legislation are who decide how I should arrange my life and abide their laws, the worse. The more need for an expensive bureaucracy. The more need for control. The more need for policemen and surveilance. A large state will evolve into a policestate. We saw it with the USSR, and we're witnessing it in the US (from a distance). Why did Timothy McVeigh blow up that building in Oklahoma?
2) International Power Politics. What threatens this world more than anything else is the legacy of colonialism and imperialism, still practiced by this worlds superpowers. Call it McDonalds, call it human rights, call it NATO, call it Live Aid. Imperialism, export of western ideas, capitalism and weapons. Another superpower will contribute to the bloc-policies that threatens stability and peace in this world. It is getting out of hand. Why? -because these so-called democracies are fake, swept in old clothings of ideology. And if there's something dangerous, its ideology. Especially ideologies of race, nationality and superiority.
3) Ressources. The western world swallows up huge amounts of ressources, qua the typical consumers lifestyle in the west. Increasing demands on public welfare and justice, and the enormous bureaucracy needed to administrate these goods, and this includes the transnational corporations, become too big to be profitable. In other words, western democratic capitalism as we know it faces bankruptcy. Some say within 20-30 years. Others perhaps 50-100 years. At the same time, the third world reproduces itself at an alarming rate, and Europe could very well end up swarming with poor immigrants and refugees from these places, which threatens the economic stability even more. Europe and US are already now facing these problems.
What is needed is not yet another super-government and overnational state. It is smaller, economically self-sustained and stable, independently-governed units, that are flexible enough to meet the shifting demands of these uncertain forecasts. In other words, power in the hands of the governed. Only then will people be able to plan and live their own lives, without relying on the policies of an extremely unstable outside structure like the state or the EU. Policies that become more and more expensive and will force the men in power to employ more and more drastic measures of police, justice and control, to secure these payments. In other words, slavery. If not in the first place of european citizens, then it will be immigrants, those with flatter noses than ourselves, those who get underpaid, abused and thred on.
The next war will be a european civil war, if not those people in high places starts thinking a little careful about the long-winded impacts of their policies, I'm afraid. If not now, then in 50-100 years. I don't like the prospect of my children or grandchildren lying waste to such a war, even if I can live perfectly happy in material luxury right now. Its time for some pretty careful changes.