• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

What video games have you been playing? ΚΔ (24)? More like ΚΔ,Ζ,ΤΞΕ!

As a swarm, shouldn't you automatically gain ownership of any conquered Starbase?
Worked like this on all other wars, yes, but not that one.
If that is not happening, I'd imagine you claim their systems as you would a nongenocidal state. Open the claims menu and claim them.
Could not figure out how... I recall that could be done directly from the map... there's a separate menu now? Also, can you do that whilst already in war?
If military power is stopping you from capturing their starbases, they're intended to be a foe only surmounted with late game tech. Build research labs en masse, and you'll eventually have the tech to go man for man, with much greater scale behind your empire. At that point, it's a sure win.
I thrashed them 3 times, before I finally managed to declare on them myself and eat them as normal.
I am trying Stellaris.
Currently haven't learned what all the stuff do - I only just expanded my border for the first time, in the Centauri system.
Can I even build a colony ship, or are there techs to be researched first? (fleet menu doesn't appear to give me the option to build non-military ships).
It's been a long while since I've played, but I seem to recall clicking on a system I wanted to colonise and adding a colony ship order to my build list.
I am trying Stellaris.
Currently haven't learned what all the stuff do - I only just expanded my border for the first time, in the Centauri system.
Can I even build a colony ship, or are there techs to be researched first? (fleet menu doesn't appear to give me the option to build non-military ships).
Unless you're playing a ridiculously old version that mysteriously can't be updated, colony ships should always be available from starbase.
Still playing Cyberpunk 2077's earliest stage. About to do a heist to steal a biochip, so I think I may meet Keanu Reeves shortly.
Still playing Cyberpunk 2077's earliest stage. About to do a heist to steal a biochip, so I think I may meet Keanu Reeves shortly.
Really hope the next Nintendo console gets to have a neatly packed port of Cyberpunk, the way they did with the Witcher 3 port, just perfect!
Could not figure out how... I recall that could be done directly from the map... there's a separate menu now? Also, can you do that whilst already in war?
I thrashed them 3 times, before I finally managed to declare on them myself and eat them as normal.
This suggests that as the containment CB(a total war) wasn't in effect, you indeed had to open claims view(not a menu to be technical) and claim them as a standard empire would. You can do this while at war, yeah.

When war is declared on you, you can make claims and set conquest as your war goal. You may have been able to set devour as your war goal, too, I'm not sure. If you don't select a war goal, I don't think the game auto-selects for you, defaulting to humiliation. This (I think) can be accessed via clicking the war, as you would to impose terms, during the first 2 years after its declaration.
So, how do you build new non-combat ships in Stellaris? :)
Tbh I am rapidly losing interest. Not that I know what I am doing - have three planets and am friendly with some alien humanoids, trading minor stuff.
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So, how do you build new non-combat ships in Stellaris? :)
Tbh I am rapidly losing interest. Not that I know what I am doing - have three planets and am friendly with some alien humanoids, trading minor stuff.

From your shipyard.
Do you only have the base game?

I'm available on Discord if you want a tutorial co-op (open invitation to anyone really).
Teaser for Blackfrost: The Long Dark II (2026)

I don't really love getting a teaser for something 14+ months out, but okay. If we're all still alive by then, I'm sure I'll be thrilled to play this. The graphics look good. Co-op doesn't interest me, but I'm sure there are people who'll love that. I hope they do the two different game modes - story and survival - again. The little hints at new stuff - chopping down a tree; riding a horse; a hunting rifle with a scope - suggest some new gameplay mechanics. I'm hoping we'll be able to step over fallen tree branches and turn all the way around while sitting inside a car.

The announcement says, "NPC communities hiding out from the dangers of the aurora, the radioactive 'black frost', and a whole host of new threats they experience in the city of Harmont and the vast wilderness surrounding it." I presume the NPC communities will be a part of Story Mode. The city of Harmont is fictional, or at least a quick Google search doesn't turn up a Harmont in Canada. It looks like a small town/city in the middle of nowhere, although it has industry and a nuclear power plant. Since The Long Dark is somewhere in BC, I assume this one will be too. I think the developer said that Great Bear Island was in the vicinity of Vancouver Island, so maybe the sequel takes place in one of the cities on the larger island or on the mainland north of Vancouver, with the character(s) finally getting off Great Bear.
Can you win by playing tall in Stellaris, or is this another "conquer everything around you" game?
I may have a decent fleet (or perhaps it is trash), consisting of 18 small ships and 6 destroyers, with 4-level lazer-type weapons (I mean that I upgraded the main armament three times).
I am also part of a confederation, and I thought I was allied to someone who is currently at war with another neighbor of mine - but they didn't call for help.
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Can you win by playing tall in Stellaris, or this another "conquer everything around you" game?
I may have a decent fleet (or perhaps it is trash), consisting of 18 small ships and 6 destroyers, with 4-level lazer-type weapons (I mean that I upgraded the main armament three times).
I am also part of a confederation, and I thought I was allied to someone who is currently at war with another neighbor of mine - but they didn't call for help.
It's entirely viable. They spent most of the dev life buffing tall, at every point(though I still think wide wins out in a competitive sense)

The core of the idea is to use diplomacy as self-defense early, ascend very quickly, and then technologically dominate to the point any military or economic competition is pointless.

