FP was 7 jumps away on spawn.
Economically, in that situation, running deficits is entirely necessary for everything except alloys. It's Grand Admiral. Otherwise, won't have the numbers, and you're doomed. Deficits ARE good economics in that situation.
The deficits only turned to shortages because I tend not to watch closely, and don't wanna set up auto trades. All I have to trade are alloys, and I might need my stockpile in case of defeat, so selling manually is preferable. I just miss it sometimes because I play on very fast.
I did defeat the FPs. Deduced their loadout from a battle report after provoking contact with 3 ships. Hardcountered it, later defeating 72 of their fighters with 42 of mine, 9(9!) years in game.
That's good free planets.
I only okay Grand Admiral btw
Your build?