What TV shows do you watch?


May 27, 2006
Here in the US at least, school is just about over (for those under 18)...that means no more homework :) but it also means I'm probably going to be incredibly bored.

I don't really watch much TV, because I never see anything good on...But I guess now is as good of a time as any to try something new. :) So what TV shows do you watch?

Any other suggestions for the summer are welcome, too :)
The Simpsons, Family Guy, Lost, South Park
adult swim, the daily show/colbert report, MPFC, and CNN (the channel obviously)
They're still doing last comic standing?

I watch House, Law and Order, Family Guy and Sporting Events. At school, I used to watch Grey's Anatomy with my girlfriend every sunday, but since she lives all the way across town now, instead of 2 floors up, I can get away with *not* watching it
Dr. Who, BSG, SG-1, SG-A, Lost (though I've lost track...have to wait and rent the DVDs now), history/discovery/tlc channel.

EDIT: Goodness, how could I forget?! Jeopardy!!!
I too watch House and I really like Grey's but don't get to watch it very often.

Simpsons, even though I've seen them all many times in some cases, familly guy, I hade all the series on cd but the cd's don't work any more and they don't show them much over here any more sadly:(

Little Britain, old classic comedies like black adder and Red Dwarf and the fast show and The League of Gentlemen, Monty Python too ocsaionally. Fawlty towers, cheers.

I'm trying to avoid Big Brother but it's very popular so I sometimes force my self to watch it even if I find the majority of the housemates annoying.

England just beat Hungary (3-1) in a friendly that was good, world cup starts next week :) be watfching alot of football.

Erm what else? X-files, I've come round to two and a half men oddly enough, Mythbusters is entertainment par excellence :) Gone off dramas because there are just too many to chose from and it's a wheat from chaff deal mostly with alot of chaff. I did like Teachers though, that was really funny. So much good stuff around, I really should be watching less TV and doing more course work but mah, week off all work and no play...
Family guy , the simsons
Discovery channel (daily planet, ultimate engenering, how it is made.)
TLC (Overhauling)

Each summer I spend time watching the whole Tour de France religiously.
Don't watch a lot of TV, but when I'm in the mood I like to watch Food Network. Good Eats, Unwrapped, Top 5, Secret Life of..., Iron Chef, Iron Chef America. Occasional specials.

Like watching the Police Chases show, Cops.

And, come August, Football.
The local news and World New Tonight on ABC.

Other than that basketball games, and sometimes St. Louis Cardinal games.
Oh, I forgot Rome. WAY too racy and profane frequently, but it is such an outstanding show that I put up with that stuff to watch it. Can't want for season two in 2007.
I watch absolutely NO television.

Well, okay, I watch movies on a television set occasionally, but that doesn't count.
Family Guy, 24, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis. Those are the only shows I record on my DVR.

I also watch a lot of the learning channel shows, like Digging for the Truth, Naked Science, Seconds from Disaster, Mythbusters, anything about ancient civilizations, war documentaries, etc... I don't specifically make time for any of these shows though, only if they happen to be on.

And I never miss NFL football. :)
New shows:

48 Hours
American Idol (season over)
Dateline NBC
Deal or No Deal
The Price is Right
The Tonight Show
Wheel of Fortune


The Andy Griffith Show
Everybody Loves Raymond
Family Guy
Get Smart!
Green Acres
I Love Lucy
The Simpsons
Yes, Dear
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