• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

What Video Games have you been playing #13 Now with CGA graphics!

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Play with me.
Dec 12, 2004
Glasgnopolis, Grottland
"Well, my computer's not on fire yet. Might as well add some more mods!"
Angband is now a phone game? Good Lord!
It's graphics that are CGA.
Colour Graphics Adapter Graphics
I once went outside and got impressed by the photorealistic graphics.
I keep trying to turn down the Gamma rating, but it keeps telling me that I have to wait until twilight, at which point I want to turn the gamma up instead.
I often have trouble with lens flare at night. I can't seem to disable it without turning my entire screen blurry.
Ever since they pushed that astigmatism update some 30 years ago, I feel your pain!
I once went outside and got impressed by the photorealistic graphics.
Outside! Just don't go outside too often, it will spoil your relationship to your computer. :mischief:
I was digging through my Sims 2 screenshots, and I found some screenshots from an asylum challenge I did a few years ago. :lol:

Spoiler :








The best part of the asylum challenge happened because of mods. Specifically, the combination of same-sex pregnancy, autonomous romance, and a larger household limit.

One of the Unsavory Charlatans got pregnant.
I have come to the conclusion that Steam is actively monitoring my gaming status. If I start a game Steam refuses to let me play it until it's 100% up-to-date and takes single-digit-kB/s speeds. If I then start a non-Steam game Steam's download speed increases hundredfold.
I seem to have upset the authorities.

Story of my life. Perhaps that gun deck wasn't the best idea.
I was digging through my Sims 2 screenshots, and I found some screenshots from an asylum challenge I did a few years ago. :lol:

The best part of the asylum challenge happened because of mods. Specifically, the combination of same-sex pregnancy, autonomous romance, and a larger household limit.

One of the Unsavory Charlatans got pregnant.

You did this all with a Sim Jesus?

Well done. Very well done. :lol:
Does NMS have terraforming a la Spore? That blue colour palette looks miserable.
Does NMS have terraforming a la Spore? That blue colour palette looks miserable.
No it doesn't. But there are effectively an infinite number of planets, so it's trivial to find one to your like. I personally love the blue planets like that.

I seem to have upset the authorities.
View attachment 535812
Story of my life. Perhaps that gun deck wasn't the best idea.
I love strafing the walkers with my ship and taking them down with the scattershot gun. The scattershot gun was by far the best ship weapon, at least on the last version of the game I played. I still haven't tried the new update. :(
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