What Video Games have you been playing I: My Muffintop Expands!

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That's why you want me to play, or, rather, why you want to play me?
Ungh, getting to 10 wins in the arena is exhausting. Fun! But I think I'm burnt for a bit. 2 more and I could have been something. I could have been a contenda.
I hope this isn't spam, but if anyone wants to play me via playstation network (I have PS4 and Via and playstation plus) PM me.
Got to get through that backlog. World of Goo is fun and brainbusting, shame about the lack of an Option menu.
Finished Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Thought it was quite good, a step up from Conviction in a lot of ways. The graphics weren't the best, but everything else made up for it.

Now onto: Metro Last Light! If I can ever find the time...
How about silly tablet / cellphone games? I got a tablet for Christmas so have been playing more of those.

Free to play - Pay to win - However, I have not worked up the courage to spend money that way. I get the impression that they are pretty obscure, but here they are:

Runes of War - I spend a few hours on the dailies there.

Knights and Dragons - They have a friends list and you can battle your buddies, but there does not seem to be a social aspect where you can meet buddies.
Aaaargh N version 2! Not quite as addictive or challenging as 1.4, but it's an N game so it's addictive by association!
Getting the hang of Fallout 1. Familiar with the controls, got my first companion, and I have a level and a few quests under my belt.
Civ V and Insurgency are my top played recently.
Currently I play StarCraft II, and DayZ Standalone. Sometimes Dota 2 and Left 4 Dead 2.
*wakes up from slumber* Dota 2??
Getting the hang of Fallout 1. Familiar with the controls, got my first companion, and I have a level and a few quests under my belt.
Need a hand? Ian sucks, Natalia is the best character. I won the game with her unmodded and all my companions having been killed, but yayness!
Civ V and Insurgency are my top played recently.
What is this insurgency thou speakest of?
Need a hand?
Extra advice couldn't hurt. Especially key bindings that are quicker than mousing up the button.

Ian sucks
He's all I have. For now.

Natalia is the best character. I won the game with her unmodded and all my companions having been killed, but yayness!

Heh, Natalia has a focus on Steal though. My default persona is a good, honest guy, so I made a custom character instead. Based on what I've heard I've maxed Agility, since Action Points are even more important in the older Fallouts. Also maxed Intelligence. Tagged Speech and Lockpick for options (probably should have tagged First Aid instead, not seeing any locks yet), and Small Guns (I plan on gunning everyone that I need to fight down). Got Gifted and Small Frame as Traits.
Extra advice couldn't hurt. Especially key bindings that are quicker than mousing up the button.
1-8 for the skilldex skills, or else use 'S' for skilldex (pauses the game) and then go on.
SS-18 ICBM said:
He's all I have. For now.
I did fine without him. Try to recruit Tandi!
SS-18 ICBM said:
Heh, Natalia has a focus on Steal though. My default persona is a good, honest guy, so I made a custom character instead. Based on what I've heard I've maxed Agility, since Action Points are even more important in the older Fallouts. Also maxed Intelligence. Tagged Speech and Lockpick for options (probably should have tagged First Aid instead, not seeing any locks yet), and Small Guns (I plan on gunning everyone that I need to fight down). Got Gifted and Small Frame as Traits.
YES. Always get as high an Agility stat as you can.
Small Frame… eurgh.
Gifted… you get an immense advantage in the early-to-mid game, but the reduced amount of skill points will tell.

Anyway, I played Natalia as a tank, shooting whenever possible and being an incorruptible pure saint of pure pureness.
It looked like Red Orchestra except set in the modern day as opposed to WW2.
More, you must tell me.
1-8 for the skilldex skills, or else use 'S' for skilldex (pauses the game) and then go on.

I did fine without him. Try to recruit Tandi!
Looks like S will be a useful button like P, I, M, C, and A.

What's special about Tandi as a companion? And now I'm curious: who's the Boone (i.e. murders everything in their sight) of this game?

Small Frame… eurgh.
Gifted… you get an immense advantage in the early-to-mid game, but the reduced amount of skill points will tell.

The other traits have more painful penalties, I think. Good Natured was a probable alternative, though lower accuracy for my gun would suck.
Since my bout of illness started, I've been mostly bedridden so I've been playing a lot of stuff on my ipad. Most of it turned out to be the typical trash where you have to pay $65544788 of real money to do anything, but I found a real gem in a strategy/puzzle game called Defense of the Oasis, or just Oasis for short. It's fast-paced and simple, sure, but it just works so elegantly well because of its simplicity. Oddly enough I played it on the PC years ago but forgot about it, so I'm glad I found it again. It's the only game on my ipad I decided to actually put money into and buy.
Looks like S will be a useful button like P, I, M, C, and A.
Shotgun + SMG is a good starting combination.
SS-18 ICBM said:
What's special about Tandi as a companion? And now I'm curious: who's the Boone (i.e. murders everything in their sight) of this game?
On your side or against you?
SS-18 ICBM said:
The other traits have more painful penalties, I think. Good Natured was a probable alternative, though lower accuracy for my gun would suck.
You just take an accuracy penalty that your Perception and Agility will compensate for, also, you just have to make a habit of polishing up your gun skills, and take as many books as you can.
Shotgun + SMG is a good starting combination.
I've heard bad things about burst weapons. Especially since Ian insists on charging the enemy. I think I'm happy with my Hunting Rifle for now. It is quite versatile. And I highly value things that can be used for nearly any situation.

On your side or against you?
Friendly, of couse.

You just take an accuracy penalty that your Perception and Agility will compensate for, also, you just have to make a habit of polishing up your gun skills, and take as many books as you can.
Now that I think about it I really should have taken Good Natured.
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