Originally posted by IceBlaZe
All those american talk shows... doesn it give the impression of no surprise anymore? even the comedy in planned surprise seems so fake, in, lets say, conan obrien for example... just looks like all these new talk shows and tv shows in USA are all fake and made ahead, with no provocative answers, and if there are any they are all planned up ahead.
It's a semi-new executive idea that works in conjunction with
Merchandising and mass media, the formula production.
It involves plagiarising someone else's original top-selling idea,
With endless respawnings of the same thing but with a different
Coat of paint, as it were.
You will find the tackiest examples of this with movies like
Pearl Harbour, which was a direct formula copy of Titanic.
Also crass stuff like American Pie...
In TV land, stuff like Friends, Frasier, Seinfeld and other
odious shows in this vien are blatantly unfunny,
Despite their obviously manufactured look.
I think the high point of US comedy TV was the 70's and 80's...
It is really bad in the rock music scene, with a multitude of
manufactured and fake rock-indie bands rolling off assembly
Lines from the USA.
There is a band called Slipknot, who dress up as rejects from
The Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars, they made big bucks
Because they appealed to the spotty 14 year old that digs
That stuff, fair enough.
But then came a legion of drippy and fake copy-cats taking the
Formula and trying to cash in, to point where the rock scene is
Now awash with ludicrous jokers in masks and make-up,
The concept of cheesy rip-offs for a quick buck can be applied to
TV, music, films, anything!