Great Artist.
Two words: CULTURE BOMB!
Two words: CULTURE BOMB!
I love Great Merchants. They can give me a big sum of gold, make me specialise a gold city even more and get some free food to boot or I can grab a tech with them!
The money can be used to run a deficit for a long time, upgrade troops, rush-buy things and or to buy techs/other stuff from other AI's. While I rarely generate them by focusing lots of cities on merchants, I'm doing so now more often
*Fugazi is a devoted REX-maniac*
Great Engineers because they are so hard to create. Great Scientists and Merchants may be as useful, but it's much easier to create one when you need it.
@Solo4114What's your favorite, though? Which one did you vote for?
But the trade mission thing? Useless mostly, unless you're in DIRE need of cash. E ven then, you can usually sell soemthing to the AI.
Which is exactly why I like the Great Prophet. You can create an almost pure GrProph farm right from the start of the game. I guess with a civ like Egypt, it's almost too easy. But you can really get them to pump out. Since they contribute to both and and will never go obsolete, if I pop nothing but Great Prophets all game I'm happy. And if I'm using a cottage economy, I can keep the science slider much higher from the gold from the prophets and a few merchant specialist cities for that gold.
settling past renaissance of course gives huge bonuses, but the # of turns to benefit from them is now much shorter, whereas benefit from GA increases greatly.
I find GProphets useful for GA post-renaissance, second GA (combined with someone you pop regularly) particularly, or 3rd when combined with GE from fusion & someone else.