whats the point of artillary?

I found artilery handy for city defense, but I havent really be sucessfull in using them in attacks. Probably because I cant really think of an ocasion where I've used more than 10 artilery at a specific place. I'll have to try out using them in higher numbers.
The main reason that artillery are amazing is that the AI doesn't know how to use them properly. Its one of the things in the game that can really give you an edge if you're having trouble.

Yeah, if you have enough artillery and railroads, it should be almost impossible for the AI to attack your territory successfully.
I love artillery units because they never take damage in battle. With enough catapults, one could safely take down every invading enemy tank to 1 HP, and finish all those tanks off with a few very spoiled knights. No unit loss means those same units could then repeat the whole procedure for the next expensive wave of invaders. And the next one. The AI just keeps throwing away offensive units while the smart player keeps his units for perpetuity.
Artilery are indispensable for Modern war.Not only for damaging the units but for destroying tile improvements on enemy ground.I can't actualy go to war without a great number of artilery,specialy if the opponent is stronger.They also are usefull in city defence.
I've also found artillery of all types useful for both offensive and defensive wars.

For some reason, I always seem to get unlucky and share borders with the largest and most successful AI civs. Artillery, despite slowing down my columns, actually speeds up early wars against powerful AI civs by allowing me to take their cities with minimal casualties. My offensives rarely have to wait for additional units to catch up to the front.

On defense, scattered pockets of artillery moved to the front helps repel almost any computer attack.
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