What in the name of St. Ephisiocratus...?


the true corporate champ
Dec 14, 2006
St. Paul, MN
So I was playing a game as Hannibal, about 1700ish AD, and suddenly the whole world declared war on me.

Yes, everybody.

Alex, Survayaman, Saladin, Hammurabi, Monty, Julius, and Shaka and De Gaulle.

Actually, this is partially untrue, I was at war with De Gaulle beforehand. I'd launched an offensive and perhaps attempted to take one city too many, as I often do.

Anyway, the results have been somewhat disastrous, but my main issue is why I was attacked. There's nothing in the game log talking about Apostolic Palace resolution, I wasn't dead last on the power graph, many of the Civs were pleased (some were cautious, none worse) with me and I was 3rd in score.

Anyone have any ideas?
Some of those guys are psychos who'll declare war at the drop of a hat, like Monty and Shaka. But I think there's also a chance for AIs to dogpile in BTS. Basically, they like to kick a civ when it's down.
my understanding is that if you're a non-member, you won't get a message about the AP vote to have a war against the infidels in your log, you'll just hear a bunch of trumpets. you were already at war with degaulle who was a full member, right? that made "war with the infidels" a vote option, they passed it, ouch! if he was only a voting member and not a full-member then the holy war can't be it, since it wouldn't have been something they could put up for a vote.
This almost invariably means an AP vote to declare war on an infidel - which succeeded. I don't think you're informed about these votes unless you're a member.
Yeah it's almost definitely the Apostolic Palace... I don't get why so many people are still confused when this happens.
Another Thought -
I believe Solver listed a change in his unofficial patch about the AI being easier to bribe into war, or the AI more likely bribing someone else to help in a war. If the civ you attacked had a healthy warchest compared to all the other civs it might have just bought everyone else off.

Are you playing BTS Plain, or BTS+Solver?
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