I would check your defensive pacts, the power of your allies if you're in a federation, likely enemies, on the diplomacy screen. If you're on solid diplomatic footing, you may not need the fleet at all. For me, fleet is all or nothing: either your strategy realistically calls for its deployment, at some point, or you should scrap it. It's an offensive weapon, if using it for deferrence, you've diplomatically failed, and should get allies.

Zardnaar is probably better versed as to the appropriate build and steps necessary to succeeded on that strategy. I'm very much the opposite type: I conquer everything around me. Right now, because it's the latest dlc(therefore the custodian team has yet to balance it), virtual ascension is extremely powerful. It limits you to seven planets, but you suffer no empire size penalties(which reduce research rates as a percentage). You would aim here for seven hyperdeveloped metropolis planets.
Can you win by playing tall in Stellaris, or this another "conquer everything around you" game?
I may have a decent fleet (or perhaps it is trash), consisting of 18 small ships and 6 destroyers, with 4-level lazer-type weapons (I mean that I upgraded the main armament three times).
I am also part of a confederation, and I thought I was allied to someone who is currently at war with another neighbor of mine - but they didn't call for help.

Of you know what you're doing yes.

It's my default in multi-player as people who get aggressive early tend to get dog piled.

1 ecumenopolis on a large planet (size 25-40 for example) can out produce an entire empire.

Shattered ring with a couple of them for example can probably out produce a normal empire in everything. It won't out produce a sufficiently wide empire but you can expand yourself or visualize the AI and have them donate resources.

Megacorps are also a thing.
It's entirely viable. They spent most of the dev life buffing tall, at every point(though I still think wide wins out in a competitive sense)

The core of the idea is to use diplomacy as self-defense early, ascend very quickly, and then technologically dominate to the point any military or economic competition is pointless.

I would check your defensive pacts, the power of your allies if you're in a federation, likely enemies, on the diplomacy screen. If you're on solid diplomatic footing, you may not need the fleet at all. For me, fleet is all or nothing: either your strategy realistically calls for its deployment, at some point, or you should scrap it. It's an offensive weapon, if using it for deferrence, you've diplomatically failed, and should get allies.

Zardnaar is probably better versed as to the appropriate build and steps necessary to succeeded on that strategy. I'm very much the opposite type: I conquer everything around me. Right now, because it's the latest dlc(therefore the custodian team has yet to balance it), virtual ascension is extremely powerful. It limits you to seven planets, but you suffer no empire size penalties(which reduce research rates as a percentage). You would aim here for seven hyperdeveloped metropolis planets.

Virtual is broken.

Shattered ring virtual trader is very OP. Tech rush the ring 6 planets.
I have 6 planets. And they are in 10 star systems or similar (one already has two colonies).
But I am playing on the small map anyway.
The fleet likely isn't that good; reports keep saying that every alien has equivalent tech/eco/power as myself. All the ships are in one fleet, which has roughly 3800 points, which certainly can be dwarfed by some others - over 5K.
I expected this to be more lethal. Maybe I am playing at the wrong settings - I think I chose one above the average, or the average.
I have 6 planets. And they are in 10 star systems or similar (one already has two colonies).
But I am playing on the small map anyway.
The fleet likely isn't that good; reports keep saying that every alien has equivalent tech/eco/power as myself. All the ships are in one fleet, which has roughly 3800 points, which certainly can be dwarfed by some others - over 5K.
I expected this to be more lethal. Maybe I am playing at the wrong settings - I think I chose one above the average, or the average.

Fleet strength is just a number if you can hard counter the AI you win. AI design is crap.

I'll give you an exampke of tall vs wide. Multi-player gane.

I had a small empire 8ish planets tgat mattered maybe done feeder ones.

Strongest player in the game (by the numbers) had around double the pops and around 20 planets. He stagnated though as I tech rushed. His build was similar to Voidwalkin one.
. Mine was an economy tech rush build. I hit megastructures first. Everyone was scared of him. Biggest and best fleet. He had the most production on paper. I hid mine by stockpiling it and switching by Ecumenopolis designation.

He had around 50k-100k alloys stockpiled. I had closer to 500k of all resources stockpiled (I built lots of silos).
. I war decced him. Everyone was WTH Zards dead. I had expanded my fleet though right before i invaded. He had spies so knew my designs. Being a militarist though his fleet was a lot better and massacred mine. His shops were slow. I knew what design gard countered mine and my new designs hard countered that design. I could build 50 battleships at once and do it fast.

Battle 2 bee designs fleets were close in size His are still better. But losses were 50/50 approx. He wins.

Battle 3 I'm countering him and my fleets twice his size. He's struggling to replace losses. He won that technically but his fleet is shattered and it hurt a lot.

Battle 4 my fleets 3 times size size his economy is tanked. I make a trade for 50000 alloys to another player publicly and I'm trading 100k basic resources publicly. I'm almost triple over my fleet capacity he's struggling to support a little bit over his. And he can't replace them.

We peace out as I was only after a single system/making a point. I still have 200k alloys in reserve he's broke and since he can't defend his allies they're getting hit as well (I'm trading with the players attacking his allies).

His fleet was hitting a lot harder big woop mines 3 times bigger and better.
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