What would the FPS genre be without nazis?


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Let's Kill Swedishguy

with deadly enemies like:

  • Shrimp
  • Boxing Shrimp
  • Fat ugly dog with wings
  • Animated Swedish flag
  • Berserker
  • A bucket
  • Swedish chef
  • Teh Powar of Atheism
  • Møøse
  • Gandhi rules as a level boss (with inaccurate Hammarby striker powar)
Voted Game of the Year in Norway!
I don't know, but I remember when the first Quake came out and all of my peers were just excited to have overlapping levels.
y not make a fps from another sides prospetive? im geing board with the same old american guy kicking alien or nazi but...

y not a fps that takes place in a ficonal ww3 in the 1980s? and u play a east german soldier?
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