What Video Games Have You Been Playing #16: Retirement Party For The Active Mind

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Title is irredeemable due to extra capitalized letter in the final word.

I've just been playing Besiege. I can actually go ahead with the levels if I want but there's so much fun in trying to destroy that poor windmill over and over and over again. (Or try to, at least.)


Northgard's Conquest system is an excellent way to bridge the gap between open skirmish play and the campaign. It's a series of "challenges," like winning the game a certain way or with certain disadvantages. Each victory gets you a unique bonus for future missions.
Wow these threads fill up fast and graduate to the next level quickly around here. I'm impressed!

Ok let me throw in what I've been playing lately. I'm occupying myself with Heroes & Generals and also Ultimate General: Civil War. Good stuff.
I just wanted some roast chicken.

I'm making my way through San Andreas for the first time in over a decade. Easily the best of the GTA games, though the PC version requires a lot of mods to make it feel right (I originally played it on Xbox.)
I had a brilliant idea for a siege engine in Besiege that swung a flaming ball around on a rope and then sent it catapulting into the windmill. Except that the speeds needed to make the flaming ball not just fall to the ground also caused the entire machine to tear itself apart. :lol:

I'm having way too much fun with this game.
I bought Death and Taxes on Steam recently. It's certainly good for a few hours of entertainment.
It wasn't on GOG. What can I say? :)
Wow these threads fill up fast and graduate to the next level quickly around here. I'm impressed!
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Wow these threads fill up fast and graduate to the next level quickly around here. I'm impressed!
It's's optimism about getting pc in serial threads. pc +1
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