• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

What video games have you been playing III: You're gonna need a bigger boat.


Jun 26, 2014
My recent waistline-killers have been Banished, World of Tanks, and the "early access" alpha build of The Long Dark.

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

(Not my screenshots, I just boosted these from Google.)
Endless Legend from Amplitude, who for me are this years big surprise discovery in game developers. It made playing 4X fresh again while Civ:BE was definitely a bit stale.
I've been working on for localisation the Elder Kings mod for Crusader Kings II. Other than that, I was reinstalling and tweaking Oblivion.
Been playing Fallout New Vegas for the past couple of days. The main quest seems better than the one in Fallout 3. No big surprise there, at least for me, since the main quest in F3 was probably one of the worst I've ever seen. However, I do prefer the wasteland and overall atmosphere of F3.
Amplitude, who for me are this years big surprise discovery in game developers.
I've been eyeing their Dungeon of the Endless, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. On the whole, I'm very pleased by the rise of these smaller companies publishing more niche games. I don't begrudge Blizzard or SOE or the other giants, but I won't shed a tear if I never play another of their games.
I'm currently roleplaying as my brother in CKII - used ruled designer to put him in the fractured Italy around a 1330 start date - and managed to form the Kingdom of Italy within two decades. Anyways,
to prove to y'all that my CKII games aren't just about monogamous sibling incest, here's a nice little fluff story from that game:

So at the start of the game, I was hunting for highly skilled people to invite my court to be my councillors when I came across an English girl of 17 years who was apparently a very nice sweet person based one her traits (kind, chaste, zealous, attractive, etc. traits). Apparently, though, she had a newborn daughter but had no lover or spouse - ie the daughter was a bastard who had no official father. After digging a bit I discovered that apparently an English Earl seduced her for a one night stand and then abandoned her for his five other lovers. I'm not sure why, but I just felt so bad for the girl, because she actually had really good stats and traits and got knocked up by that douche (the guy actually had a bunch of bad traits, just to make it more cliched).

So, thanks to the feels I was feeling, I invited her to my court and married her to a nice young man in my court who had similar traits, and made her my steward since her stewardship was ridiculously high for someone withou a genius/quick trait. I liked to think of it as me giving her another chance in life. We became friends, anyways, and her daughter somehow also ended up friends with my eldest son so I just married those two since they're kinda like brother and sister they seemed a good match traits-wise and her daughter has some good stats. Anyways, so that naive teenage girl that once got seduced and knocked up by a douchey earl basically managed the economy of the Italian principality that would unite Italy, had a successful marriage with a skilled Italian General who would later become a Doge, and whose daughter - once a bastard rejected by the earl - will one day be queen of Italy. I'm guessing she's also probably making tons of dough on the side as a result of her activities and sending that earl random extravagant gifts just to taunt him and insert some other cliched movie scenes

That said, though, I think I'm marrying my second son to my third daughter, since they're my only children who didn't get any good congenital traits.

EDIT: Knowing this is CKII, though, what's probably gonna happen is the daughter is going to die in childbirth, then my eldest son gets depressed and dies from depression, then I myself am going to die early for some stupd reason, then my second underaged son becomes king with the doge as regent, but due to court intrigue the doge and she herself will get killed in some stupid plot, Italy will fall into civil war, and then I get a game over as the HRE/Egypt/ERE/Mongols/Timurids conquer us.
Well. As I'm about to finish Fallout New Vegas, I'm planning to play Fallout 3. Help me choose whether to use Energy Weapons or Unarmed.
Both! Start as a pugilist and then keep a pistol to hand.
But then how would I get points to spend on stuff like Lockpicking/Science/Speech/Barter? Fallout 3 has even less levels than NV; so I gotta pick only one weapon skill.

My tag plans is: Weapon skill, Speech and Barter, as the latter two were incredibly OP in NV.
I thought it was way easier to get all the levels and the skills in Fallout 3, considering there's a skill that maxes out the SPECIAL stats and all those Bobbleheads.

Anyway, finished TBOGT, moving on to Red Faction: Guerilla. Thank the Holiday Sale for reminding me I had that in my backlog.
Well. As I'm about to finish Fallout New Vegas, I'm planning to play Fallout 3. Help me choose whether to use Energy Weapons or Unarmed.
The third option - delete Fallout 3 from your library and simply play New Vegas again.
Or play both at the same time and cut all social contact with the rest of society for the next 6 months.
Just finished the story of Splinter Cell Blacklist.

Morality of the tale: Every Muslim with a British accent is an evil genius. Can't argue with that.

Anyway, it has some really intense action cinematics and really fluid movement mechanics. Overall it is a good game. I'm going to pick up the online multiplayer and side missions soon.
Goddamn it, at this rate it looks like I will finish Fallout 3 with a bloody baseball bat. Oh, I knew I should have picked Energy Weapons.
I finished The Wolf Among Us.

What did you think? I loved that game, and I even started reading the comics after, which I've never done before.

I've finished all my xbox games, and am debating whether to buy any more (maybe Skyrim?), or wait two months and just buy an xboxone.

I did get Lords of Realm 2 from Good Ol Games for my laptop recently, and that'll probably keep me busy for two weeks.
Indeed. Though it must be real tricky to allow a kind of creativity you'd need in a real survival situation, in a game. If it's just press x to combine rope with wood to make raft then I think it's missing the mark for me. It'd be interesting to see how a survival game would approach this.
I know what you mean. I've played a ton of FPS, RPGs & MMOs over the years, and not one of them has had a "crafting" system that didn't make me want to kick a puppy. And they're all the same*. I don't even bother to try them anymore.
Hey, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis had a good system!
(of course, using the same system two decades later is downright silly)
Well. As I'm about to finish Fallout New Vegas, I'm planning to play Fallout 3. Help me choose whether to use Energy Weapons or Unarmed.
Fallout I, then II, then III. That way III won't be a disappointment (I think).
Both! Start as a pugilist and then keep a pistol to hand.
Use the Bloody Mess and Gifted character traits!
Goddamn it, at this rate it looks like I will finish Fallout 3 with a bloody baseball bat. Oh, I knew I should have picked Energy Weapons.
Two words: Gatling. Lasers.
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