What video games have you been playing III: You're gonna need a bigger boat.

Not playing much lately, although I'm still playing L.A. Noire now and than. Man that game is pretty long.

Now I wish that I was L.A. Noire.
Then you'd have to dress in 1940's style. Wear a lot of wool and stuff. Not sure you would like that.
Anything for playtime with Snerk.
Thought I'd get a quick game of Dwarf Fortress going after reading about all the crazy stuff regarding culture, arts and literature that is currently the focus of development.

Now I've been obsessively generating worlds for 4 days in a row using Perfectworld to design and draw worlds and some using heightmaps of LOTR middle earth and real world locations, then looking it up in Legends Viewer. Oh, how I wish you could hand place civilizations, continue world-gen after having made a fortress or adventurer and just making the whole process more of a fantasy sim-earth godgame sort of thing. Would be an even more awesome gamemode than fortress.

There is something special about watching history unfold in front of you in a world you carefully designed, and then being able to look up all the unexpected details that have happened. Even if the most interesting thing I can remember from all this is a small settlement of less than a hundred elves who kept over 5000 pet grizzly bears for some reason.

Still need to get that game of Dwarf Fortress going.
I do wish that dwarf fortress had better graphics. At least Civ II graphics.
Part of the appeal for DF players is the ultra basic graphics, no? That game is hipster to the core.
An actual functional GUI and some form of proper game graphics is apparently planned somewhere deep down the path towards DF 1.0. At least I know it was talked about many years ago, seems to have been somewhat forgotten by now though.

I don't think the very basic graphics are so much an appeal, rather that this allows it to have such an unprecedented detail and complexity of everything else while still being a one-man developed free game. Kind of like how the complexity possible in modded minecraft is probably aided hugely by the simple graphics and block-structure of the world only taken to an even more extreme level.

Oh, and it's not hipster! It's niche. :smoke:
I've been playing less lately, but what I have been playing has been mostly Napoleon Total War, Killing Floor, and Rome Total War (the original). The latter in particular was fun today. Took an army of 300 Spartans, and defended a gate against an army of 3000+ Persians. They sent a few infantry in, and then all their cavalry at once and managed to break though the lines :(.

But... the Spartans didn't break, the Persians didn't wrap around the two groups of Spartans, and as soon as the Spartans started advancing again, the Persians panicked and fled. A few smaller groups of a few hundred Persians would still attack later, but the tide had turned, and in the end the Spartans who were outnumbered 10:1 would defeat the Persians with losses of 20 Persians to every 1 Spartan. It was exactly the battle I'd been wanting to fight in Rome: Total War.

So far Dwarf Fortress has been a bit too intimidating for me to really try to get into. Given my proclivity to like in-depth strategy and simulation games, I might actually like it, but I'm not sure if I'm quite that much into the niche.
Revisiting Red a Der: Telephone's Allied campaign. Sixth mission really ramps up the difficulty curve. Having a hell of a time sealing the approaches to the Pentagon so I can finally attack.
Picked up Cities Skylines on a Steam sale over the weekend. I'm still learning it, of course, but it seems pretty good so far. I haven't dipped into any of the mods yet.

Just purchased Far Cry 3 of PSN. Downloading now, is it good?
I liked it. I thought it was light-years better than Far Cry 2. The shooting is pretty standard fare, but it's got an open world with lots of side missions, and a decent main story with a good villain.
I haven't decided whether to get that or the new SimCity now that SimCity 4 doesn't work on Windoze 10.

Anybody have any advice?
Yep. Didn't work with Windows 10.
I haven't decided whether to get that or the new SimCity now that SimCity 4 doesn't work on Windoze 10.

Anybody have any advice?

Get Cities Skylines. If you're an old SimCity veteran, chances are almost nil that you'd prefer the new SimCity over Cities Skylines. Yes, Cities Skylines isn't perfect and it doesn't work exactly the same as SimCity, but for someone who calls SimCity 4 his personal God among Gods of video games, I'll say that Cities Skylines is its proper heir.
Great. That's exactly the sort of advice I wanted to hear. And I've subsequently found that seems to be the general consensus as well.

Personally, I'd prefer to play a modern version of the very first SimCity. Now that was one great game. I have found all of them since then to be largely wanting for various reasons.
Lal and I are establishing the Peacekeepers as the only legitimate authority on Planet.
I just got Avernum II Crystal Souls. Hadn't gone on any offers yet and I really wanted to play it.
A lot of stuff doesn't seem to work on Win10 yet, despite unofficial, third-party promises of compatibility from many.
Personally, I'd prefer to play a modern version of the very first SimCity. Now that was one great game. I have found all of them since then to be largely wanting for various reasons.

That's the hardest game I've ever played. It was impossible not to go bankrupt.
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