What is a Succession Game?


Nov 23, 2001
Succession Game (SG)
A succession game is a Single Player (SP) game played by a group of people.
While playing the person must keep a timeline of the most important events that occur during his reign. When finished, he passes on a saved game to the next player (either by uploading it on the site or by mail) and posts the timeline in the game's thread so that other players are informed of what happened.

It generally works like this. One player (the moderator) opens a thread and post the first timeline log and the first game file. Then other players sign to the game (until the limit set by the game moderator), and the succession begins. Each player plays fixed number of turns (usually 20 turns). The moderator may also add extra rules (usually in the first post).

This can get really interesting as everybody has a different way of playing Civ, and all strategies are tried out in one same game.
Here's an example.

Rules normally used:
- 5 players.
- 20 turns.
- 24h confirmation period (you have to say you’re playing; otherwise you’re skipped).
- 48h to 72h (since the saved game was passed) to play the game.

Open Succession Game (OSG)
An open succession doesn’t have a fixed number of players. After one player posts a game file, the next player in the succession will be the first person to post and say he is playing.

OSGs are faster games because the player has a short period of time to play his turn (4h since the person said he was playing, this period gets higher as the late game is a bit slow). That way, every time you get to the forums, there’s a good possibility that you'll find an OSG in which you can play. Another attribute of OSGs is the fact that they hardly stall.
Here's an OSG example.

Training Day Games (TDG)
A game where an expert of that level trains newer players. The expert may or may not start off the first 20 turns, after that, the player (trainees) play 10 turns, and post a detailed log for each turn. Play does not resume until the expert has reviewed and commented on the save.
Here's a TDG example

If there’s something I forgot to say, or something hard to understand, please post here and I’ll edit this post to make things clear.
I have a few newbie questions. :)

One, those dots... Did people just paste them (rather nicely) there, or is there an ingame function?

Also, what's this "Culture Flipping" thing that I keep reading about?

Anyway, this seems interesting, I'll have to try it. (With my skill, I'll probably end up driving the Civ world into a depression or something, though..) :nuke: But, a good change of pace, nevertheless, after playing for Civ1-3 for 11 years! :king:
Originally posted by Chieftess
One, those dots... Did people just paste them (rather nicely) there, or is there an ingame function?

Also, what's this "Culture Flipping" thing that I keep reading about?
First, if you're talking about the white dots in a picture in the first SG example, they were done with help of MS paint. There's no in game function.
Second, culture flipping is the act of receiving or losing a city due to culture level. For instance, when you have lots of culture buildings and a high culture rate (points), and there's a foreign city close to your border, there's a chance that the city will leave the other empire and ally with you.
You can check the culture flipping rules at this thread.
I hope this helps you. ;)
Originally posted by Angelic_Tyrant
Hi. Just wondering how much time would you have to commit? Becasue committing time would be my problem.
Fascinating idea though:egypt:
I don't think there's an absolute answer for that question. It all depends on the game you enter. If you don't have lots of time, you shouldn't enter a huge/large map game (they really take long towards the modern age), or more than one game at a time. Also, if you can't play your turn, you can notify the players so they can skip you. Then, you come back in your next turn. Does that help you? Or do you need more precise numerical statistics?
The best one I've read is this German Sucsession Game The same group have jsut started their 2nd German sucsession game
They can get very long but its spread out over time. And as Pggar said, all u have to do is ask to be skipped.
Additionaly, as you play SGs you get to know the people you play with. This includes what times they are available to play. If there is one time that you are always busy just tell them and usually they can arrange it so that you don't end up playing during that time. Also, If there is a certain time that you CAN play, you can tell them that also so they will know that you will play.
i just have a newby question; i never played a succesion game and i wanna try it

when you are the one who is playing, you need to write everthing that happends on each turn

but u cant run notepad and civ3 at the same time ?!

so do u like write on a piece of paper first and then write it in notepad ?
Originally posted by rus_tenisist
but u cant run notepad and civ3 at the same time ?!

so do u like write on a piece of paper first and then write it in notepad ?
Yes you can. Civ3 is "Alt+Tab" friendly.
Just open both programs and hit "Alt+Tab" to switch between them.
Can I make a succession game where I don't play. I have played about 13 games and still haven't won yet. So I wouldn't trust myself playing in one. I would just like to have other people play on the settings that I post instead of watching other ones that I don't like? This is a stupid question, I know.
As long as you find people interested in playing your game, I don't see any problems with you not playing. I believe some people already did that.
You can join the sucessions (of lower levels) to learn how to play the game. Don't be afraid, just play. You'll end up learning how to play or at least how not to lose.
Originally posted by gunning1
Can I make a succession game where I don't play. I have played about 13 games and still haven't won yet. So I wouldn't trust myself playing in one. I would just like to have other people play on the settings that I post instead of watching other ones that I don't like? This is a stupid question, I know.
Like Pggar said, no problem with that although really you shld play too. I only play SGs for Civ3. ;) You can learn much, meet new ppl and so on. Try it! :D I think there're SGs too for chieftain, warlord lvls and also all those training games.
I took Pggar's advice and went ahead and started one. But I'm not starting it. I'm going to have someone else start it.
This thread has been quiet for a while but I wanted to add how much I have learned from SG's. It is so informative - you learn from your teammates and you also learn by having to justify your turns via your post.

I used to dread writing the post (It can get very long) but now I see that is how I am learning. Even just writing down the status of each city {whew - there can be so many) you get a grasp of the game and how the AI govenors can changes things so quickly.

Also have been lucky - Padma has overseen my two games - one TD and the other SG - very very helpful and informative. AM going to learn this game!

Also yes - used your "tab - alt" to get to word pad - really helps to record each move - plus hit save over and over :)
I am playing two SG's now - one a TD game and one a team playing against another team.

Mcdan is right. This is a great way to learn the game.

And it is so much fun. Team mates to discuss the game with, and a mentor to keep you out of the ditch. (Or at least tell you if you are in the ditch and why.)

I will confess when I played alone I got overwhelmed in the middle of the Middle Ages with all the cities to manage and would quit.

Now I can't quit. I have to stay the course.

I hear there are some new games out there - everyone plays their turn - and "best man" wins - where is this???

These SG have taught me so much.

Thanks, mcdan
Originally posted by hotrod0823
mcdan - Try this


thanks hotrod - exactly what I was looking for ! :)

p.s. I am playing sulla's B game - Can't wait to see how each of our games "played out"
There is now a new catagory (ironic that I'm posting here when one of my very first posts is the 2nd post in this thread. :p), which I'll post about - Training Day Games.
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