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What Video Games have you been playing I: My Muffintop Expands!

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Baldur's Gate, in which I am constantly confused by the ruleset having been accustomed to D&D 3.5 onwards. What on earth is a THACO?

You should have read the manual! THAC0 means "To Hit Armour Class 0", which is the equivalent of 3rd Ed's AC 20 (or so). AC goes down prior to 3E. :)
I'll play you. It's free!
Free computer games? I might almost but not quite convert to Zackianism.
You should have read the manual! THAC0 means "To Hit Armour Class 0", which is the equivalent of 3rd Ed's AC 20 (or so). AC goes down prior to 3E. :)
Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, then IceWind Dale, then IceWind Dale II… you'd better learn quickly, Kan, or you'll be no better than an Englishman.
Game Dev Tycoon is surprisingly addictive, although I'm disappointed by the failure of my military action-RPG MMO titled simply VIETNAM. The expansion packs VIETNAM: Agent Orange and VIETNAM: Linebacker did significantly better than the core game, though. Game ended before I could finish my other two planned expansions, Tonkin and PTSD.
It's on sale on Steam for $5. Downloading it now.

Free computer games? I might almost but not quite convert to Zackianism.
Try it, and if you don't like it, you lose nothing because it was free.

edit: woah, only 113 mb? Already downloaded and installed, playing it now!
Stop tempting me, you filthy scum!
Is your quoted username your reaction to a religious upbringing, Zack? :)
The Steam version of Game Dev Tycoon is a disaster. I wish I would've stayed with the standalone version.
I didn't see any problems with it, but I've only played the Steam version for 20 hours.
I didn't see any problems with it, but I've only played the Steam version for 20 hours.

It runs awful on my laptop while the standalone worked just fine. Late game (R&D, Hardware, last office) is unbearably laggy and freezes every couple seconds and the game screen is beyond messed up with the cursor being 15-20px off from where it should be clicking/registering. I was excited for Steam integration but it's been unplayable for me.
Namely, Zackdabeast666.
So, "the beast" and "666" were not connected with the Book of Revelation in any way?
Takhisis wasn't being serious. My username on CFC used to be z4ckdabeast, but my Hearthstone name is not anything like "Z4ccinoDab34ast666".
Oh! Right. I apparently still have a distressing tendency to believe things I come across, unless I have reason to suspect otherwise.
That is why you owe me money, in fact.
Given that (a) I've never met you and (b) you're of Scottish extraction, it's much more likely that you owe me money. :)
I'll appeal to my Gypsy roots and claim that there is no such thing as property then.
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