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whats up with all those tv shows?


Atheist Proselytizer
Nov 18, 2001
All those american talk shows... doesn it give the impression of no surprise anymore? even the comedy in planned surprise seems so fake, in, lets say, conan obrien for example... just looks like all these new talk shows and tv shows in USA are all fake and made ahead, with no provocative answers, and if there are any they are all planned up ahead.

the only decent tv show left in america is Saturday Night live... I love watching it each time :)

P.S.: I was only talking about talk shows here, not comedies.
we all know British TV is the greatest:D
I find American shows kind of repetitive, of course there are some good ones but the majority are pretty much carbon copies of each other (in this case the talk shows).
You actually watch TALK SHOWS???!?
Seek help urgently ;)

I would concur with young Davo to a certain extent. There are some good programs emenating from America, but most leave a lot to be desired to someone raised on the high standards of British TV;)
I don't watch the shows that you are talking about...with one exception, SNL baby! The wife and I watch that every week we can. Plus a few other non-talk shows. I basically use the computer and forgo the non-interactive TV.
I believe the missed point is that due to the populus size of the US even a small percentage of "stupid" people turns out to be quite a large number henceforth large viewing audience therefore some quite amazingly stupid tv programs. Not just talk shows.

Ex: in a small town cafe here in southern Louisana I overheard the waitress and two customers not discussing if Elvis was dead but where is he right now! All because his name was mentioned on a talk show on the TV in the cafe.
Originally posted by IceBlaZe
All those american talk shows... doesn it give the impression of no surprise anymore? even the comedy in planned surprise seems so fake, in, lets say, conan obrien for example... just looks like all these new talk shows and tv shows in USA are all fake and made ahead, with no provocative answers, and if there are any they are all planned up ahead.

It's a semi-new executive idea that works in conjunction with
Merchandising and mass media, the formula production.

It involves plagiarising someone else's original top-selling idea,
With endless respawnings of the same thing but with a different
Coat of paint, as it were.

You will find the tackiest examples of this with movies like
Pearl Harbour, which was a direct formula copy of Titanic.
Also crass stuff like American Pie...

In TV land, stuff like Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld and other
odious shows in this vien are blatantly unfunny,
Despite their obviously manufactured look.
I think the high point of US comedy TV was the 70's and 80's...

It is really bad in the rock music scene, with a multitude of
manufactured and fake rock-indie bands rolling off assembly
Lines from the USA.

There is a band called Slipknot, who dress up as rejects from
The Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars, they made big bucks
Because they appealed to the spotty 14 year old that digs
That stuff, fair enough.

But then came a legion of drippy and fake copy-cats taking the
Formula and trying to cash in, to point where the rock scene is
Now awash with ludicrous jokers in masks and make-up,

The concept of cheesy rip-offs for a quick buck can be applied to
TV, music, films, anything!
Seems to me that American talkshows (we only get tonight and late show over here) are nothing more than one big advertisement for the guests new film/book/political campaign.

A 2 minute interview of witch 30 sec is introduction and 'how are you, fine, and yourself? etc'

Then its 2 or 3 not so funny jokes with a little music witch takes up another 30 seconds.

Next is the question about the new book/film, of wich the guest says it was a lot of fun to make, coactors were great and it turned out absolutely fabulous.

Then you have the 30 sec 'love having you on the show etc'

So where in these formatted interviews do they talk???

Instead of talkshows you could better call them 'soundbiteshows' IMHO

About British talkshows: I love Ruby Wax, even though she is an American ;)
CO'B is the greatest, of course not because of the interviews, but because of the first 15 minutes. :D
Juize, YOU ARE RIGHT!!!! He is the best :goodjob: :) :D
I'll concur on the stupid people being in large numbers theory, except that it doesn't have to be stupid people. People of all kinds of tastes and styles are in abundance. There are even tens of thousands that enjoy commenting on American Television. If we could make a show about that, we could make millions.

