What Movies Have You Watched? 17: Blowed Up Real Good

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High Quality Person
Nov 29, 2006
I love Farm Film Report! Thanks for posting it, and may the good Lord take a liking to ya and blow ya up real good! :)
Why is part sixteen number XV (15) ?

Mandela: Walk to Freedom with Idris Elba was boring and poorly acted. Idris just wasn't believable in this role, and the accent of him and a few of the other stars were also off which kept me from enjoying the film.

This was the last disc from my Netflix DVD subscription. I got HBO Max for the Mrs as a birthday present, and someone gifted us Paramount Plus so between all those, I don't have time for the DVDs anymore. It was still a very cost effective solution to get you almost everything you would want to see - with the caveat that more and more streaming services are skipping releasing their hit shows on DVD so there were some gaps developing in their catalogue. Lots of other services do still put their stuff on disc, plus every movie every (practically) is on disc, so this subscription gives you access to a ton of material.
escape from Sobibor or whatever . An almost unbelievable act of inefficiency on part of Germans , tearing up a concentration camp after a mass breakout by Jewish and Russian inmates and in 1943 . Late at night , so ı first read the wikipedia page to learn the list of those who survived would be at the end , failed to sleep and watched the end , so it constitutes a movie seen .
Night Hunter - Starring Henry Cavill, Stanley Tucci and Sir Ben Kingsley. As you might expect, with those actors, they manage to drag an otherwise terrible film, kicking and screaming into mediocrity. The movie is basically trying to be Seven and Split at the same time and failing at both. Henry Cavil is totally out of place using his regular accent. The character he is playing totally calls for his American accent... but I guess maybe the director thought that would make him sound too much like Superman?

Anyway... it has quite a few worthwhile twists and a lot of suspense/tension... so its worth a watch, just with lower expectations than the cast would suggest. It also stars Alexandra Daddario, who is kind of a poor mans Scarlett Johannsen.

Unhinged - Starring Russell Crowe... so if you are not a "Russell Crowe, Hell No!" kind of person, then you can enjoy this. The movie has a premise that would be completely absurd pre-2020, but its a little easier to swallow after the past year. Russell Crowe must have had to gain at least 60 lbs for the role if not more. The movie is a pretty straightforward, persecuted-by-crazy-killer-trying-to-teach-you-a-lesson movie, like The Fan and Phone Booth... there's another famous one in this genre where IIRC the final confrontation takes place in the rain... but the name escapes me now. Anyway the movie sets up for a great Shakespearian tragedy, but in typical American movie fashion, chickens out in the end. Aside from the ending, it was OK, but very cliche... not a must see, but not terrible.
there's another famous one in this genre where IIRC the final confrontation takes place in the rain... but the name escapes me now.
Maybe Liberty Stands Still?

Which Wiki has just informed me was directed by Kari Skogland, who's now doing TFatWS.
I love Farm Film Report! Thanks for posting it, and may the good Lord take a liking to ya and blow ya up real good! :)
Oh good, someone liked and got the reference.
Unhinged - Starring Russell Crowe... so if you are not a "Russell Crowe, Hell No!" kind of person, then you can enjoy this. The movie has a premise that would be completely absurd pre-2020, but its a little easier to swallow after the past year. Russell Crowe must have had to gain at least 60 lbs for the role if not more. The movie is a pretty straightforward, persecuted-by-crazy-killer-trying-to-teach-you-a-lesson movie, like The Fan and Phone Booth... there's another famous one in this genre where IIRC the final confrontation takes place in the rain... but the name escapes me now. Anyway the movie sets up for a great Shakespearian tragedy, but in typical American movie fashion, chickens out in the end. Aside from the ending, it was OK, but very cliche... not a must see, but not terrible.
I haven't seen this one, but I feel like there's a whole subgenre of "crazy guy takes it too far" thrillers. I was thinking of Lakeview Terrance with Sam Jackson.
I watched The Concorde: Airport ‘79 because it looks like Universal uploaded the full movie free-to-view on YouTube.


Overall, it’s what I expected—being a 1970’s disaster movie, not much. George Kennedy and Robert Wagner are both good, but Wagner’s part I don’t feel was that well-written. Without spoiling it, there are a few incidents in the movie and if you take too critical an eye it’s quizzical why they didn’t land the first time around. There’s also one side plot that is resolved about two-third in, but by this time the idea is so hackneyed that I really had no feeling at all about it, and its resolution really lacks any significance whatsoever.
It blowed up real good!

*in CinemaSins voice* "Thaaat's Racist!" *ding*

Watched Meet the Robinsons with family tonight... W.T.F.???... The first 2/3rds of the movie I felt like I had taken ALL the drugs... I mean, just, whoa... WTH am I watching? Who is winning? What is occurring? I don't know. :dunno:

The last 20 minutes or so kind of cleared everything up and tied everything into a nice, heartwarming package... but man... what a long strange trip that movie was. :confused:
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Oh, I picked a bad day to stop playing addictive videogames.
Promising Young Woman - It's something like a cross between a romantic comedy and a revenge thriller. Clever, well done, and very dark. The most disturbing aspect was how easily people ignored or excused blatantly awful behavior. While it's not a comic book movie, the main character reminded me a lot of Harley Quinn.
The New Mutants (2020)

Meh. Not a total disaster, but I think it bit off more than it could chew. I liked the idea of making it a horror story. I had read before I watched it that it was inspired by A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors, and I think it was a good idea that they didn't quite pull off. I think part of the problem was that they wanted it to be an ensemble and didn't want to commit to making one person the main character and the rest supporting characters. So we got mere introductions to each character's backstory and the trauma they were coping with, and so there wasn't much of an arc. They also weren't willing to kill any of the protagonists. The cast was good. The SFX were good. If they could have done this as a series, they had all the pieces to do something cool, but by itself, it wasn't really satisfying.
I just watched Coded Bias, a documentary about the issues with AI algorithms, which are trained on biased data.
I think they cover the most things in this area, which have gotten really a lot of public attention in the last few years (besides some part of the Chinese social credit system in relationship with the Uyghur minority, that was not covered).. It's a bit unstructured though, could have been better (although the end is better than the beginning).
Since I rambled on about that this after watching another documentary: This one is also clearly biased. This time positively to my side, so I find this less infuriating lol. AI clearly had advantages, which are not mentioned here. But it's also about bias, so maybe this doesn't need to be covered, since it's not about AI in general.
It's maybe also not necessary, since people tend to be very dismissive about these issues, even when grave problems are presented, I don't know...
Willy's Wonderland starring Nicolas Cage.

A very silly and slightly scary movie cashing in on the Five Nights at Freddie's video game.

Worth $2 at the Red Box, but not more.
Turn off your brain and just roll with it. :)
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