What PC for short waiting time


Jan 29, 2009

I was wondering, what hardware i would need, that the time between the rounds is short (maybe 1 Second) in Lategame on Huge maps, like RFC.

If i play RFC in the years 1900+ i have to wait quite a long time so i plan to upgrade my PC.
I want to know if someone has just shorting waiting times between the rounds and if he could tell me the specifications.
Unfortunately, a PC to do what you want doesnt seem to exist yet. Its just one of those things that the more number of civs you have and the bigger the map=bigger wait time between turns.
Okey so it is normal to have to wait up to 10 seconds between the turns on a huge map like the RFC ones?
Yes, its normal. 10 seconds isnt too bad.

I imagine as time goes on with better hardware that may improve. But as it is now its still shorter than what civ III was back in the day. Back then it was like get up use the bathroom come back still loading- make a quick sandwich come back just finishes loading as you sit down.:crazyeye:

Just curious though, what are your specs?? Cause if they are really low you might be able to improve
Just old . .. .. .. . PC cause i was playing WoW quite a long time and that didn't have serious hardware - requirements.

Pentium4, 3,4 GHZ
1gig Ram

I do not know but i think is anoying to wait 10 seconds between each turn, since if u play about 200 Turns its 2000 seconds of waiting whats already 30 minutes?
RFC is just a slow mod, there isn't anything you can do about it. Sure, you can upgrade your PC, but it won't do as much as you think it will. 10 seconds is actually pretty decent in the 1900s. Are you using the latest version of RFC? It had some major speedups.
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