What is your favorite type of fart?

Favorite flatulence to experience?

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Cheezy the Wiz

Socialist In A Hurry
Jul 18, 2005
Come on, admit it. We all derive a certain pleasure from the release of our own flatulence at times. And I'm sure we've all noted that there are many different kinds of flatulence. So which is your personal "favorite" to create?

Is it the "I just woke up" fart, which tends to be the biggest of the day, having had hours to forment?

How about the "I just finished working out" fart, when all that bloatedness from last night's dinner gets stretched and worked out of your system?

The "black beans and beer" fart is probably the raunchiest of them all, being a perfect storm of stank and volume. Its is probably only surpassed by the..

"Corned beef and cabbage" fart. its cabbage, what did you expect?

Or do you like that most unexpected of farts, the one that sneaks out while you're on the toilet, after you've opened up a previously unfelt air pocket?

The wet one, or what I like to call the "7-11" one since I seemed to get it every time I got a slushie as a kid. Some refer to this as "swamp-ass," especially during the summer. Not fun.

Sometimes you're bloated and really feel a fart coming on, so you push and squeeze, and with all that buildup you expect it to be the mother of satisfying pressure relievers...and then it turns out to be this tiny little nothing of flatulence, and embarrassingly petite "toot."

Or is it the "whistler?"

And of course, the classic "whoopie cushion" default.
Where is the "So powerful, you have to lift yourself off the chair" fart?
The one that stops the pain in your side.
Insufficient poll. How on earth could you leave out the dreaded SBD (Silent But Deadly)?

There is nothing more pleasingly sophomoric than releasing one of those in a crowded room and having someone else get the blame.
Insufficient poll. How on earth could you leave out the dreaded SBD (Silent But Deadly)?

There is nothing more pleasingly sophomoric than releasing one of those in a crowded room and having someone else get the blame.


What about the fact that after eating eggs - at least in my case - you automatically have bad gas that smells like eggs, like they went RIGHT through you in a matter of minutes?

One of the most foul gas expulsions in my opinion. Though silent but deadly has much potential for epicness.
The meat and cabbage option truly encompasses the spirit of a great fart. It is a tremor which erupts triumphantly, announcing itself without shame like an assertive belch. Similar to the 'just woke up' but much more pleasurable since it is immediately preceeded by gorging oneself on meat and cabbage.

"Corned beef and cabbage" fart. its cabbage, what did you expect?
I'm still confused as to the nature of this fart. :p

But yeah, I like the "little effort, big fart" ones. I also like the pooping farts, although it can be embarrassing if there's people nearby.
Where is the "So powerful, you have to lift yourself off the chair" fart?


Though as for the poll, this choice best correlates to the classic whoopee cushion. :nuke:
This is just disgusting
I also like the pooping farts, although it can be embarrassing if there's people nearby.

Tell me about it. I was forced to use the handicapped stall one night when we dined at an Olive Garden, not too long ago. And I just so happened to get the runs before dessert. ...With gas as a bonus.

Never minding the gross conditions of the bathroom(there were "fluids" everywhere), it was quite embarassing, as there people all over that place. I generally don't give two lumpy, peanut-decorated feces sticks about what people think about me, but even I can be embarassed. :blush:
The fart that you've been waiting to release for at least half an hour.

*fart* "ahhhhh.....much better."
Another fav is the never-ending fart. The one that just seems to go on forever. With just a little brrrrap-a-rrrap right at the end....

Yes, a personal favourite of mine.
What about the elevator fart?!?
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