Whats the worst nighmare you've had?

Meh, don't really remember my dreams. Those that I do remember a generally not nightmares.
I've had a few, but one is especially horrible. I was by the seaside with my family, I don't remember why and in which circumstances, but they died. For some reason we couldn't take their bodies, so they were put into some boxes and put on the bottom of the sea. I don't remember why, but I put some plums in their boxes. Much later we came back for the bodies, i was afraid I will not find them. I think there were people on the beach - swimming, playing etc.
Anyway, we found the boxes, and opened them. The bodies were already partly decomposed. And for some reason that is completely unknown by me, I ate some plum.

yeah, I'm a psycho, but that's the only time I had so graphic and disgusting dream, usually they were scary in completely different ways.
I've had some lucid dreams that weren't scary but really messed with my mind. I was all :confused::confused::confused: I can't explain them, they're wicked weirdd and actually they are kinda scary.

as for nightmares, the worst I've had is the one where my mom died. It wasn't a typical monster nightmare but it was the scariest damn thing that I've ever dreamed of. Especially since I've already lost my dad, so my brother and I would become orphans. Just add that on to the terribleness of losing your mom. The scariest thought I've ever had.
I don't know that I'd call it a nightmare but...

Last night I dreamed I was in a Hotel and a radical Muslim pointed a gun at me, threatening me telling me to deny Christ or he'd kill me. I grabbed his gun and shot him:lol:

You are a strange little boy. Nothing some waterboarding couldn't fix. Come visit me.
I find most of my dreams that are nightmares are Kafka-esque (I believe that's the word for it). Long corridors with doors in every direction, et cetera. For some reason that really creeps me out.
Once I had a dream where I saw a man in the operating room, screaming. My mom was beside me, crying, telling me that he was just old.

I woke up at 2 A.M, and I didn't understand the dream. It took me about a week to realize that that man was me.
I HATE those dreams.. I have no idea why I get them from time to time

"I have an exam tomorrow and I can't even find my notes.. " or "I have an exam right now and I can't even find the room" etc..

On top of that since I used to do theater I have the oh crap I have to perform right now and I don't even remember rehearsing. Which adds a bit of public humiliation as well. For some reason the ol' forgot about the test dream always takes place back in high school.

As for my worst I decided to take a nap one day. I woke up got dressed again went into the kitchen and realized it was dark outside. I then realized that I was dreaming because there was no way that much time had passed.

I then woke up got dressed, used the restroom, washed my hands then saw my cat. Then I remembered the cat had died a long time ago realized that I was dreaming and woke up to my mother's voice.

I rolled over and tried to get out of bed and noticed that my body was hard to move. I realized that it was a dream and woke up.

I then got out of a bed started to get dressed and saw that my clock didn't look right. I realized that I must still be dreaming and woke up.

Presumably for real this time. My nightmares typically involve a lot of dying and killing, but they are easy to shrug off. This made me question my entire existence.

there was another dream I had. I was getting ready to have sex with the most gorgeous woman ever. We striped and she laid down on the bed. I got above her and looked into her beautiful eyes. Then she gives an incredibly mischievous smile and says to me "Not even in your dreams kid." At that I immediately woke with what I can only imagine was the face of a man that just got pwned.
When I was very small, I had a dream Crocodiles lived in my post office. Didn't help at all with that one episode of spongebob where Patrick says something like "All your dreams can come true"

Last night, I had a dream that the Government was digging a 200 foot deep whole in part of a road in my City. In the bottom were all these pipes, and one was broken open and leaking. No one put cones around it, and someone drove into it, and there was a huge explosion! I remember seeing the flames flying at me, then I woke.
Meh, don't really remember my dreams. Those that I do remember a generally not nightmares.

