What things are you waiting for the most?

What are you most excited about

  • Tourism and new cultural victory

    Votes: 16 15.5%
  • Trade routes

    Votes: 20 19.4%
  • World congress

    Votes: 14 13.6%
  • New civs

    Votes: 35 34.0%
  • Idealogies

    Votes: 9 8.7%
  • Archeology

    Votes: 6 5.8%
  • Other (multiplayer, new wonders and units etc.)

    Votes: 3 2.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 6, 2012
This expansion adds a lot of new mechanics and content. We are waiting for all those new things, but someone is most excited about trade routes, someone can't wait to play as (and against) new civs, and someone wants to win new culture victory. It would be interesting to see what majority is excited about. There is plenty of "most interesting civ" -threads, let's make most interesting content/mechanic thread, shall we? I'm sorry if this already exists.

My "excitement ranking" (IDK is that's a word but if not, i just made it :lol: ):

1. Trade Routes - Am i the only one who loves that you have to protect your caravans and cargo ships? It kinda brings those 1700's times into CiV when pirates pillaged cargo ships and frigates had to protect them. Trade routes give also new way to spread religion and can help your own cities with food and production. We get new trade civs and maybe arabs or dutch ua will change? A lot of possibilities.

2. Tourism and new culture victory - IMO cultural victory is the most boring one. Just spamming great artists and wonders with 2-5 cities. In BNW i could actually enjoy cultural game.

3. Ideologies - If i understand correct, there will be a lot more policies in Idealogies and "tiers" i'm very excited to see what bonuses each tree has.

4. World Congress - New diplomacy options is nice, but diplomatic AI raises a question. Can it handle World Congress or will it be total mess?

5. New civs, everyone seems to be hyping about new civs, but personally i'm mpore excited about content. But i also can't wait to play as new civs, some UA's and UU's sound very intresting.

6. Archeology - It's interestiong part of new cultural victory, but isn't as game changing as the others.
I'd really like to see what ideologies bring to the table that make them better than the old social policies that they replace.
I picked trade routes, since thhey sound very dynamic throughout the game, not to say other mechanics wouldn't be as well.
Tough call, but tourism won (though I really dislike the name of the mechanic), trade was a close second.

Looking forward to everything, really!:D
It was a close tie between new civs and ideology but I chose civs. The new culture system seems it will be like religion in gods and kings a welcome feature. But trade routes I feel like they are going to be dull and tedious like espionage in gods and kings.
I voted archeology, as this is a feature I've dreamed about for a long time and am very excited to see it happen. I had that idea when first I saw the Archeology tech and the Museum as a building in Civ5. I can't wait for the thrill of reliving the early game once more with my Indiana Joneses... err.. archeologists.

I am also very excited about the World Congress and the revamped diplomacy and for some of the new civs (esp. Poland, Portugal and the new France).
Going with world congress only because I love politics and whatnot in real life and a good simulator of real world issues would be great. (completely depends on how the AI plays it though)
Archeology. It just adds so much to immersion...and one of my biggest problems with civ5 is immersion. I find it too gamey.

Also the new civs and the world congress seem superb!
I like everything I've heard so far, but I got to go with a more fixed multiplayer.
New civilizations. especially Khazars. but Göktürks, Avars, Timurids, or polished Huns are ok too.
I voted archeology, as this is a feature I've dreamed about for a long time and am very excited to see it happen. I had that idea when first I saw the Archeology tech and the Museum as a building in Civ5. I can't wait for the thrill of reliving the early game once more with my Indiana Joneses... err.. archeologists.

I am also very excited about the World Congress and the revamped diplomacy and for some of the new civs (esp. Poland, Portugal and the new France).

I'm guessing that uhh indiana joneses have like 100% strength bonuses against german units stationed on archeological sites XD

Definitely archeology is what i'm looking forward to the most for BNW. Not Scenarios, they're too short for my tastes. They're nothing compared to civ 4 so far.

Then late game intercontinental trade with freighters. I want to build those pretty cargo ships. And that castle thingie which Portugal only can build.
I voted new civs, because I really wanted to play Poland, if not for it, I would vote trade routes.
I'm looking forward to Capture The Flag Culture.
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