What is the weirdest thing that ever happened in your game?


Regeneration In Process
Apr 8, 2001
Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Russia
I played on one of Masterman's Correct Start Locations savegames as ROmans, and conquered france in the beggining. But they weren't destroyed! I've searched all over the Europe, but no Frenchmen anywhere! Then I've signed peace treaty they paid all of their treasury, 2 per turn and gave their territorial map. And I've found four cities in... South China!So the China is split between powerful rulers in Beijing (Northern China) and Lyons (Southern China), and city of Paris (I've renamed first Paris to Lutetia) is now in their colony of Korea!

So do you got any wierd things like that? Post them here!
having captital runovered
and i had 2 citys left
i take back my capital but later i lose the 2 ofter citys
i now only had my capital left.
Now evrybody(i mean exactlly)evry one allied upp agaist me
(even my trusty friends)and evry one had at least one unit attcking my capital:mad: :mad: :midfinger
"What is the weirdest thing that ever happened in your game?"

I actually won once. Couldn't believe it.
The one that's on my mind is acquiring basically the whole Middle Age tech tree in one turn. The Great Library expires when the controller gets education, so I managed to get advances all the way through democracy and metallurgy from capturing it.

Other interesting things:

- empires divided -- for thousands of years
- a captured city flipped to the AI and then flipped back to me a couple turns later
- culture border wars where a few squares change hands nearly every turn
- whipping a size 17 city down to size 1 in two turns (airport and factory) [Yes, I know I didn't have to kill that many people, but I was trying to minimize flip worries.]
- dispersing barbarian encampments with modern armor (kinda twistedly fun)

Rather late in my first game I captured or destroyed every single Japanese city (increasing the number of cities in my world empire to more than 250 :D ). But... I did not get a message that Japanese were destroyed!! I can see the whole map and no where can I see any Japanese cities. I tried planting a spy so that to get locations of Japanese cities, but the option was disabled!

So the Japanese did not have any cities, but still had a presence on the Foreign Advisor screen and had units - my destroyer was almost sunk by a Japanese ironclad!

The only conclusion I could make is that they have a ship with a settler out in the sea somewhere!

I never actually did get them, because I had more important things to do (like conquering American and Aztecs) than chasing a Japanese galley (or caravel maybe).

I did win by domination, so in the end that was not an issue.

In my current game I have a similar problem but on a larger scale. I am playing on a 256x256 map with 16 players, large landmass, so the number of cities limit has been reached quite early, so every ai civ had settlers hanging about trying to build cities every turn.

Now, both the English and Americans had their empires wiped off the face of the earth, but probably because they settlers somewhere, they were not destroyed, so English Man-O-war's keep bombarding my newly-captured cities! Also there have been sightings of an American galley and caravel of the coast of what used to be England, so my ironclad is rushing on full steam to intercept them! Hopefully those ships have their last settlers!
A strange thing happened me once... I first started a Tiny map with Two opponents... then I wasn't happy with how the map looked, so I decided to start a new game. I went to the Menu and tested "Quick Start". I wasn't satisfied by the map again, so I retired... And when I watched the replay I saw the names of the enemies cities, two of them were Americas and Egypts capitals but the other two city names were Maya and Inca... and on the histograph it said A barbarian tribe... or something. Real strange, I'll post the savefile if I can find it, or I'll recreate the thing...
Playing as the French, I built a entire army of modern armor. I then tried to move them across my land to the coast to be loaded on transports. As it passed one of my cities the army attacked the fortified mech infantry in it and won. Just a bug, but pretty weird.
I told the story once, I'll tell it again.

The weirdest thing to ever happen to me was losing my entire 12-hp 3 VETERAN swordsmen to a single attacking REGULAR bowman who only lost ONE HP in the entire fight. To add insult to injury, the bowman wasn't even attacking from mountain, hiils, or even a forest, it attacked the city the army just seized from the open plains!!!
I still think that mine is the wierdest, but one of my friends had soem very interesting things like:
- Launching Spaceship and winning cultural victory!
- Being in Mutual Protection Pact with Russia and India, and having to fight with both Russia and India because of Mutual Protection Pact - Russia declared war on India...
- Capturing enemy capital - then it goes to enemy again with Culture, capturing it again - and again, 5 more times, until he captured rest of enemy cities, and only then taking the capital.
I just finished a game as Germany on a huge pangea with 12 others.

It was the typical upside-down U shape continent, I was on one of the bottom parts. After beating the French and Japanese, I was rolling. There were three potential challengers at this point: The Chinese, who had half the other end of the 'U', the Iriqouis, who were just above the Chinese, and the Aztecs, who were in the middle of the curved area.

The Aztecs sent 20 or so Jaguar Warriors to my territory and declared war. They destroyed one improvement, and by the next turn my cavalry had killed all but one of them :goodjob:. But since they were pretty far away it took a long time for my troops to get there, even by galleon. In the meantime the Iriqouis smelled blood, as did the Chinese, who were already fighting the Egyptians, who controlled the other half of the bottom next to the Chinese.

The weird thing was when I noticed what was happening on the minimap. The Chinese and Iriqouis were like locusts, or 2 of the 4 Horsemen - they raped Russia but never consolidated the territory, then the Aztecs, then the Americans, who were next to the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Indians....well, you get the idea.

They handed me the game on a silver platter by constantly destroying and razing everything in their path, leaving me to plant settlers or in the case of the Aztecs to take and hold their capitol city without having any nearby cities left to cause a culture flip.

The end result was me never even getting to use my Panzer Army - I had won a cultural victory by 1913.

The weirdest thing about the game? I've never had the AI actually win one FOR me before ;)
this is wierd
i whas playing world map
germany cpould be conquerd before the time ended
this whas before i had invented marines i dident have time to invent them.
anyhow germany had placed a city one an island that whas one square big leading to that the city took upp the entiry ilsland.
to get it i did this
i performed a blitzkreig tatic on the germans
and then contacted them
they should give me that city and i give some gold(3-13) and a tech and they accepeted it
:lol: :lol: :lol:
this is realy funny
me and my friend whas playing civ3
whe played greece.
Whe where killing the romans.
When whe where about to finich the romans ceasar whanted a pease treaty whe said NO.
ceasar reaplied:
Three words: Incres your medication
The AI insulted us
:cry: :cry: :cry:
There's been too many oddities to count in my case. Some highlights:

- The lone infantry defender in a city that easily repels an archaic attack of tens of archers and swordsmen and longbowmen (the Japanese didn't have access to iron or horses - oops :) ), and cranks out a few leaders for me.

- On the flip side, the antiquated French defense force of knights and longbowmen that kills a four unit Cavalry army, three or four infantry, and a few loose Cavalry units, and knocks two 4-unit Infantry armies down to almost nothing (boy was THAT a surprise - I should have just launched a surprise attack and not worried about the mutual protection consequences - they jumped in to defend anyways! However, I've decided to live with it. I evacuated the Infantry armies by Transport and I've brought in a couple of Tank armies. Even though the must have just remembered that they could build Cavalry, I'm not worried :). )
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