Umm...yes it is? I mean, I'm not entirely sure how much can be laid at the feet of FDR, since this was really DeWitt's baby and the regional military commanders in the country during WW2 seemed to be allowed alot of leeway in how they handled the Japanese issue (as seen with Emmons in Hawaii who pretty much ignored EO9066).
Of course, FDR also entirely ignored subsequent reports that pretty much called the threat from Issei or Nissei subversion nonexistent. Whether he had bigger fish to fry is irrelevant, those were American citizens and they were placed in hastily constructed concentration camps, mostly in extremely arid conditions.
The most lasting effect of the camps was to destroy competition for white farmers. Japanese fruit and vegetables (among other things I think, my memory is a bit hazy) were even making inroads in the rest of the country, and this scared white agriculture. Are the two related? I dunno, but they definitely were not interned for reasons of national security.