What would make better quotes?


Nov 6, 2005
With the recent release of BTS, and the subsequent inclusion of Nimoyless quotes, I suddenly stopped ignoring the quotes for when technologies are discovered, and was reminded of how cringingly awful and lazy some of the quotes are, especially when compared to the quotes in SMAC. Case in point, Iron Working, which has "You should hammer your iron when it is glowing hot," a true pearl of wisdom if ever there was one. This is compared to a similar quote from SMAC: "Red-hot iron, white-hot iron, cold-black iron; an iron taste, and iron smell, and a Babel of iron sounds," which was hardly even the best of quotes, but is still many times better.

So, I was thinking it might be fun to suggest better quotes for the various technologies whose original quotes you feel were a bit...spocked up, shall we say? :mischief:

As an example:
Agriculture: "Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Currency: "Money, which represents the prose of life, and which is hardly spoken of in parlors without an apology, is, in its effects and laws, as beautiful as roses." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'm sure everyone else can think of better ones.
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