What is the chance of running away.


Never Beaten
Nov 17, 2003
Yes, I have never read the chances for running away if attacking (and losing to) a slower unit or being attacked by.

I have looked for it several places, but in the FAQ it only states that there is a chance.

Is the chance the same for all units or what. And what about being militaristic?

Is the chance simply 50% or are there more comlicated factors invlolved?

Regards, Frosyboy
It is actually more complex than fist glance.

Bomber Escort did a Comprehensive Retreat Study, it's well worth reading.

If you want to check out other very useful core info on the game there are lots of very good articles in the Strategy Articles forum.

After reading those threads, I am still confused. Why can't Firaxis make easier rules or at least explain the algorithms or so for the elements of game?
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