What The F you Know


What's a title for
Feb 18, 2002
OK, this is the 3rd time this has happened to me, and this time i was on TUTORIAL MODE...

I get way ahead, then the civs start DEMANDING things from me, (unreasonable), and I deny them, and then ALL FOUR declare war on me SIMULTANEOUSLY (Egypt, German, Aztecs, England), and I ONLY EVER ONCE did anything bad to the Aztecs!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is really old...the game just degenerates into WAR continuously? What is going on???
How were the demands unreasonable? War is something very much to be wary of and I've never really found the A.I demands impossible to meet.
Sometimes Expansionist Civ's declare war on you because of land-grabbing, its important to be large and powerful, but not an oppressor, sooner or later they'll come after you with bloodlust.

Additionally, Civ 3's AI compairs its strength to yours, having a large military greatly helps with forceful negotiations (Germany is always making outrageous damands in my games, often without basis). Build a defensive force for your cities and you may find negotiating easier.
The sequence:

a) Started slow
b) attacked aztecks (short wart, we both declared peace quickly)
c) I developed a 3-4 tech lead on everyone, had the oracle, pyramids, and 2-3 other great wonders, and more, but not a strong military (not minimal, but not strong)
d) they all of the sudden (ALL OF THEM) started to demand things like:

1) chemistry, and 40 gold OR ELSE
2) chivalry and 100 GOLD OR ELSE
3) blah blah blah and 500 GOLD OR ELSE!!!!!

that's crap!
Sounds like your military is too weak. Think about it. You're playing some major villains, and basically dangling candy under their noses and saying "come and get it". They know how big your army is.
ANOTHER game I started just for fun, and we're all going alone fine til 1070 AD, and then ALL NATIONS are polite towards me, and then within 1 turn, FRANCE, BABYLONIANS, AND RUSSIANS ALL DECLARE WAR ON ME!!!

I think the 1.17 release really really sucks!!!!!!!!!!! This never used to happen. I have a strong military this time also, but I can't ever withstand 3-5 nations all ganging up on me EVERY GOD DAM_ TIME!

Surely this can't be how it should work??
Consult your military and foreign advisor. Do they say that you're outnumbered?

Also, your past behavior influences the AI. If you've extorted technology and then violated the peace treaty, for instance, you won't be trusted or liked. Same deal if you make alliances and then sign a peace treaty before 20 turns has elapsed and the alliance is cancelled.

Turn their own tricks against them. When you get a declaration of war, one of the first things you should consider bribing other civs to gang up on the aggressor.
i got extorted 3 times in total. among them 2 used world maps alone to exchange for communism and sanitary. i counter proposed and trade maps to maps instead. nothing bad happened...
There's extortion, and then there's the AI seeing if you're a sap.

Extortion is when one of the AI civs contacts you on your turn (there's no opportunity to refuse the meeting) and says, give us a tech or a quantity of gold or we declare war. If you refuse, there's a chance they'll do exactly that.

Sometimes the AI will contact you (AFAIK you'll be given a chance to refuse the meeting) and will ask for a bad trade, such a their world map for your map + a tech. Refusing outright might cause a worsening of relations, so it's SOP to counter offer a small bribe, such as your territory map or 10 gold.
A simple way to avoid demands for vast amounts of gold is to AVOID having 500 gold sitting idle in your treasury!
As long as I keep a lot of military units ready they do not declare war on me, despite their ridiculous demands.
Originally posted by Ironikinit
There's extortion, and then there's the AI seeing if you're a sap.

Sometimes they'll threaten war with no intent on declaring war
(their just hoping you'll cave in). Best way to deal with it to propose a counter offer.
Originally posted by Ironikinit
There's extortion, and then there's the AI seeing if you're a sap.

Extortion is when one of the AI civs contacts you on your turn (there's no opportunity to refuse the meeting) and says, give us a tech or a quantity of gold or we declare war. If you refuse, there's a chance they'll do exactly that....

There's one more I think. Sometime, when you refuse to meet with the AI, they declare war on you!:lol:

It's happened to me a couple of times before, when I just 'knew' that they were going to ask for something ridiculous. Oh well.

Since those early days of the game, I never turn down AI requested meetings when I'm not a military power yet -- better to be exorted now and seek vengence later, than to be at war when I'm in the middle of REX mode.
In my last game, everyone was polite to me. At some point, my wandering workers tresspassed into a neighbouring civ's territory in the vain hope to get to a city that was on the other side. I soon got the "Can you get your plebes out of my land please" type of request. I clicked on the "Yeah, sorry, but you know what the workers are like... They don't care where they go, but I promise they won't be there for much longer" type of reply. [sorry for being vague, but I can't remember the exact wording]

Well, the workers too their time, but eventually left. I noticed that the civ concerned had changed from Polite to Annoyed. So, I gave them a sweetener, and they were polite again.

Then, the Romans were getting their butts kicked by a few civs. They kept asking for military assistance etc, and my general responce was "LOL, you are on your own matey" They were down to their last few cities, and I noticed that they were "Furious" with me. Temper temper, I thought.

So, my point, [and I guess you are pleased that I have finally got to it] is that it maybe not a case of other civs making unreasonable demands, or the size of your military compared to theirs, as I only had a small military force... but what else you do that can anger them. Maybe you don't get your tresspassing troups out quicker enough, or you refuse to be as helpful in previous negotiations.

Thank you for your patience, and play nicely
In my experience tha AI with 1.17 will treat military alliances as kind of a trade good. So when one civ starts falling behind it looks for a war to slow the others down and hopefully get ahead. It will then offer alliances to everyone, and the others will take them 1:1 - that`s the AI to AI trade ratio - you die!

Sorry to say, but the AI in CivIII has no concept whatsoever what a war does, like slowing down research and so on, it simply plays against the human, no longer does each AI try to win..... It even got worse with the UN votes. In 1.16, if a civ was polite with me and at war with the other candidate, it would usually abstain if voting for me would make me win, but usually vote for me when it was my ally and gracious with me.
Yesterday I lost a vote when my 4 allies voted for our common enemy, even thogh 2 of them had been polite the entire game and now were gracious......
Just my 2 cents worth.

It's a shame that in 1.17f everygame is nothing more than an AI gangbang against the human player. If you play on the easiest level then the game seems more reasonable but who wants to play on chieftain all the time?
Here is how I get around the demands:

Instead of saying "forget about it" -- go with "would you listed to counter proposal".. Offer them your world map.

And that is it... No war no fuss.

Originally posted by Dmitry
Here is how I get around the demands:

Instead of saying "forget about it" -- go with "would you listed to counter proposal".. Offer them your world map.

And that is it... No war no fuss.


Thats how I have been dealing with their 'fair' trade deals but they are talking about when the computer demands them from you and you only have three options: To agree, to disagree or to say goodbye
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