What say you, can we bring back the contests in [current year]?

I've thought about this a couple times since it was posted. Not the first time it's been suggested, and the response the last time was non-unanimous.

In theory, I like the idea. Not become greediness and vanity are to be supported, but because it's a way to highlight the community's creation, in essence a good bit of marketing, especially if we promote it outside of this sub-forum onto the home page. The Civ3 GOTMs have recently started being featured on the front page again, and news is often syndicated to CFC's social media accounts, so it's a way to increase visibility and potentially bring in new members. Which is better than fading into obscurity.

And if you don't like social media? You can still subscribe to our front-page Civ3 news, just plug https://www.civfanatics.com/category/civ3/feed/ into your favorite RSS reader, and you'll be subscribed.

In practice, one stumbling block would be the significant variation in content creation by category. Three modpacks were updated this year (2023), none of which were new this year. Three scenarios were updated, two of which were new. That's not a lot to vote on.

But on the other extreme, there were 512 updated units in 2023, most of which were new. That is too many to put into one poll, and even the average of 42.7 per month is too many for one poll. A lot of this is due to Delta_Strife's prolific rate of unit creation, including some varying national paint schemes for models of airplanes, but still, it's a lot to sort through. If we want to have a "Unit of the Month" contest, something would have to do that.

So I guess what I'm saying is, do you, @Kyriakos , or someone else, have a more specific suggestion on how to go about this given the imbalance in creation across categories these days? I like the idea but am not sure how to put it into practice.
As I posted several times, I don´t like that idea. Everybody who posts here an own creation in my eyes is a winner. To say it clearly: Such a contest would only have one winner and several losers, what really is not necessary.
I would not mind to compete against city sets or palace views. I agree with Civinator that everybody is a winner here however it might give the rivals some motivation to create more or more often.
A stray thought, focusing on Units, for simplicity & example's sake:

For each Unit Era/Category over the past ~decade, each Unit creator puts in a group/"pack" of 5 to be judged as a Collection (I'd probably need to drag @Snodmaulvenn here, kicking and screaming, but so it goes :devil:.) Perhaps "committees" of - 3? - to pull out the best of imperator1961 etc.

Mods could likewise be set into similar Era/Types ...

... But I just looked at the time, and realized I might just be babbling ... :sleep:

Could we maybe start with reviving the (quarterly?) front-page announcement posts? I follow the site feed and don't recall seeing any C&C content for any game for some years now.

Three modpacks were updated this year (2023), none of which were new this year.
Well I released a new mod but didn't add it to the database yet. So, I guess I win that category :coffee:
Perhaps a Thread, something similar to "the Front Page", showing what has been accomplished.

...of course someone would need to keep up with the the creations.
Could we maybe start with reviving the (quarterly?) front-page announcement posts? I follow the site feed and don't recall seeing any C&C content for any game for some years now.
That is something that is actionable. At least to some extent. Ozymadias's idea potentially is actionable as well, but would depend on finding enough unit creators to create submission packs, which is of debatable likelihood.

One remaining question is, what are the thoughts of the unit and PCX creators, e.g. @Delta_Strife , @unartis . To Vuldacon's point, keeping up with the units/PCXs could be a challenge (I'll admit I don't follow them individually on release), so having some input in terms of, "you can mention I've created 53 units, and I'd suggest these two or three for being visually featured on the front page" would be valuable.
Well I released a new mod but didn't add it to the database yet. So, I guess I win that category :coffee:
How are we supposed to know about it if it isn't in the database?! Only half joking, I both realize that the database isn't comprehensive, but I think it's also a common first port of call. I would suggest adding it though, if for on other reason than once a thread falls from the first page it is essentially in oblivion, and that having it in the Downloads Database will make it visible as a Resource on your profile page, so anyone who looks at your profile can easily see, "oh, WildWeazel, of Lord of the Mods fame, created a mod in 2023? Interesting...".

I am curious if the fact that our modpacks sub-forum being titled "Completed Mods" is the reason for it being in the main forum rather than Modpacks forum? You mention being "tempted" to call it a completed mod. At a larger level, I am wondering if that "Completed" word is counter-productive in 2023/4. It's just "modpacks" in the Downloads Database, and while in 2004 the "Completed" likely helped keep that forum full of playable modpacks and not changed-one-rule BIQs, "completed" is also a speed bump to opening a thread there, and in a forum with mostly perfectionist-leaning veterans, that might not be what we need anymore. That could also contribute to the perception that modding is dead (if no one posts beta-trying-out-new-idea mods there because "they aren't complete"), and contribute to that discoverability problem - notably, your Change Request has already fallen into the oblivion of the second page of C&C, but would be near the top of the first page in the Modpacks forum.

(If you would like the thread to be moved, let me know)
That is something that is actionable. At least to some extent. Ozymadias's idea potentially is actionable as well, but would depend on finding enough unit creators to create submission packs, which is of debatable likelihood.

One remaining question is, what are the thoughts of the unit and PCX creators, e.g. @Delta_Strife , @unartis . To Vuldacon's point, keeping up with the units/PCXs could be a challenge (I'll admit I don't follow them individually on release), so having some input in terms of, "you can mention I've created 53 units, and I'd suggest these two or three for being visually featured on the front page" would be valuable.