Don't judge all American television based upon what you may get in your own locale. Not all talkshows are like the Tonight show or Late Night, Some are much worse, if you really want to stoke your contempt for Americans (perhaps it will make you feel better) find a way to watch our day time programming. After watching a few episodes of Montel, Ricky Lake, and Judge Judy, you will have years of anti-American ammo.
This is not large numbers theory... I did not mean all american Talk shows as I prolly only know half of them, the famous ones, but I talked about all of them generally because its all the same pattern.
And I did say talk shows only, SNL out. if you want to criticsize me for talking generally instead of being specific on each program I know go a head... that would not change the way I phrased my posts here.
Originally posted by knowltok3
After watching a few episodes of Montel, Ricky Lake, and Judge Judy, you will have years of anti-American ammo.

Well at least they're not prime time shows ;)

We have the later 2 here in the afternoon too, but I was wondering: Is this judy character a real judge, or did they just cast the most annoying human being on earth for this part?
With shows like "Politically Incorrect" hosted by Comrade Maher, or "Teen Sex" on MTV (I know that's more of a description than a title), it didn't really suprise me when Arabs hijacked four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center.
To me it is about keeping the masses ignorant.The planet has a non sustanible monatery system.This system will burst and the box with pictures will go blank:crazyeyes then I reckon we will live in interesting times.

[dance] :beer: [dance]
It doesn't matter if you're in St. Louis, Seoul, or Warsaw - ninety percent of television can easily be dubbed to be absolute garbage.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
With shows like "Politically Incorrect" hosted by Comrade Maher, or "Teen Sex" on MTV (I know that's more of a description than a title), it didn't really suprise me when Arabs hijacked four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center.

According to the esteemed Rev. Falwell, I thought it was all thanks to the gays, abortionists, and the ACLU. :rolleyes:
Reverend Falwell retracted that statement...but I don't suppose that matters. Anything a Republican says, he has to be accountable for, for as long as he lives...

The Reverend Falwell has done many good things for people, as well as Pat Robertson.

As well, the A.C.L.U. is a group of disgusting perverts.

The American Civil Liberties Union has openly defended NAMBLA - a homosexual group advocating perverse, illegal, and immoral sexual activity with children as young as EIGHT (8) years old.
Originally posted by rmsharpe
It doesn't matter if you're in St. Louis, Seoul, or Warsaw - ninety percent of television can easily be dubbed to be absolute garbage.

Sidenote = Only garbage programs we have are american (bad)or the idea is taken from american shows (awful)
Originally posted by rmsharpe
Reverend Falwell retracted that statement...but I don't suppose that matters. Anything a Republican says, he has to be accountable for, for as long as he lives...

The Reverend Falwell has done many good things for people, as well as Pat Robertson.

As well, the A.C.L.U. is a group of disgusting perverts.

The American Civil Liberties Union has openly defended NAMBLA - a homosexual group advocating perverse, illegal, and immoral sexual activity with children as young as EIGHT (8) years old.

He did not retract it so much as say he was "quoted out of context. " I guess I would be interested in what context this was framed in. I feel right to call him on it, as it is a recent quote, and I don't only hold Republicans to what they say.

Besides finding a way to revive what is apparently a "Christian Nation" (no one told me about this) I don't take kindly to many of Falwell's views.

As for A.C.L.U. what they do is defend civil liberties, and by doing this they get a lot of disgusting clients (Larry Flynt, NAMBLA). If their rights are respected, then the situation won't erupt where mine are threatened. They also don't just defend people, they help with what I view the seperation of Church and State should be by keeping out school-sponsored prayer and posting of the Ten Commandments in the court (Look at commandment number 1 and ask my why that should be included in a court of U.S. Law)

I don't agree with what you say NAMBLA's goal is (though I admit my ignorance on what exactly they are) but they have a right to voice there opinion, so long as they actually aren't having sex with eight years.

If you want to continue this discussion, I suggest another thread, as we are doing a wonderful job hijacking this one. :D But I think both of us are set in our viewspoints.
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