I just finished a game as Germany on a huge pangea with 12 others.
It was the typical upside-down U shape continent, I was on one of the bottom parts. After beating the French and Japanese, I was rolling. There were three potential challengers at this point: The Chinese, who had half the other end of the 'U', the Iriqouis, who were just above the Chinese, and the Aztecs, who were in the middle of the curved area.
The Aztecs sent 20 or so Jaguar Warriors to my territory and declared war. They destroyed one improvement, and by the next turn my cavalry had killed all but one of them
. But since they were pretty far away it took a long time for my troops to get there, even by galleon. In the meantime the Iriqouis smelled blood, as did the Chinese, who were already fighting the Egyptians, who controlled the other half of the bottom next to the Chinese.
The weird thing was when I noticed what was happening on the minimap. The Chinese and Iriqouis were like locusts, or 2 of the 4 Horsemen - they raped Russia but never consolidated the territory, then the Aztecs, then the Americans, who were next to the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Indians....well, you get the idea.
They handed me the game on a silver platter by constantly destroying and razing everything in their path, leaving me to plant settlers or in the case of the Aztecs to take and hold their capitol city without having any nearby cities left to cause a culture flip.
The end result was me never even getting to use my Panzer Army - I had won a cultural victory by 1913.
The weirdest thing about the game? I've never had the AI actually win one FOR me before