How are we supposed to know about it if it isn't in the database?! Only half joking, I both realize that the database isn't comprehensive, but I think it's also a common first port of call. I would suggest adding it though, if for on other reason than once a thread falls from the first page it is essentially in oblivion, and that having it in the Downloads Database will make it visible as a Resource on your profile page, so anyone who looks at your profile can easily see, "oh, WildWeazel, of Lord of the Mods fame, created a mod in 2023? Interesting...".

I am curious if the fact that our modpacks sub-forum being titled "Completed Mods" is the reason for it being in the main forum rather than Modpacks forum? You mention being "tempted" to call it a completed mod. At a larger level, I am wondering if that "Completed" word is counter-productive in 2023/4. It's just "modpacks" in the Downloads Database, and while in 2004 the "Completed" likely helped keep that forum full of playable modpacks and not changed-one-rule BIQs, "completed" is also a speed bump to opening a thread there, and in a forum with mostly perfectionist-leaning veterans, that might not be what we need anymore. That could also contribute to the perception that modding is dead (if no one posts beta-trying-out-new-idea mods there because "they aren't complete"), and contribute to that discoverability problem - notably, your Change Request has already fallen into the oblivion of the second page of C&C, but would be near the top of the first page in the Modpacks forum.

(If you would like the thread to be moved, let me know)

I like the idea of nominating a few items for the front page as long as someone reminds me. I tend to forget about stuff when I get into doing a unit pack.
I am not a unit creator, but I do modify unit combat values a lot, and work on modifying as well as creating scenarios. I would think maybe having a quarterly conquest might work, as there are several very good unit creators, and I would be more than happy to try to come up with a new scenario a quarter. This might be based on modifying an existing one it this would be agreeable.

A "Round-Robin." Every month we showcase not simply new creations, but "lost and forgotten" gems from the ( :D ) Archives. Alternating items from different categories of creations could be (and accompanied by sufficient descriptions):
I. New Works of any sort.
II. Mods:
  • "Current Classics:"
    • CCM
    • EFZ II (yes, I'm talking about you, @Vuldacon :nono: ( ;) ) - I found a FULL-PAGE PLEA on Steam asking where it could be found!
  • "Timeless Classics" from sort-of-at-random ...
  • City sets, old & new (@Kyriakos - you'd better fire up that machine of yours ;))
  • Units:
    • New sets(you know, 100 at a time by @Delta_Strife.)
    • Astonishing "singletons" like @Vuldacon's Xenomorph
    • "Classic & Forgotten Sets"
      • @Wyrmshadow's "Harry Turtledove" Units
      • @Supa's "Terror Birds" (which I'm planning on using for Terra Fantasia, and caused quite a stir when I did some posting on Facebook.
      • @ShiroKobbure's “Workers, Settlers and Scientists.”
      • (etc. ...)
  • Maps from (again, no particular order):
    • Rhye's "fastest loading, to,
    • @Volman.me's "Monstrosity"
    • You'd be surprised at how many heathens outsiders don't know about @Quintillus' magnificent editor - or, for that matter -
    • @Flintlock's for-so-long-thought-impossible spelunking.
The best parts are:
  • There are no competitions.
  • We (and you know who WE ARE!) will need to take some collective responsibility for "teeing up" a few entries at a time, with some Fine Words queued up accordingly ...
... For those of you who've read A Clockwork Orange, I'm busting my (fill in your favorite-appropriate body part here) to "tart up" our Landing Page, as I've been told by Those Who Know Such Things that it's seemingly antique - and dead-link - threads are driving some folks away.

It's a very friendly idea - as you are always so friendly ^^ - but I think it would not be sustainable for long...
And we have the decade contest threads for a collection of some of the more memorable gfx :)
I agree with your Post #15 and especially believe it would show those who do not know or have forgotten the excellent creations we have at our Civfanatics Forum.
It would be a Good way to stimulate more interest and probably more Members :yup:
I like Ozymandias's suggestion in post #15 as well. There is a lot of good content that is "beneath the surface" - buried pages back in the forums, or not at the top of the Downloads Database by most-downloads, but still excellent content, perhaps either newer or a bit more niche in theme than what is at the surface.

It took some digging, but I also found some examples of previous announcements of Civ III content to the front page (now only accessible via the forum links, after the migration from vBulletin to XenForo). Examples:

https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civilization-4-files-update.496428/ (yes I'm aware that's a Civ4 one, but still in the same genre)

I'm a bit partial to the ones that have a visual collage of the creations, as these draw in those scrolling through the news items more than just a bullet-point list. The tradeoff being that they take more time to create. And I have a few too many irons in the fire to want to be the one doing that creation right now (the most recent Civ-related iron, which is in-progress, is repairing all the broken links in the Civ3 section of the main page).

I think the main need now is for someone to create a draft of one of these (likely in the form of a post in this forum, which will double as the discussion thread once it's on the main page). A "Civ3 Content Showcase - January 2024" (or February...), with a mix of the content types that Ozymandias mentioned. Once we have that, I can take charge of getting it onto the front page, and from there the social-media-savvy members of the staff will share it out on our various feeder channels (Facebook, Mastodon, whatever Twitter's name is this week).
I am curious if the fact that our modpacks sub-forum being titled "Completed Mods" is the reason for it being in the main forum rather than Modpacks forum? You mention being "tempted" to call it a completed mod.
Exactly that, as it's not officially done or even playtested, and we've always kept preview/WIP content in the main forum. (I started to say "beta" but then remembered certain projects which never advanced past that designation :shifty: ) As for the database, mostly laziness.
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