What things should advance


Nov 13, 2003
Lab 653
The Barbians should become different unit when every civ enter or pass by a tec. age.(a.k.a Mec. Infantry in Moderm Age) . And the name should came from barb. to rebels but they should still have two hit point/or health bars.
no, first off, barely any barbanians survive to the industrial age, and would be a progaming nightmere, and think about it, how are rebles going to get anymore than basic weapons. if they did upgrade, heres what i think it should be

era---------Basic unit-----------Adavnced unit-------sea unit
ancient ----warrior--------------archer----------------none
industrial---swordsman-----medieval infantry------privateer
I didn't say that it would be easy. But i sure they will be able to figure it out. Second of all the barbs will get the weapons and tech from corruption(were is that wasted going anyway?)
If I remember, I think CIV II called the Barbs 'Rebels' in the later ages. It's been so long and I'm old.....
Originally posted by Mano3
If I remember, I think CIV II called the Barbs 'Rebels' in the later ages. It's been so long and I'm old.....

I don't remember that.

Anyway, I think in the later years barb vessels should appear out of nowhere and land troops to raid your cities like in Civ2.
Originally posted by testdummy653
the barbs will get the weapons and tech from corruption(were is that wasted going anyway?)

Wow! i nevr thought of that, that's a good idea!
p.S. now that that problem is solved, maybe they should also spring up in your borders, but outside the city radius (you know what i mean)
That is good idea, it will slow down grow rate in most civ. A new idea more barbs if your civ has a lot of money aka over 2,000. In real life barb/rebels are greedy.
yeah and later age civ2 barbs were fanatics, which was cool

I appreciated civ2 barbs before civ3 rendered that feature obsolete.

I agree with the proposal but would do it a bit different:

era---------Basic unit-----------Adavnced unit-------sea unit
ancient ----warrior--------------horseman------------curragh
medieval---ancient cavalry-----crusader-------------galley
modern----guerilla-------------TOW infantry----------ironclad

other units considered: marines, knights, medieval infantry, infantry, cruise millies :evil: (if the barbs would bombard :rolleyes: ) swordsmen...
Originally posted by testdummy653
the barbs will get the weapons and tech from corruption(were is that wasted going anyway?)

Sweet Sid, you're a sharp one! :goodjob: Expanding barbs like that fits so well, I see a void in Civ III where it should be.

I miss the barbs of Civ II. They actually followed the same code as the normal AI civs (the red civ), only with limits and a few special properties. They could capture cities, for example, but then they couldn't collect taxes or build anything but military units. Once a barb, always a barb. That's easy coding.

Sometimes the barbs could get a toehold in war-ravaged parts, and keep that whole region in the dumps for centuries. You wouldn't go there because the barbarians were so thick. I liked the odd peninsula or island being savage and hostile, boiling in chaos ancient or modern. It happens.
Thanks for your imput
Thanks for your imput
My idea is
Gallery----- Carvel-------Ironclad----Destory
Sorry About the spelling.
most of the other charts (besides mine that is hehehe) seem like the barbs have basicaly the same weapons as you. Historicly that is not correct. sophisticated weapons require training, for instance, knights took years, usually a lifetime to become a good knight, the rebles just wouldn't have the training to work as well as an infantry, let alone figure out how to work a destroyer or tank (where would they get the tank or destroyer anyway, corruption couldn't provide that much materials, not to mention the time or sckematics)

edit: what defines when the barbs enter a new era (i.e. when the first civ hits it, 2 civs, all, etc.)
Two Possible Way Of Getting Better Forces For Barbs
1. Black Market- Ememy Civs Give barbs tech or the barbs just get from dealers/spys
2. Barbs get money from raids could they not get tech too?
Plus Barbs Should not need resources, they do have horses in the begging of the game
why not iron or oil.

And when the tech age is reached by one civ the barb will make tech from that age
that only happens to my first slot and the last slot.
THe second slot has to have all civ to have this tech.
Originally posted by testdummy653
Two Possible Way Of Getting Better Forces For Barbs
1. Black Market- Ememy Civs Give barbs tech or the barbs just get from dealers/spys

that still doesn't explain training, and spies can't get top-of-the-line equipment. even now it's nearly impossible to get much more that RPg's and rockets, let alone a tank or destroyer. barbs don't have that big a budget (25 gold per camp) and spies are expensive (at LEAST 50) and so are thier operations.

Originally posted by testdummy653
2. Barbs get money from raids could they not get tech too?
Plus Barbs Should not need resources, they do have horses in the begging of the game
why not iron or oil.

horses are basic, they occur on the surface, and anyone can acess them, where as it takes drill to find oil, and sophisticated processes for iron. it seems our main disagreement is how civilized the rebles are. are they representing something like the resistance the U.S. is facing in Iraq, or a sophisticated structure/government (i.e. al-queda) i think its the first, and the weapons you guys are talking about seem to correspond with the latter, my chart shows the former, which are you guys talking about?
When you raid a city you get some idea what kind of tech and weapons they have. Plus if they have a stockpile of oil should not the rebels get the oil?
(When barb advance they Become advance in everthing they do inculding war plans.)
ehh........ i'm little hesitant on that one, first off, no one is going to cooperate with them, second, getting advanced military tech is going to be hard for people who have barely a clue where to look, and you still didn't answer my question, are rebels modled after the resistance the US is finding in Iraq, or do the rebels reprsent orginizations like al-queda?
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