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What Video Games Have You Been Playing VII: The Real Ending is Locked Behind a Paywall

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Jun 13, 2005
So...uh...yeah, I don't really have anything witty or creative to say here so here are the previous threads:

What Video Games have you been playing I: My Muffintop Expands!
What Video Games have you been playing II: Have you finished that backlog?
What Video Games have you been playing III: You're gonna need a bigger boat.
What video games have you been playing? 4
What video games have you been playing V: the return of the subtitle
What Video Games Have You Been Playing VI: Because There Are No Elections In Video Games

I've been going back to some older games since there's nothing new coming out that is really interesting me. I was going to get Shadow of War, but I won't be getting now due to that microtransaction crap (thread subtitle related)

So I've been going back to Civ V and Beyond Earth with a smattering of XCOM mixed in. I'm also finally forcing myself to finish Mass Effect Andromeda despite the fact that I absolutely loathe that game. But hey, I paid for it, I might as well finish it, right?
I'm also finally forcing myself to finish Mass Effect Andromeda despite the fact that I absolutely loathe that game. But hey, I paid for it, I might as well finish it, right?
Being an OCD completist sucks, right ? :D
The thread title is evil and you should be proud. :)
Being an OCD completist sucks, right ? :D

Bioware games can be therapeutic. I was an OCD completiionist until Dragon Age: Inquisition.

I've been playing the Tropico 5 expansion campaigns. Finished Lord of the Pearl yesterday and now starting The Maltese Toucan.
Still playing Transport Defender. Progress is getting very slow though and I don't like grinds in idle games (steady progression is key). I might stop soon if the dev doesn't buff the cargo system again.

I also started replaying San Andreas with something called the Silent Patch. It seems to have significantly increased performance but added regular crashes. :(
Stellaris. Started playing last weekend, got totally obsessed and then had to travel a bunch last week so I couldn't play, now stuck at work so can't play for a few more hours. First few games I've played were total failures but beginning to get the hang of the early game with the help of some Let's Play videos.
OpenMW runs on Linux. :)
If only. I mean, come on, I didn't even pothole a link to their site in the quoted post (or even the DRM-free version of the game on GOG). :)
I've finished another game that took me forever to complete.

After owning the game for over 15 years, I've finally beaten all the levels of the original RollerCoaster Tycoon.
I've finished another game that took me forever to complete.

After owning the game for over 15 years, I've finally beaten all the levels of the original RollerCoaster Tycoon.

That's a lot of patience. I always burn out after the first 6~ scenarios because the procedure is the same and the game becomes twiddling my thumbs for a few hours (since there is no speed up mechanic).
After owning the game for over 15 years, I've finally beaten all the levels of the original RollerCoaster Tycoon.
I've probably spent 1000 hours in that game without ever playing anything other than Forest Frontier. Really hated how all other levels already had stuff in them. :D

Later I got RTC2 and its expansions, and I was shocked that all of its maps had pre-built stuff, too!
Thankfully it had a level editor, so I created a Forest Frontier-like map and continued to play it for another 1000 hours or so with the added stuff of RCT2.

My patented $20 umbrellas are pretty cheap by today's standards though!
I'm playing guilty gear. Working on getting the charge timing down on some longer blockstrings.
Total Warhammer II. Skaven are the best faction-group, yes yes!
Still hooked on Shellshock Live and HOI IV.
Stellaris. Started playing last weekend, got totally obsessed and then had to travel a bunch last week so I couldn't play, now stuck at work so can't play for a few more hours. First few games I've played were total failures but beginning to get the hang of the early game with the help of some Let's Play videos.

The opt-in beta patch is pretty good if you aren't already using it. Oh and don't trust missiles outside of the early game.
Well my schedule doesn't really allow for Dota2 anymore so I just started pillars of eternity. Seems pretty easy to pick up and put down, only a couple hours in.

I've never really played d&d rule based games this hardcore so all the values are daunting, but I just put it on easy and it's approachable at least. Real time with pause is at least a system I'm familiar with and the movement is easy to do of course. There's just sooo many stats!
Stellaris. Started playing last weekend, got totally obsessed and then had to travel a bunch last week so I couldn't play, now stuck at work so can't play for a few more hours. First few games I've played were total failures but beginning to get the hang of the early game with the help of some Let's Play videos.
Is this a sci fi game?
I am unable to play Beyond Earth anymore as it has some serious graphical glitches on any computer I play it on. I'm not sure what to do. :(
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