That is the same for me. But sometimes early in my sleep I feel like I am walking and about to fall off and I find that i wake up and my feet are moving as if I had fallen off.
Last night's was about my high school friends, or people I thought were friends. We met again on a bus on the way to some rather formal meeting or conference. Everyone was talking to everyone else but apart from this one Serb no one talks to me. Not really a bad nightmare as such, but a depressing remainder that I hardly see or talk to any of them these days.
Not exactly a nightmare, but since people are mentioning election dreams, I keep having a recurring dream that it's election night 2012 and the networks have prematurely called Virginia for Obama, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that he's actually going to lose it, and the election as a result, sort of like Florida in 2000. I tend to wake up remembering detailed statistics (e.g. he's down by 7% with 86% of the precincts reporting).
I woke up from a dream once, went to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth, started getting dressed, did my entire morning routine, etc..

and then I woke up again - turns out my entire morning routine was just a dream... that felt sooo weird and frustrating.. "oh crap i gotta do it all over again"
Sometimes when I'm on planes I fall asleep and dream the plane is either crashing or flying oddly close to the ground. Those can be fairly traumatic.
Sometimes when I'm on planes I fall asleep and dream the plane is either crashing or flying oddly close to the ground. Those can be fairly traumatic.

I'm curious. After a few of these, I would think you couldn't sleep on the plane again. I think I would have problems.

BTW I remember a very old post of yours about winning at CivIV being all about killing the opponent. It helped me a lot when I started.
I'm curious. After a few of these, I would think you couldn't sleep on the plane again. I think I would have problems.

BTW I remember a very old post of yours about winning at CivIV being all about killing the opponent. It helped me a lot when I started.

Yeah it sounds bad I guess. In the dreams we never hit the ground or land, we just have a panic time of the plane either going down or coming in for an emergency landing.

I think it's natural to be at least mildly nervous in bad turbulence, for example, purely as a natural reaction to the fact that you're in a violently shuddering aluminum tube 40,000 feet in the air. I guess I have been on so many planes and gone through that 1 or 2 second feeling of "hmm are we all going to die?" and gotten over it, that now that's just kind of normal and I have no problem getting over it... that's the best I can explain it I guess. Also I have a tendency to not sleep very much before plane rides, (mainly because I procrastinate everything until the night before, and I take a lot of early morning flights or red eyes) read alot on the plane, and then just get so tired it doesn't matter. Sleeping on a plane is the best thing to do on a plane, in my opinion.

Re: my civ 4 post, glad it helped, and that sounds about right! :king:
This wasn't really my "worst nightmare" in the sense of how much it scared me, but it's definitely my freakiest:

I was walking around an unknown grocery store and a man comes up to me. He warns me how important it is that I maintain my purity, and not let any outside influences get to me (in real life, I was very, very big on keeping myself moral). I shrug it off and walk around the store some more.

Then, a man in black robes with a shadow cast over his face walks up to me and touches me in the belly-button. Again, I shrug it off and walk around. Then I start getting some stomach pains, so I lift my shirt up a bit and notice that my belly button looks like a sarlacc from Star Wars (those sand pit things). I panic a bit and start looking around the store for some sort of medication (evidently I thought something there would treat spontaneous stomach sarlacci [SSS]). As I'm searching frantically I decide to check my stomach again. My stomach was now full of sarlacci mouths, and when I looked down into one of the mouths, there was an additional layer of mouths beneath it.

At that point, I just thought to myself about how pure and moral I was and willed them all away.

My girlfriend tried to tell me that she had a dream weirder than that, so me and my girlfriend shared our dreams at work to see what my co-workers thought. They described hers as weird, but mine was just "f'ed up".
I dreamed I knocked my last gf up. Happened a couple of times...I'd wake up in cold sweats.
Just had a dream where me and tons of other people, some I knew, some I didn't, were all laying on the ground on our backs. There were a couple of guys in black clothes walking around with an M-16. I remember very bright lights on a high up roof. When they got to a person, they told you to open your mouth, and then they stuck the M-16 in your mouth and shot you. They just wear about to shoot me when I awoke.
Oh and I forgot about the weirdest dream moment I ever had. My little brother and I had the same exact dream. We dreamed that the queen bee flew by us, it was about the size of a baby and had a crown on its head... And it's weird because everything about our dreams were the same. Very strange haha.
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