What movie(s) have you recently seen 2

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I saw Volver by Almodóvar (sp?) recently. I rather liked it.

Really? I saw 'about my mom' or something like that from that guy, cause I read such good reviews, one day after work, I went and saw it (I used to go the movies by myself a lot :D ) and didnt think much of it.

Wasn't bad or anything, but wasn't great either.

Maybe I should give that almodovar guy another chance.
I just saw a "Diary of Anne Frank" movie in school. It was the old balck and white one.
Any movies? I guess most recently was I, Robot on TBS. I wonder if I, Robot was the precursor to the Second Renaissance and ultimately to the Matrix though...

But movies in the cinema? The last movie I saw in the cinema was Doom several years ago, which was sadly very disappointing. VERY disappointing.
300 it has all the necessary mindless blood, sex and violence that makes a smashing movie.
300; waste of time except the oracle girl scene (that actress is mind-blowingly gorgeous).
300... in IMAX.. i liked it..
300; waste of time except the oracle girl scene (that actress is mind-blowingly gorgeous).
:goodjob: Of all the ppl i talked to about the movie, i seemed to be the only one who really enjoyed that scene.
That's because she is a redhead, furthering my theory that redheads are the hottest examples of human females.
That's because she is a redhead, furthering my theory that redheads are the hottest examples of human females.

indeed. but regardless, i saw hot fuzz recently. 10/10 i give it.
:goodjob: Of all the ppl i talked to about the movie, i seemed to be the only one who really enjoyed that scene.
Oh, the scene itself wasn't anything great, it was the fantastic female who made it worthwhile. ;)

See, for example:

I just saw "the constant gardener", which was good, but not fantastic and thoroughly depressing.

And just after that I saw "Stranger than Fiction", which was very good but not perfect yet did still deliver a nice feeling very well transmitted through modern or barren 1970:s architecture.
I just saw "the constant gardener", which was good, but not fantastic and thoroughly depressing.

As always, the book was better. Movie was good, but in a weeknight curl up in front on the telly kind of way. Great acting.
Believe me BCLG, I am not sure why it's left my attention for so long. I've been proclaiming the greatness of Spaced since its first series, as well as Shaun of the Dead. Why I haven't seen this is beyond me.
Meet the Robinsons and Happily Never After.

Meet the Robinsons was really good (asides from me trying to figure out every possible timeline) but Happily Never After was relatively Mediocre. funny in spots, but overall, meh.
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